New Roommate

However, it was impossible for Shi Sen to tell Bai Lan this, so she sat silently in her seat.

"Here, eat something. We'll be at the training center in a while." When a slender and fair hand appeared in front of her, Shi Sen looked up and saw Chu Liu standing in front of her.

Shi Sen took the wafer from him and thanked him softly.

"Don't worry. You'll get used to it." Chu Liu sat beside Shi Sen. He thought that she was unhappy because she was nervous.

"Mr. Liu asked me to bring you and Aunt Bai Lan to his house near the training center later. Then, I'll bring you back to the training camp to report."

Hearing Chu Liu's words, Shi Sen asked in confusion, "Will I live in the training camp's dormitory or outside with my mother?"

"It's best if you stay in the dormitory. We need to start training early every day, so it's still a little inconvenient for you to live outside." Chu Liu thought for a moment and added, "When the time comes, ask Mr. Liu to apply for a pass for you. If you want to go outside, just tell him."

Shi Sen nodded gratefully. She was satisfied with Mr. Liu's arrangements. If not for his help, she wouldn't have had the chance to bring her mother to the city.

Chu Liu brought Shi Sen and Bai Lan from the bus a short distance from the training center. Mr. Liu still had many things to deal with, so he didn't accompany Shi Sen anymore.

Chu Liu brought Shi Sen and Bai Lan to the room. Although the place was a little small, it was enough for Shi Sen and Bai Lan.

"Leave your luggage here first. There are personal belongings in the dormitory, so there's probably no need to prepare anything."

After Chu Liu helped them unpack their luggage, he said to Bai Lan, "Aunt Bai Lan, if you need anything, tell me. Mr. Liu has just returned to the city and has a lot of things to deal with, so he can't help for the time being."

"There's nothing else we need. Mr. Liu has already helped us a lot." Bai Lan was also very grateful to Liu De. Without his help, she had no hope of leaving the Shi family.

After settling Bai Lan down, Shi Sen followed Chu Liu back to the training center.

"The training center has a field and two indoor training grounds. It's very spacious. Many team members train there every day. The canteen and dormitory are in the south. I'll take you to see them later."

Chu Liu accompanied Shi Sen to look at the training venue. Because it was almost noon, there were not many members training.

"This is the training schedule. There are different things to do at different times." Chu Liu handed Shi Sen a thick notebook. Not only did it have the training schedule of their team members, but it also had many training center requirements and guidelines written on it.

Shi Sen followed Chu Liu to the dormitory building. Because it was a female dormitory, Chu Liu didn't go upstairs.

"Your dormitory is the second on the left on the third floor, door number 305. There are four people in each dormitory. All of them are members of the female team."

Hearing Chu Liu's words, Shi Sen looked at the dormitory building. There were a total of five floors, and there were probably many people living there already. Shi Sen saw clothes hanging on almost every balcony.

"Thank you, Chu Liu. I'll go up myself. You can go ahead and get busy with your own matters."

Chu Liu nodded as he pointed at a building not far away. "That building is the men's dormitory. I live on the second floor. If you need anything, look for me anytime. Your training will start tomorrow, so just familiarize yourself with the environment today."

After Shi Sen thanked Chu Liu, she walked into the female dormitory. There was a water room and a laundry room on the first floor of the dormitory. The facilities were relatively well-furnished and clean.

Shi Sen carried only a backpack as she walked to the door of Room 305. When she heard voices inside, she knocked first.

"Come in!" After a crisp female voice came from the dormitory, Shi Sen pushed open the door and saw her two roommates in the dormitory.

"Hello, my name is Shi Sen. I'm a new member who came to report today." Shi Sen looked at the two girls in front of her.

One of them was sitting on the bed and she had shoulder-length hair. She was petite and pretty, but she didn't seem to be interested in Shi Sen.

Another girl was standing on the floor of the dormitory. Her hair was tied into a high ponytail. Her eyes were a little small, but her smile was cute. When she saw Shi Sen come in, the girl got up from her chair politely and gave her a friendly smile as she said, "I heard that Mr. Liu brought back a new member. Welcome, Shi Sen. My name is He Yue and she's Feng Shu. We're all members of the female team."