Disdain Towards Her

Shi Sen felt that the girl called He Yue had a good personality, so she smiled at her and asked, "Which bed is mine?"

There were four beds in the room. He Yue and Feng Shu had the middle beds, but the two beds by the window and the door seemed empty.

"No one is staying on the bed by the door. The bed by the window belongs to Wu Ping, who went to the provincial competition, but she should be back tomorrow."

Hearing He Yue's words, Shi Sen nodded and placed her backpack on the bed against the door.

"This cabinet is yours and can hold some of your personal belongings." He Yue pointed at a row of cabinets and handed Shi Sen a small lock with a key.

"Thank you." Shi Sen had a good impression of this girl called He Yue. When she glanced at the girl called Feng Shu, she realized that she was also staring at her.

"What's the matter?" Shi Sen felt a little uncomfortable under her scrutinizing gaze.

"It's nothing. I'm just curious about where you used to train." Feng Shu could tell that Shi Sen was about the same age as her. It was impossible for her not to have trained before.

"I've been living in the village, so I've never trained before. I'm not a professional." Shi Sen didn't hide anything. After she finished speaking, she saw Feng Shu and He Yue looking at her in surprise.

"Did Mr. Liu really bring you back from the village?" She Yue said in disbelief, "Actually, some people say that you're from the provincial team, but some also say that you were chosen by Mr. Liu from the village. But you don't look that young. Have you really never trained before?"

He Yue was obviously a straightforward person. Shi Sen nodded as she explained to her, "I've never practiced before, but I'll work hard in the future."

Feng Shu chuckled and said to herself, "Work hard? You've never undergone professional training, so what's the use of working hard? I wonder what Mr. Liu was thinking when he brought you back from the village."

Only then did Shi Sen understand why this girl called Feng Shu was so cold to her. It turned out that she looked down on her from being a country bumpkin.

"She might really be talented." When He Yue heard Feng Shu's words, she felt that Feng Shu had gone overboard, but she ignored Shi Sen. After all, Shi Sen had never received professional training, so He Yue was also suspicious of her.

"Talent? You think too highly of her. What talent can a poor girl from the countryside have?" Hearing He Yue speak up for Shi Sen, Feng Shu was even more dissatisfied.

"You can look down on me, but there's nothing embarrassing about being born in the countryside. You don't have to be so rude." Shi Sen felt that Feng Shu was clearly disdainful of her, but her ability couldn't be summarized with just a few words.

"Alright, practice with me tomorrow. I want to see how impressive a country bumpkin can be." With that, Feng Shu walked out of the dormitory, leaving He Yue.

"Feng Shu comes from a good family, so she's quite blunt and carefree. Don't take it to heart." He Yue also felt awkward, so she left the dormitory.

Shi Sen didn't care at all. As she made the bed, she thought to herself that she would teach those people who looked down on her a lesson in the future.

Shi Sen was a little worried about Bai Lan, but with her current conditions, she couldn't afford a phone at all. Shi Sen thought of herself in her previous life. Although she was doing well, she had been schemed against by Luo Yu and Fang Rou. In the end, she lost everything and even left them a large sum of insurance money.

Shi Sen decided to go to the canteen to take a look. As soon as she went downstairs, she saw Chu Liu walking over from not far away.

"I was about to look for you, but I forgot that you haven't eaten yet. Let's go to the canteen together." Chu Liu looked travel-worn, so he probably had a lot of things to deal with after returning to the team. Shi Sen nodded at him gratefully. He had really helped her a lot.

"Have you seen your new roommates yet?" As Chu Liu looked at the silent Shi Sen, he couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, I saw He Yue and Feng Shu. One of them is competing in the province and isn't in the dormitory."

Upon hearing Shi Sen's answer, Chu Liu thought for a moment and said, "The person who went to the provincial competition is probably Wu Ping. She's a core member of the female team. When she comes back, you can compete with her."

"Yes, I will." Compared to Wu Ping, Shi Sen was more curious about Yang Jie. After all, Shi Sen remembered that the world champion in her previous life wasn't Wu Ping, but Yang Jie.

After Shi Sen followed Chu Liu to the canteen, she saw that there were many people in the canteen. After Shi Sen and Chu Liu got their food, they sat somewhere not far from the door.