Hybrid : crime bursters

Hybrid : crime bursters

Five years after the demise of the Gmoles, the suffering and exploiting of-hybrids ceased to exist ; no mother will be afraid when she finds out that her child is a hybrid .

Just as every good thing has It's demerits, so was the freedom of hybrids anyone that's not working for the authorities where free to live with their families.

As there are more heroes to defend the city,so was the number of thugs& Super-powered thugs

I major Carly, recieved a report about a student who heated his teachers seat because the teacher uses him to site bad examples and to Impress his friends.

Also the bank robbery which was handled by

Jack and Jefferey, there were not much casualties like before .

The criminals were erradicated and submitted to the police while we clean up the mess made during the ordeal.

Jack always show up in time wherever he is needed. because there were less criminals in the city.

Jack sails around the city for many hours for pleasure, he works at a Construction site to get his daily bread.

This Is the only time when he is not wearing his orange out-fity he puts on a black turedo and set of from his bungalow with his ferrari, a journey of four hours will be covered under two and half hours .

The major security agents that are based in the barack are Carly , Samanda Jenneth , daphne, brad, jefferey while the others only show up when there is need for recruit. Emma works at a resturant as a cook while his brother mike and dane worked with the press as journalist while dane the presenter .

Kalous is an actor he gets what ever good thing he wants; he has his own house which he Calls The kal palace '.

Lucinda vs a multi- player she designs clothes , runs a Supermarket , Vions a resturant and She & a librarian.

We all lead our lives in diverse ways and hardly do we see our friends only mike and dane always show up on television during the news hour, or whenever they are hired to advertise a product .

As the city is developing super thugs and powerful gangsters , we increase in number of agents to tackle the condition , but at times the culprits are usually clones of the original master- mind of

the crime .

Because of his we banned the creation of clones In other to make the Investigation easier for us.

Un known to the authorities , there has been an organisation that sponsor and employ hybrids who can make clones and they are well paid for Such an act. The name of the organisation is not yet known to us because it is some how a secret organization .

Agent dane has been delegated to Scout for the

location of this vicious organisation that alters the rate of crime in the Country.

So far so good nothing yet have been found by dane about the existence of this organisation but the search still continues . Till there emerges a good Info about their existence , we will strike them down .

We found out later the organization ses located in chicago but we didn't get the name of the organisation

Carly sent me; mike, daphne, brad,Jenneth Samanda and Jefferey from the HQ in Washington DC.

I had some news to cast that evening,

So I went to the studio to present the news.

The studio was set and ready to air as he entered, he took his seat and began to read out the news.

After one whole blazing hour of boredomness, he left the studio and set of for his home on his

way to where he packed his car, two thugs approached him one with a pack- knife and the other with a hatchet .

He didn't even pull a muscle or weust his time to fight theim, he sank them into the floor and after several Interogations which gave him all the Info the agency needed , he launched them out on the street from the sewer .

He entered his car and rode of do his house

where he met Emma.

" Good evening he greeted as he enfers mito the house ,

'How's work today'

she asked 'Fine and yours '


'The agency?'

'They are working on something,

Some case of hybrids who produce clones and use them to commit crimes

'Lucinda did you hear that! she said to Lucy who was busy watching a movie. Hear what" said Lucinda 'About clone criminals !

.Nope, where and how'

'An Organisation is in charge of that' replied mike as he takes the sandwich on the table. " How much do you know about that "The location and their product ?

' Say ... have much do pay their workers '

"find out Supergirl, I ain't gonna risk my head for a freaky situation.

"Suit your self" sand Lucinda

' fine ma I will he bellowed into his room to switch out fits, Emma comes out of the Kitchen 'what did you will tell 'em? she asked

Hmmmm nomhmm, said Lucinda opening her palms seperately symbolizing nothing .

Mike comes out in a blue T-shirt and jeans pants ,

It's just five are you guys sleeping over or returning to your homes' asked mike as he sits on the lofa.

Lucinda replied I came to see Emma and not youn So piss off my case'

I'm sleeping over' said Emma

" Why asked Mike

Cause, I want to replied Emma "Well" said Mike to Lucinda who in return said' If she's staying, am staying!

' Oh God said Mike as he pick up his phone to make a call .

"Who' re you calling' asked Lucinda Do you really care replied Mike

Yeah not really '

Dane's Joining us'

What exclaimed Emma from the seats where she was staring at the screen.

"Got any problem" asked Mike reffering to

Emma who was watching a movie

"Nope she replied

Then mike went to get a sandwich from the Kitchen, while Lucinda and Emma continue watching their movie. Few hours later there was a knock on the door and Mike went to an get the door .

Who's there he asked as he pimped through the door hole, 'I'm the Onee" replied Dane outside "Open up'

"What's your password'

"Your aren't serious '

"Wrong password oh Password denied? 'Dude if you won't open up, I'm living?

" Invald password '

"Sonic blast '

"Password Confirmed"

Then he open up the door for him and they joined the rest in the sitting room .

Kalous who was riding home stopped at filling station to buy gasoline when some miniutes later four thugs attacked him and the guy selling gasoline to him ; two of the thugs were hybrid and the other two where normal people .

" I won't be doing that if I were guys said Kalous

"Who the hell do you think you are '

" I don't want trouble , just let the guy go

'Or else what'

"You'll end up in jail this night '

'No Cop is gonna help you'

I don't need 'em to help me

Then one of the thugs cracked his gun and pointed it at Kalous, while the other hybrid one ceased the gasoline guy after falling his car

Then Kalous, asked them 'What do you guys want'

Now you're talking, give me your credit card' You're nuts '

Then the man with a gun fired kalous and Kalous freeze him and the bullets he had fired , he turned to the remaining three, and sand Did you see 'em?

and they answered do you see us as the man holding gasoline man Incinate a flame in his hand and the offer are also Incinate a flame around his arms

At the site of this the hostage slumped on the hard of the Captor.

The other guy with a pistol shifted still pointing his gun at me, so Katous said to him " Look dude if you don't wanna end up in prison , just drop the gun ago run away when you got the chance "

He still stood there pointing his gun at him and later he slowly dropped it and left and his gang mute said to him 'Dude you are a disgrace bro!

But he didn't answer them as he went away

"I Never knew you were this lousy' and kalous Interupted him .

"Drop the guy and face me'

The guy holding the gasoline man dropped him and started shooting fire balls at kalous who dodged them as he was coming closer

Then the thug made a fire wave which Kalous flipped thrice in the air before landing then he Started shooting blizzard at him .

The other thugs they joined him and attack Kalous shooting five arrows and waves with both arms and legs

and kalous was dodging them all as he shoots blizzard at them when a fire arrow almost got his head.

Luckily his body tempo ( temperature ) at the moment was cold so he was able to resist the heat as collide fire and blizzard.

Jack where are you , solvoquised kalous as he was getting weak, so he began to levertate and the pressure gradually reduce as he floats upward as they withdraw their effort and aim at shooting him down as he sails away upwards , they said to him " Come down and get a hot toast and he replied " Catch me! !!!

So he dived down with the force of a coment, the thugs shoot fire balls at him but he estingiushed them and dropped in their mist creating a freezing sonic wave that whole destroyed everything including his vehicle and the whole filling station was destroyed with ice.

The two thugs were frozen so was the floor, when he found out that he can't restore the place, he called the hybrid agents.

But they were too busy to attend to his call so he called Emma Mike's sister who sneaked out from the house to help kalous clear the area and send the thugs to the cops in their frozen statue ..

The event was not reported on any news channel cause no body gathered to withess the Incidence.