Android Genesis and Revival
As we keep the world secured, more trouble arise to keep us restless .
The case of hybrid criminals was still at hand
when another trouble arouse, We recieved reports of Flying Saucers zapping the citizens to ashes injecting fear into the city creating chaos .
Jack was the first to battle against the alien saucers, he defeated them at first and reported to the authorities to evacuate the people from the city only the hybrid agents where allowed and deligated to defend and Protect the city .
What ever made these things think of Invading America will not be small , as we looked at the minions of flying Saucers that we are to vanquish, we remember the battle we had with the Gmole robots.
The battle that gave birth to our freedom .
We were all bent on proving ourselves worthy of our Country and plannet .
As the minions approach my heart pound rapidly against my ribcage struggling not to partake in the battle.
This time Commander Carly created a force feild around us to sheild us from the. lasers and saucers as soon as they started shooting at us we began to fire them all we've got; some agents used guns and explosive arrows to shoot douch the saucers while others used their special powers to destroy the alien invaders .
Before they could reach the roof of the white house, we've already demolished their army
Jack became extremely powerful today the baguanda zhan techniques he learned made him Invincible.
The manner in which he dodged andstrike back was as if the lasers past right through him without any effect ." the alone sails into the mist of the alien minions and brutalize them slowly and steadily .
We were at the position where the force. feld could protect us as we terminate the alien Invaders .
Mike changed the tone of the music when he tore out the section of the ground where we were standing and elavated us into the mist of the saucers while we sporadically shot them down . At the site of this, their reinforcement began to retreat .
We never hesitated to follow them as Jeneth Jeffery, Emma and Brad launched us with fire Into the air following the alien saucers.
As they depart so did we follow up till they alighted on another plannet behind the sun We also alighted but the climate Condition of the Place was not favourable so we didn't stay long.
We all returned back the way we cameand the city was back in shape; the streets were busy.
We all returned to our domains.
Two months later the clone criminals strike again;they attacked a vehicle making factory. We managed to eradicate the workers; Mike did that alone.
There came a lady that walked into the factory ablaze,- the villians fired her but it wasn't effective.
Wow , she's really good said mike
" Jack won't try this It'll be sucide attempt'
added dane.
"Don't just stand there give her a back up' said carly,
'Chief,I'll I can't do that ' replied Done.
"Lucy distract them"
How exactly ; she asked
"With your ....
"Okay she replied and moved two clones out and they ran in armed; as they distract them. The lady ceased one the clone criminals. and asked him "who sent you she said as her hand Inginites a green flame .
But he didn't answer, So she spinned him and thurst him out of the factory .
Without wasting a second,
She followed him and Continued beating up the men and under the cover of smoke, we entered the factory and Unleashed terror on the clone criminals,
We arested them and they were sent to jail.
After the alien Invasiong Jack the leverage has been missing in action.
Nobody knows where we is or what happened to him .
Sybots are bursting into the city and if he were around he'd know how to keep them far away from the city.
New york city , but no .... he's not around .
Velma is novo taking over the space jack left and she's really trying; the way in which she handle the Sybots as really encouraging in the out of crime fighting .
But if jack was around ,
We won't have to spend much of our resources to handle the situation at hand. But we'll still wait for his return .
As his absence has enabled criminals and " thugs to raid stalls and other Commercial places and get away with their loots.
When jack was the watchman, we don't struggle much to catch criminals.
Jack has been kidnapped by the clonecriminals after he returned from his working place . Lucinda was also attacked but she survived the clone freaks because she used her clone to save herself.
The new hero now on the loose is a night watcher but not like jack, the sybot attack is now getting rampant. we actually need to combat them before they regroup cause they Seem to Increase every day in thousands .
Velma has worked extremely hard but it proved abortive.
Jack where are you.
As they continued fighting against the sybots in the city, they create more damages and the people do complain.
Three months, the battle between hybrids and sybobs was still going on; Agent Jeffery is always on the matter of sybots. He alway make a fire wave around him any time he fights against the sybots . Carly promoted him for the galante way in which he fights against the Sybots.
Whenever Jefferey is handling the matter, there is alway's less damages, no bursting
into someone's apartment like other agents. Agents Dane and Mike has always tried to Improve in their team work .
But still yet their team is not perfect without Jack who always help them keep things in order
Although both of them have an extraordinary techniques in fighting the clone criminals, the step is not working out well for the sybots. The hybrids later discover the place where the clones are produced and sent Mike, Dane, Jefferey and Jeneth to vandalize the place and capture most of the clone criminals .
At once , the four of us took off heading to the place on arriving. there, they met Jack. Jack said mike in amazement, but he didn't reply, so they quickly joined him.
"Dude where have you been since' asked Dane, but he didn't reply.
"No time to chat we've got a lot to do at the moment said Jack . '
So you around the city all this while' I Kinda " he replied
"Have you been doing this since all this while? 'A ffrimittive '
"And you never got a chance to call for assistance'
"Year" he replied Don't blast the building let's go get my body '
You're a ghost asked Jefferey kinda ' he replied .
They all ran into the building and continued fighting the clones till they reached an apartment which Jack said his body was locked up in one of those capsules .
From afar the blazing flames of Jefferey and the
Cyclones that Dane created and the boulders mike used pounding the clone criminals .
We hurriedlyscanned through the capsules;as we despatched in different directions, In search of Jack's capsule when we heard an explosion and ran to the spot and met four jacks , then confusion came.
In attempt to resolve the matter, Mike asked which one of you is jack ' but none of the clones of jack replied, Jefferey said
Let's burn'em up and he waved fire at them .
Only one fell on the fell on the floor while the remaining three attacked them .
Dane hurried and picked up the supposed body of jack and left the others fighting three Jack clones .
The fight amongst them was a very classic fight as they had to battle manually against three heafty tripplet- with their martial arts sense.
The Intresting fact about the fight was mike missed several punches and lossed four teeth to jack clone's punches.
Jeffrey who got tired of kicking theair , received several kicks from both Jenneth and Jack's clone .
They used fire on them but no positive results, Mike continued to trap the feet of the clones. it enabled them to burn up the clones and go free from the three super villians.
The hybrid agency is still battling against the sybots; no agent of the hybrid organisation that wasn't busy with the case of the sybots invasion.
The sybots match into the city in groups and any place where they have showed up.
The hybrid agents are always present to set things right!
Jack has returned back to the city after been in the lair of the clone criminals who were trying to make a prototype of the original pack but the hybrid bursted them .
The case of Clone criminal is now settled the whole force of the hybrid agency is now focused on the sybots .
The sybots are now forced out of the city the battle against them is taken place outside the city and covered with a force field that can accept only human and rejects and destroys robots and any sybotized machine.
The citizens can see the flames and lightening that Sparks up the sky and the drastic reduction of the Sybots as Jack and velma watch over the city arresting criminals and fighting crime .
Five months later the hybrids are still fighting the sybots'Only if there is a way we we can just shot these things down' said Mike
Probably smash your way to the location of their power house' replied Brad
" Do you know where the power have is ?' asked Jefferey
'We will just have to find it said Kalous .
"When you guys change the tone , make me the dj" said Emma
I won't be talking that much if I were
in your shoes" Said carly the Commader
" Who got a clue on how we can locate the origin of these Sybots " asked Mike as he continue fighting awaiting reply
When I see the check point I'll let you know" said Jenneth and Continue fighting .
Thanks for your Concerns replired mike as he smashed three sybots at the same time
Jack who was left in the city with task to assist the corps wished he was out there with his friends saving the city from sybots.
As he stared outside the city, there was a blast and he quickly arrived at the scene where five robbers have busted into a Commercial house and had already Completed their robbery and were about to depart When he arrived
'Going some where?' he asked them as he levertate them from the ground.
They pick up their guns and started shooting at him. ' Work on your aims" said Jack as he continued dodging them.
"if you all fail to kill me , you'll end up in jail for attempted murder " he said as he waved
This hand and unleashed a shock wave that splitted their Car in half and five of them were electrocuted .
Later, the police arrived and picked them as jack left hovering around the city still staring at his friends risking their lives for the city they loved.
Three weeks later, some teens were playing power ball at the playground , they were hybrids, how the children played gave him so much entertainment from the top of the building where he sat and watched .
Then an explosion startled him and he flew up towards the area. Behold, he saw five hybrids who attacked a bank and are already leaving when he Intercepted them above with a Cyclone .
How's the day Boys, he asked
Come over and find out ' one of them replied as he decend on them like lightening as they quickly fired him sporadically.
'Is that all you got boys , he asked them as he dodged their flames magnificently.
Can't you aim straight ' he asked and blasted them and dropped creating a gigantic wave, that the thugs escaped it and still stood their ground.
They formed a fire sheild as they entered their vehicle and started runing and Jack chased after them and they continued firing him.
The thugs were persistent with their defense as
Jack was giving them a hot pursuit that made
them launch their vehicle into the air as jack
has been hitting their vehicle with rocks from the alsphat. The haunt continued as the thugs sailed above the city and Jack flying after them.
Suddenly jack stopped and gathered momentum creating an Inferno - cyclone that pulled back the thugs .
He also filled the cyclone with shock waves that rendered their vehicle useless.
As they couldn't stand it. the wave electrocuted them as the cyclone flushed them down to the cops.
The hybrids proceed into the air of the cybots where they encounters a huge problem .
The source of the existence of the sybots ; there was a technical portal with which they cybots where been transported to earth. Mike Sealed the cave at mount forevermore as the hybrids return back to New york city where they handed over the security of new york to the hands of the specialist hybrid cops while the hybrid agency Including jack and velma.
The whole of the hybrids where totally complete and really ready to battle against the sybots and lead them into extinction .
They all preharsed and renewed their. weapons and Improved their skills .
Nobody first class hybrid agent that was excluded from the mission.'
The hybrid agency also but new weapons and this improved their performance during rehersal as their Commander Carly said to the press
'What wediscovered was a big homer that can clean human existence but there will be no need to panic .