
Cybot Extinction

The hybrid agents entered the cave at mount forevermore; at first they planned to seal it but the portal was extremely dangerous as it was sucking up every thing around it.

Get any Idea on how to settle this mutter " velma asked carly .

"Am working on it ' she replied

"It's a portal right ?' asked kalous

Nope , it's a door way; replied Dane

Let's go see the other side of it, said kalous.

" Who will try to do that " asked mike

"We got to if we will stop this thing?

Said Kalous

So what you're saying is that we should walk through that blazing ... 'said Jefferey

If we must see the other end of this' replied kalous as he moves closer to the portal.

I don't know men, but I aint stepping in there, I can stay here and cover up strile any body can risk his self in there' said brad as he steps back

"Let's see if we can pass through said Mikeas he raised a rock and thursted it into the portal and It passed through without burning up .

So the test was a success but who'll go first" he asked.

and everybody pushed out kalous

Wow, what's the matter " Kalous asked as they back away from him.

It's your idea so you'll go first " said

Carly as she points to the portal and it sucked her in, the others quickly Intervend by pulling her back but the force overpowered them and they all fell into the portal

"So am I dead .... " brad asked

" I think so" replied Jeffrey

" Pick up your selves and let's move;

. To what direction madam Dane asked as he floated himself I can't even see any one of you' he said.

"Please cue the lights " said Jenethand Brad incinated a flame and suddenly they had sounds that seem as of some people where jumping in and brad quickly killed the light

" On my count down " said Carly as she begins to count " Five, Four , three , two , one ,

Everybody body fired in various direction and they melted cybot minions around them .

" What would have happend if we ain't got ears asked kalous but nobody cared to reply him

Then a thick manly voice broke the silence

"I won't be going that way If I were you said the voice ; and Carly said to Jack "this is. not the time nor the place '

"I'm not the one " replied jack and the voice sad again " Step outta the way or they'll step on you 9 and Lucinda said to Emme in a low voice cast a die gal, call the name of the voice's owner " and she obeyed and as she wanted to pronounce the name She chorused it alongside the voice ."Bruce ashford , and carly ordered them to run .

Only jack and Velma stood behind to witnessthe Speaker.

to attack never one Came is to here my head she"

Said Early . & No, I not everyone just two are asked absent I said Jeffrey

Danes I she regiuned

" Jack and velma he replied

Hey could work hand in hand to save each others ass " said Samunda .

Let the adamant heroes bel said

daphne They an save their ownn butts " she added

Okay, If anyone detects any danger report at once " said Carly to all of them as they Continue to groope in the dark in search of light .

Also you are fifty percent free to be paranoid "

She also said and Brad said" yeah right"

They continue till they met huge Crystal blazing as if on fire and Lucinda asked carly

. Should we stay here and groike out this what you may call it or Continue groping or Camp here ' and Carly replied in a harsh low voice there you are talking about camping,you have no idea what time is it, you have no idea where we are , we've left too members behind and we arenot sure to come out alive'

Am just saying that we should fake a little break and Continue the -... " She said and leaned on a rock awaiting her replies and others.

But she Insisted that they should continue their

Journey , So as they left dane said to himself

" I'll create a scene" as he sets a time bomb and Planted it on the blazing crystal as they were going .

They came across walls; broken walls with scratches of clawes and talons of over-sized Creatures that they know nothing about . It raised an alarm making every one of them to be expecting any sort of attack and to worsen the paranoddic situation , the bomb that dane planted on the blazing crystal was still Counting down to explosion !

As they await any dangerous sound , dane awaits the explosion of the crystal.

When They heard if they all took Cover as the original beasts of the darkness awakens.

As the explosion dies down it was followed by a huge roar of a tiger , that left Jeneth frozen with fear and stroke Jefferey with panic.

The next was a sound of wings flapping of a gigantic bird, this time everyone has gathered courage to Impetus any problem that appears before them .

Dane's plan didn't work-out as the

Crystal was not even dented So he began to alleulate how he as going to takeit with him to his house and sell it to gaint more cash. The silence was interrupted by approaching footsteps pounding against the floor .

At this everybody was ready to attack at the command of Carly . In the mist of the dark glittered two rubies approaching them (hybrids ).

When it came closer , they were still observing what exactly was approaching when Carly and Emma were swept away into the dark.

"I'm sick of hiding' said Mike as he stamp the floor and shot a rock towards the side were they saw the pair of rubies .

All of a sudden the floor began to quake as if here was an avalanche . The sound was the footstep of the approaching army of sybots and Jefferey Said you guys are about to be brutalized ', as the made a wave of fire that brightened every where were revealing the number of sybots.

' I've always wanted to die a hero?' said " kalous l never planned for this kind of ordeal.

Said brad as he took a fighting stance.

The time of valour is coming! said Mike I hope you'll enjoy the valour? asked Daphne. " protection is what we need now " said jeffery

. Not me am gonna get my sis' said mike as he runs towards the direction where Canly and Emma was taken away . The whole group fired at the approaching monster when, mike yelled Wroooong target?

And from mist came lavae flowing towards them and mike quickly barricade the Cave and they all took to the heels only to meet a bunch of cy bot minions "I don't know about you guys, but an bursting through said Jefferey as he deliver fire balls sporadicallymaking a path for him to pass as the others. blast their way through the cybots .

They continue running towards another batch of Sybots, Mike said to the group 'with or without the senior officers, we should do what we came here for " and they all agreed and stood their ground against the cybots and began to decrease the cybot population .

All we could see was the water splashes and fire waves and lightening and the heavy thude of mikes rock smashing the cybots .

Every bodys combat Intelligence was extremely at work as the outcome result was the vanquishing of the cybots.

Emma changed the fore of the music with pouring lavae on the cybots and it continued and the hybrids sail over and left the Cybots. " We've got alot to do " said Carly We already know?

" Great ... have you seen the ruby beast that

Sweeped us " asked Carly

"Nope " replied jefferey

" We'll face more of them!

" Bring it onl saidd kalous

" there they come and here I go said Mike

Charging towards the Swarm of cybots and eagle tigers as the others join him ;carly, Emma and Daphne took the ruby beast while the rest continued erasing the cybots.

As the brutallization continues, the cybots reinforces more minions, as the fight was Still going on, another eagle tiger slashed Emma and she was extremely Injured as she fell to the floor, Daphne created a huge cyclone for cover.