Cybot Extinction Emma's demise.
Suddenly Emma's eyes turned red with anger as she arises from the floor in a pillar of fire , she said leave me, I'll take care of myself " as she grabbed one of the eagle beasts by the threat and melted it to molten
" leave me ' yelled Emma
" Let's move her Infection is at work ' said Lucinda
Mike, don't worry I'll make it? said Emma as she began to fight like a battle mahine as they departed .
Jack and velma came bursted their way though and Saw Emma on the floor they took her and fought their way through the minions and headed after the hybrids .
.There's no freaking way am going to Loose any other person for this place ' Said mike 'as he hoovers with the rocky hover board he made and Lucinda tried to console him but has anger grew into rage as they met another batch of minions of cybots, Mike fought like four hundred men as he smash the cybobs in hundreds .
His wrath was kindled against the cybots and eagle tigers.
Dane noticed it when he killed four eagle tigers under a single slam.
Every body was at the peak of their powers as the cybot army can't withstand them. They fought gallantly as Emma was passing away Jack and velma were still on the search to meet the group , they meet another round and Jack levertate Emma as they disintegrate the cybots and make their way for the team that was busy with the cybots and eagle tigers .
When they arived , Lucy and Jenneth quickly made space and Covered Emma, Mike never knew what was happening and they cleaned up her wound and she was
- gradually recovering .
As the hybrids battled against the cybots, victory was at their finger tips when Androids joined them and everything was perfectly walking towards their survival .
Who are you guys asked Kalous!
"We are the androids" replied Nora 'Thanks for pushing them back to us? then " said Kalous 'you guys are not needed'
James continued fighting side by side with mike who said . Everybody is needed if we are to putan and to these pestlence
"But you guys already have a casualty? said Bruce
Were you the one who scared us at the time we entered this place " asked Mike as he continue fighting.
"And all you could do was run and scream like kids ? said Bruce as he fought
" You're no match for my bodasity?
. Let's see it,
Mike smashes cybot in terms and replied him " That's a mini sample '
check this ' said Bruce as he was cat wheeling " Cool and , pattern where the did you learn that"
Said Kalous as he struggles with an eagle tiger.
"from a master" he replied
" Enough of this " said jack Do you guys still recall that event on the streets of new york.
" yes --- what about it 'asked Jeneth
" We'll all have to do it " he replied and they all ( hybrids ) accelerate upwards and higher with their hands togother Including Emma, and decend with the force of a Comet and the cosmic shockwave wiped away all the cybots and they were left alone in the desert and jack continued.
Our way out of here is up there ? he said pointing upwards to the sky and they all flew out of the, deserted plannet and returned back to the city of new york.
Emma was rushed to the hospital while the rest despatched to the zones .
When we thought it was all over ,
It was another rise of battle .
Beasts from the jurassic timeline invading the city. As we arrived at the hospital the docs and nurses were hiding.
When Kalous knocked at the door and as soon as he open the door he was Smacked with a fire extinguisher.
Before they recognize us we had to Introduce ourselves officially and take our places and profect the city we all loved.