Jurassic Attack

Jurassic Attack

The choronicles of how we destroyed the Jurassic monsters hat Invaded our world.

Emma created a blazing force feild around the hospital inorder to restrain any beast or stray bullet from the outside .

By this act she granted the personnels of the hospital security as they render their services to her .

Jeneth encounter griffins in California, She and some of the city hybrid cops fought gallantly against them .

She shot at the griffins fireballs and Some she used Sword on and others she used her normal fire wave's.

Although many of the cops were seriously injured they won the fight against those lion birds .

Commander Carly hard an extremetough time with over sized bear wolves.

She could not concentrate as the bearwolves were too fast for her and the manner in which it knocked out the LA Cops was extremely frighten to she and the other Cops .

She suddenly gathered courage and hoped on one of the bear wolves and shocked to to death .

At the sight of his the other Cops mimicked her and there were hewing success

And the casualites were rushed off to the hospital while the remaining combatant continued to fight against the wolf bears .

Lucinda head to use clones to battle against zombies that were parading the city of chicago .

She and four Senior Cops were to protect the city alongside the great Iweinda shovel clone made many,enough to battle against the zombies.

Her case was easier than that of others, but the number of the zombies were many and the corps available out matched them.

Dane had his place Oklahoma he fought a bunch of really tough bad guys that gave him tough time.

But not withstanding he got them all arrested and with the help of the cops of the city the security of the citizens was assured .

Kalous had a good deal of battle with some over sized birds ; picking people and dropping them from the height of a hundred feet.

He and the Cops shot down the birds but not with and that ease, because the birds breath fire just like dragons .

And the right match for them is not in town but still bullet and ice still penetrate their skin. This lead to the defeat of the over sized birds by kalous and the city cops .

Superhero Jack the"leverage guy" had his ordeal with both monsters and criminals alike only that the monsters were once humans and he took pity on their parents as he barricade them from hurting the Innocent people one of the monsters smacked him down.

This made him mad , so mad that he grabbed the monster and slammed it several times on the alsphat and threw him out of the city straight into the atlantic ocean.

He continued taming and controlling the monsters, and instalntly they all changed attitude and ceased Jack pulling his limbs apart .

The Incident Incurred fear to the people and they ran away for their live's and jack heated himself and said to the monsters in a loud voice.

I am sorry for parents ' and pulled himself together Immedrately creating a cosmic blast as he turned in anger against them started killing them one after the other ,

The more he killed the more they Increase and yet still him alone was standing against hundreds of monsters .

Although he fought gallantly and gain victory but he mourned the death of the Souls of the criminals who morphed into monsters and was slain by him in his anger. the return back to the street and heard roars of dynasoours and load hissing of enormous serpent as he follow the thick vernom Slime on the street and met a huge viper.

'Hey I didn't see you there?

and the snake kissed opening it's mouth in an attempt of inhaling everything that stoodin his way. I do not tolerate neighbour hood Vandalization" said Jack as he fired shock waves at the serpent. The serpent reacted by approaching him and he took a stance and release a huge ball of fire straight Into the sepent.

The heat was too much for the sepent so it explode to flames.

Jack dashed on through the city blasting and electrocuting all the monsters in the city.

Samanda made a lot of lee sculptures . out of the mean eating plants .

Mike discovered that the founder of the clone factory was the "Gmole organization in new york , he sneaked into their base and squeeze the two sentry robots to death and entered the control room where he destroyed the control unit of Clone factory robots and there was an alert that assembled the whole agents against mike.

He tore the door of the Control room and turn it to a weapon, and await the clone agents and robots. with the weapon he formed he cut them into shreds and bursted into another room where he meet another set of clones and he attacked them and destroyed them all and continued moving from department to department and fighting against the opposing robots and clones .

Mike saw the shadow of two clones approaching him and quickly appeared before them and they fired him and he blocked the It and smacked them down and preced them in wave of the blade he made out of a door.

Blood dripped on the floor of were he had slayed a clone .

Without any Fear in him he continue wondering about in the factory killing any clone that came to attack! him, till he met a man that pleaded with him not to kill him , he took the man along and after four hours of wondering around a pack of capsules he turned to ask the man if he knew any way out of the factory and the man turned against him with the assistance of some robots lunder his Command.

Still yet he did not yeild to them, although he was surrounded yet he still busted himself free from them and slayed them one after the other .

He finally burn down the factory.

Brad had his in miami, where they Suffered from zombies that turned people to zombies. It was not easy seeing your loved ones turn into your enemies . Even some of the cops were turned to zombies, but those remaining took to fate and fought hard to make sure that no other person was Infected.

By so doing they decreased the population of the zombies and eliminated all the zombies.

Jefferey the blazing agents handled the blazing situation of oversized dragon flies he get the city altare ins other to defeat the dragon flies although they weren't much damages but he succeeded.The next trouble was that of soldier ants Invading the city, the case was handled by jeffery and five cops.

They stand against the pestlence Insects all day Blazing continuously with fire . For a minute they never took a break, they keep On burning the ants till it was all over ..

Daphne fought against a monster that escape from the Cinema hall.It was said to have come out of the movie jurassic world and attacked the viewers creating chaos in the focon. Daphne and police haunted the monster down and then the monster stood before them with its eyes bloodshot as it approaches at the Cops who began to shot sporadically at the T rex.

Daphne charged towards the dynasour with assault machine gun firing continuously at it as The closer in on it an she accelerate high above the Tyrannous rex and continued shoting straight to the head .

The dynasaur tried to catch her as she hoover around it and still shooting at it ,when She ran out of bullets , as she fling the gun away and pulled out a sword as she decends on the dynasaur .

As she stabbed the monster, it roared in pain as it s chase after the cops who quickly entered their vehicle and took to their heels, as the monster chases them.

Daphne continued stabbing the dynasour till the dynasur finally fall down dead .

Little did they know that this waves the first one .

Seven dynasours were at rampage in the town and only one has been slayed and six were still roamming about damaging the city "

Daphne sailed upwards in order to locate another dynasaur in town as soon as she saw another one she decend to the place and stab the big bad monster to death .

She killed three dynasours by herself before Velma joined her and killed the remaining four .

Velma evacuated the whole scums of the fallen or terminated dynasaur and dispose them in the sea .

As the fire services extinguish the houses that were on fire, the hybrid members return to the hybrid base , where they sent words to the president of the country that security is perfectly in order .

Nineteen years later some teenage hybrid formed a sport in which hybrids form two seperate teams and fight against their opposing team and the first team to knock out all their opponent is the winner or the last team surviving is the winner and the match consists of four rounds.

And no contestant is allowed to use two different elemental powers, and no combination of force.

After the war,there was a new era; an era of both Super humans and non Super humans live together without racism amongst them.

They all lived together like one big family.

But the citizens who choose to be outlaws were always meeting their already destined fate in the hands of Jack and Velma the city night watchers and the hybrid agents.

And the country no longer suffered attacks from external forces and plannets and they all lived happily ever after.