
"You have to do something right, You must protect the earth realm" Sounds of weavering nightmares in the sleep Mino woke up he was having a nightmare. It was almost midnight he was leaving far from people's town in the woods, he had a small house there living with an old man.

"What is it Mino?"

"I think am having nightmares dad, I keep having these visions of a man standing in front of me and stares at me. Magical voices whispering in my ears about my powers"

"Your powers are the gifts given by Gods no one should know about you" Mino sat on the bed.

"Why do you think I have these powers? why only me?"

"You are the true protector of this realm, the stronger amongst all"

"What do you mean?"

"You will understand someday, now go to sleep"

"Need some fresh air" Mino left he went outside the house.

"Who am I?"....

In Kuzatan Miller Jasper and Clair were practising on how to use their powers.

"I still don't get this Creature we are ready now when do we have to fight?"

"Jasper getting your powers doesn't mean you mastered it already. You have to learn how to control it, aim it and focus on it you have a long way to go"

"Fine then dear creature lets see where this gets" Creature saw Harry in his circle focusing.

"You keep on I will come back soon" Creature walked away he went to stand staring at Harry.

"Do I disguise you Creature?"Harry opened his eyes and stared at Creature with an angry face.

"You have to focus Harry, believe in your self"

"Oh stop it already, we both know your favorite was Mino all along so don't try hard to be good to us"

"I am and always equal to all of you since you were born"

"But you treated us defferently from the way you treated Mino and we all know that" It started raining.

"Go on. One of your students has lost control of his powers, mean while I will wait here trying to fetch what isn't mine"

Creature turned around and started walking slowly. Harry closed his eyes and continue focusing. Miller followed him.

"How do you think he's holding up?"

"He is having a hard time now but he also anguish"

"Do you think he is ready to accept these powers?"

"He is but what worries me the most is what he would become once he received his powers"

"What do you mean?"

"Harry is destined to be the evil one amongst you, Evil is his nature, he has to decide what he would become and lets all hope that he won't choose evil because he will kill us all"

"Do you think he can do that?"

"He will have deamons and creatures that will support his motive, he is born to rule the evil realm"

"Then we will defend earth realm no matter what"

"Even if it means killing him? will you kill your own brother?"

"For earth realm I will... beleive me" Creature walked away...

In Khuisar Eliyah was home cutting the woods for fire she was all alone with an axe walking searching for woods she was walking dreaming thinking of a man who saved her yesterday.

"I didn't even get to say thank you"

"What for?" She heard a voice behind her she turned and saw that man again wearing a half mask.

"It's really you"

"What are you doing in the woods all alone?"

"Looking for woods as you can see, what about you?"

"Do I have to report to you my activities?"

"Fine keep it to yourself, infact Tell me what was that thing yesterday that wanted to eat me? it was scary you know?"

"You don't understand anything but you have to be alert, all I can tell you is that becareful" that man wanted to walk away.

"Then please tell me your name, Mine is Eliyah El for short"

"Go Home El, the woods is no place for woman" That man left. Jasper was fighting Clair once again he was beating her Clair flied up and started rounding creating a turnado and hit Jasper.

"We use our powers now in training Clair?"

"Duh.... I won" Jasper stood up he was angry it started raining.

"Come on whats with the rain?"

"We are done for today you may dismiss" Clair and Jasper walked away but Jasper didn't want to call off the rain, it was getting heavier Harry was still focusing creature showed up.

"One of your students is bothering me"

"You have to stop now"

"Why don't you just leave me alone?"

"Am trying to help you"

"Well you are not helping, be thankful that I didn't get my powers because once I get it, you are the first person am gonna use it to kill" Harry left. Later that day Creature was practising fighting all by himself another creature showed up.

"Wow I can see you are having a hard time little brother"

"What do you want? Rafael?" Rafael hit him harder on the chest creature fell he stood up and wanted to fight back but Rafael was gone he apperd behind him and stabbed him with a knife.

"The world you wanted is no longer existing" Jasper Clair Harry and Miller showed up they wanted to fight Rafael but Rafael stopped them. Creature's condition was getting worse. Clair created a turnado and sent it to Rafael but he flew and destroy it she turned into a banshee going to kill him Rafael held her horns, Jasper was going to him Rafael hit her with a stone on the chest Harry was watching he didn't want to fight him. Miller turned into a Manticore and roar very loudly.

"Stop this madness" Creature stopped them.

"You and your students are no match for me creature"

"Yeah except for me. I am not his student not anymore"

"Oooo The evil one" Rafael letted Clair go. he started walking slowly towards Harry.

"I like this one, anguish and evil"

"Leave Rafael you have no place here"

"But he didn't get his gifts yet poor you, Creature didn't let use the easy way?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't listen to him he is a liar"

"Creature didn't teach you everything Harry"

"What else did he lied to us?"

"Everything but I can teach you everything, You will get your powers and become the strongest you are ment to be"

"Don't listen to him he is lying to you Harry, that man is dangerous"

"More dangerous then you?, you don't get me to decide what should or shouldn't do creature, come on lets go"

Miller stood in front of Harry.

"You are blocking our way big brother"

"Stay with us have faith and you will get your powers Harry"

"No am not like you Miller am a bad person my soul is evil"

"Please don't leave us we are one family"

"Good luck with that" Harry decided to followe Rafael and left away Jasper woke up he saw Harry was gone.