
"Mino Mino wake up Mino"

"Dad what is going on?" Mino had a hangover sleep he was unconcious he was loosing vision. Mino was helped standing up but thunderstorm hit them both they fell down their house was destructed and collapsed they were outside. tgere was a heavy rain. Mino's father received a spear on his chest.

"Nooo!!!" Mino didn't saw who shot it he called on the fog and started searching for the one who threw the spear.

"Son help me up" Mino helped him that spear vanished Mino was shocked..

"What exactly is this?"

"You have to listen to me okay there's no time. My time has come I am a bad deamon from the satanic kingdom sent to kill your family long time ago but I failed and found you"

"How does this related to any of this?"

"I ran from my duties they were hunting me down for years now, I must die since I failed I hid your powers away but once am gone your powers will be released, please don't use your powers to hurt people instead protect them, be the protector you are ment to be"

"How can I do this without you?"

"Be brave always..." That man died Mino dug a grave near the foresh and burried him. Suddenly he started hearing things from a far he was hearing people's movements and activies from the town, he was hearing waterfall from the lakes in the mountains, his head was hurting he started having visions as he was on the sky he was seeing down on the ground fron the sky his eyes turned light red he fainted down on the grass. Miller was fighting Clair he was lost he stood and used his super speed to put Clair down but Clair called on turnado and hit him Miller fell.

"You are getting stronger everyday Clair am impressed"

"And you are getting weak and weaker Miller" Jasper showed up to them

"Why don't you guys use knives and fight one another?"

"We don't need knives we already know who's the stronger one is"

"Me I am the stronger among you all" Clair said

"Says the banshee"

"Well this banshee can kick your ass down"

"It's gonna take longer then you think to put me down Clair"

"You can't handle your own powers think you can win me?"

"You guys keep on I'm gonna go check on creature" Miller left them alone to practice he went to look for creature. He saw him praying with his eyes closed. Creature opened his eyes he saw Miller in front of him

"Hey did I interupt you in any way?"

"No, don't worry about it"

"Have you find out anything about Harry?"

"I'm trying but that bastard Rafael blocked every entrace"

"What does that mean?"

"Now, we hope Harry don't get the pheonix powers"

"And what does this pheonic powers means?"

"The most powerful immortal powers in the five, it can be able to kill and take away your powers, it is the leader and it's very dangerous, once Harry gets it then we will all die"

"I don't think he will get that powers, there is Mino remember"

"We don't know if Mino is alive or not we can't be sure about that thats why you have to be alert"

"Yes thats a good point" Mino opened his eyes he ssw himself in his house on his bed, he sitted on the bed trying to figure out how he got there but he heard footsteps outside as if someone was trying to get inside, he stood up and hide behind the door. The door was opened a woman walked inside he wanted to hit her with a cup on her head but that woman turned and stopped her.

"What were you trying to do?" It was Eliyah

"What are you doing in my house?"

"Well You are welcome" El had a glass of water she putted it on the table. She wanted to walk outside Mino held her hand.

"I asked you a question how did you get in here?"

"I was passing looking for woods then I suddenly saw a fog so I ran to it hopping to see someone but instead I ended up showing here I saw you fainted down beside the grave and I saw the house so I guessed you stay here thats why I brought you here inside"

"You carried me on by yourself?"

"You aren't that heavy, whats the big deal?"

"Fine thank you for helping me"

"Don't worry my name is Eliyah by the way El in short I live near the mountains north from your house" El offered a hand Mino was staring at her.

"Okay My name is Kane"They shake hands... El was staring at Mino's eyes. Mino saw that he didn't want to tell Eliyah his real name.

"What are staring me like that for..?"

"You remind me of someone I met two days ago, you have the same eyes"

"You must be wrong"

"No I am not, you have the same eyes"

"What is his name?"

"Thats the problem that bastard saves me two times already but never bothered telling me his name"

"May be because he doesn't want you in his life"

"No you don't have to say that, deep down I know that we will meet again soon I have faith in me" Mino was staring at her beautiful eyes.

"But now I have you right?"

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, we are supposed to be friends now since I helped you out, what do you say?"

"Am not good with friends I never had onces since I was born"

"Gees what's your story then?"

"I don't really know, But I was raised with my uncle and He told me I lost my memories since My father died and I can't remember when exactly was that"

"Too bad for you, but don't worry now that we are friends we will be seeing eachother more often, I will teach you how to live well with people what do you say about that?"

"Deal" They shake hands once again then El walked outside Mino was walking her home.

"I guess this is where I say goodbye it's almost dark"

"Okay then I will see you tomorrow"

"Okay goodbye" El walked away Mino was staring at her