The Protector

Early in the morning it was Saturday Mino was having a nightmare he was hearing things from far away as his powers were talking to him, he suddenly opened his eyes hi saw Eliyah he was shocked.

"What kind of human being are you?" Mino covered himself with a bedsheet

"What are you doin in my house?"

"We are friends now we are supposed to look out for each other"

"Yeah but not breaking eachothers doors when we are asleep"

"You were having a nightmare in the morning? I knocked like six times you didn't respond"

"Yeah still doesnt give you the right to break my door"

"Tell me first rule of friendship no lies. What are you hiding from me?"

"Nothing El why would I lie to you?"

"Are you sure you are not the same punk who wears a half mask and save people in Khuisar?"

"What are you talking about?" El had a newspaper she showed it to Mino there was Mino's picture with a half mask Mino took it

"Shadow hunter!"

"They call him the shadow hunter because he hunts down monsters and deamons tonight he can appear when ever there's a devil" Mino laughed.

"I am sorry but I am not the one in this picture you have the wrong man" Eliyah took it back

"Fine then if you are not the one then you won't need this"

"What are you gonna do with that?"

"Am gonna find out whoever this is he has the answers I need" El put it on her bag she was preparing to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"To the village market why don't you pop in" Mino decided to go with her to the market. On the other side in Kuzatan Creature was fighting with a Manticore He managed to win him A turnado appears and hit creature very hard he didn't stay still a Chpacabra showed up and hit him with his posion tail. Creature fell down Miller and the others stopped the fight.

"You are ready now"

"Yes!!! Whooooh" Jasper was cheering

"Are you that happy Chipacabra?"

"You don't know how long I have been waiting Now I can manage to have a real fight"

"I got a message The gate of the other deamons world has opened Devils and monsters are approaching in earth and the only village that is neerest the earth surface is Khuisar a small village of peace people the reports says several devils abd monsters showed up but they were found dead"

"Then that means there's another protector fighting them"

"Theres a big chance"

"Do you have any idea who could it be?"

"I don't know but the words are spreading in the village they call him a shadow hunter with a mask on his face"

"Could it be Harry may be he got his powers now he decided to live there ao he protects it"

"I doubt it, Harry is taken by Rafael the devil monster after Lucifer and Wherever he is now once he gets his powers then I will be the first one who dies"

"Then could it may be... Mino"

"I don't know"

"Then we have to find out but what if there's another immortal being"

"Then he must be the protector too"

"Get ready I am sending you in Khuisar all of you, you must seal the road of entering the earth surface there"

"And when do we leave?"

"That will be tomorrow morning" Clair and Jasper walked away inside Miller helped up Creature.

"Is there a chance of Mino's survival?"

"Iv'e checked outerlands, hotlands and Kuzatan there's no sign of him but If he is really alive then he will be the one who's gonna find you" In Khuisar village market for the first time Mino was in the market he eas staring at people he saw different people children elders he was greeting everyone he sees on his way. Eliyah was laughing at her


"Is this your first time coming down to the village?"

"What makes you say that?"

"I can tell by the look on your face, come one this way" They continued walking they saw people were making a comedy scene to children and some of elders were watching about the shadow hunter Mino and El stopped by to watch for a moment

("Here comes the shadow hunter the only brave man who walks on this land as the protector of man kind I hereby demanding all you devils return to hell" Devils showed up "Shadow hunter today you will die" "Fog!!" Fake smoke was putted on as to present Fog and the shadow hunter killed the devils") Mino was watching.

"Hey come one we gotta go" El hold her hand and left with him she went to buy some soaps and fruits then they walked back to the mountains where they live. Tonight that day in Kuzatan Miller and others were in the living room it suddenly started raining.

"Oh come on Jasper what is it this time?"

"That's not me guys"

"Make it stop Jasper"

"It's true Clair its not my doing" The rain was getting heavier suddenly thinderstorm approaches

"See I dont have the power of thunder" Creature showed up in the living room.

"Creature what is this?"

"Someone powerful is here hurry close all the windows"

"We are not running from this fight creature let us be who you trained us to be we are fighting this" Suddenly a lighting matches it hit all of them they fell down the window was broken Harry showed up inside.

"Hello guys missed me"

"Harry" Miller and the others were shocked. Harry used his powers and hit Creature with lightning Creature died