
Tonight that day in Kuzatan Miller and others were in the living room it suddenly started raining.

"Oh come on Jasper what is it this time?"

"That's not me guys"

"Make it stop Jasper"

"It's true Clair its not my doing" The rain was getting heavier suddenly thinderstorm approaches

"See I dont have the power of thunder" Creature showed up in the living room.

"Creature what is this?"

"Someone powerful is here hurry close all the windows"

"We are not running from this fight creature let us be who you trained us to be we are fighting this" Suddenly a lighting matches it hit all of them they fell down the window was broken Harry showed up inside.

"Hello guys missed me" They all were shocked to see Harry Creature was having a hard breathing. Harry walked infront of him.

"Remember what I told you once I get my powers? Guess what" Harry turned into a monster it was a chimera he hold Creature and hit him with his tail Creature hit the wall and fall down. Miller stood up he was going to fight Harry but Harry hit him with his lightning Harry fell.

"You cannot Fight me stop this"

"You stop this Bastard" Clair prepared a turnado and hit Harry with it but it didn't do anything to him he was more stronger then all of them Harry hit her with lighting Clair fell beside Miller.

"Stay down both of you"

"What about me Brother" Jasper Turned into a chipacabra And he was very fast he was hitting Harry with his poison spines from his neck Harry was becoming weak due to the poison. Jasper turned back into human and hit him very hardly on the chest Harry fell outside the house. He stood up again Jasper started controlling the rain he brought a heavy rain.

"Miller a little help here" Miller stoop and and used his powers to control the rain into falling heavy stones snow Harry was hit Clair appeard and created a heavy turnado and threw it at him. Harry was hit away. Jasper made the rain stopped. They all rushed to Creature.

"Hey hey are you okay?" Creature was out of breath he was bleeding within inside.

"Am sorry you have to continue this journey on your own remember be positive look out for eachother and fight side by side as one"

"How can we be able to go through all that without you?"

"Go find the one who holds the power of the pheonix he is the leader of all of you"

"How can we be able to identify him creature"

"He uses the Fog power" Creature took his last breath and slowly closed his eye Harry was slowly walking he witnessed creature's death.

"So he is dead?" Miller stared at him with angry eyes he flied up and turned into a Manticore When he wanted to go after him. Harry vanished. The other day early in the morning they were burying creatures they all parked their bags.

"The only protector Father left us with is dead what should we do now?"

"Go to Khuisar and seal the road for monsters am sure that was our first assigment needs to be done"

"What about Harry we should not let him go so easily he will be a threat to people's lives"

"He already is but first we need the pheonix we need eyes from the sky I think that is why creature wanted us to go there"

"Fine then let us go" They started walking away slowly going to Khuisar village. In Khuisar early in the morning El was running very fast she went at Mino's house and started knocking.

"Hey what's wrong"

"Father he stopped breathing please help him" Mino took his medicines and rushed with Eliyah in her house he saw an old man sleeping.

"Okay I need you to wait outside please"

"It's okay I can manage" Mino listened to his heart beatings but he wasn't responding

"Okay I need hot water please" Eliyah run away outside to get a hot bowl of water. Mino turned his eyes red and putted his hands on that old man's chest and said magic words a white light appeard from that man's chest and when it's gone that man woke up.

"It's okay breathe, breathe" That man was having a hard breath Mino laid him on his side. El showed up with a bowl of water she was shocked to see him alive.

"How did you?"

"Now it's not a good time" Mino took a hot water and slowly started massaging his back from the neck.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Thank you my boy how did you know where to massage me?"

"My granfather used to have the same illness"

"But as far as I remember I died you brought me back to life" El was shocked hearing that

"Are you sure you were dead father?"

"I was dead for twenty minutes"

"Tell me something uncle when you died what did you see?"

"I saw myself in hell" Mino smiled

"See you didn't die you were just out for a couple of minutes but don't worry am sure hell is big enough for all of us" Mino smiled and stood up. Eliyah saw him outside

"Thank you for your help"

"It's what friend do right?" Mino smiled

"Take care of him I will be home" Mino walked away Eliyah was looking the way Mino walks away with a smile on his face.