Welcome To Khuisar

Tonight Mino was having a nightmare he woke up he saw his house was filled with Fog he was shocked.

"What is this?"

"This is you?" Mino saw a man in front of him wearing a half mask on his face woth her eyes red. He stood up.

"You are the shadow hunter"

"No you are the shadow hunter" That man ran outside Mino followed him that man was running Mino was chasing him he ran and ran and he suddenly didn't see him he stood in the middle of the trees the place was filled with Fog he felt something behind him he turned and saw a spear going his way he kicked it very hardly.

"Wow you really are stronger but yet you don't have your powers yet"

"Show yourself and lets find out" That man appeard in front of him.

"Who exactly are you?"

"I am you" That man removed his mask it was Mino he was shocked.

"How can this be? This is a dream"

"Is it?" That man punched him on the face Mino started bleeding.


"Then how are we look alike?"

"Idiot there is only one of us, I am inside you you have to take your powers"

"I have my powers I have A Fog's power"

"What about the other power? The Phoenix"

"Yes I do have it I can sense things from a far, hearing and seeing from up of the sky"

"Have you ever turned into a Phoenix?"

"I can turn? Wait what is this all about?"

"Here's a deal i teach you everything and give you your powers and at the end you fight me and proove to me you are worthy of your powers"

"And what If I loose?"

"I will kill Eliyah"

"Deal when do we start?"

"You have the power of summoning the fog, you can hear, sense and see from a far thats good, you can fight that great but you don't know how to turn into a phoenix and thats the problem"

"What do you mean?"

"You may have your powers now but they are not strong yet you have to be stronger and stable and by that you have to turn into a complete phoenix to complete the transform without that you are nothing"

"So what are you suggesting I should do?"

"Your first task Turn into a PhoenixI will be waiting" That other Mino left. Mino woke up it was morning as his usual he saw Eliyah staring at him.

"Rise and shine aleeping beauty"

"Oh God you should stop doing that"

"Why do I scare you Kane?, come on lets go" They walked in the marked at the village. There were so many people.

"Why there are so many people today?"

"Today is Sunday praying day to our Gods you don't know?"

"No why would I be knowing of Gods?"

"Come on we have to go and joined the prayers" Eliyah hold his hand and they were walking towards the people Eliyah was walking while staring at Mino's face she suddenly bugged into someone. It was Harry he turned around and faces her.

"Watch where you are going puny human" Harry was staring at her with angry eyes he was walking towards her Mino stood infront of her and guide her.

"Who are you to interfear?"

"She is with me and she didn't saw you"

"I was standing on her front yet she didn't see me? What exactly were you doing?"

"I am sorry It will never happen again"

"Well it already happened" Harry was with Rafael

"Please we don't want any trouble" Mino turned around and wanted to walk away with Eliyah but Harry stood infront of them. Mino letted go of Eliyah

"Step back El" Harry started laughing

"Puny human what are you gonna do to me huh?"

"Why don't we find out about that?" Harry wanted to punch him but it started raining so of a sudden Harry stopped and laughed. He turned around and saw Jasper Miller and Clair.

"Welcome to Khuisar family" Mino wanted to walk away Harry stopped him.

"I will find you boy this isn't over" Jasper stopped the rain.

"Stop making threats at people" Miller was staring at Mino. Harry smiled and walked away slowly Jasper followed Mino.

"Are you okay?"

"I am thank you" Miller and Clair followed them

"That was Harry son of Jakoub what did he wanted from you"

"Nothing we were on our way thats all we just happen to bug into him" El was staring at them they were carrying knives and swords she whispered at Mino.

"They have swords"

"Don't worry we are not here to hurt you?"

"She heard me"

"Ofcourse I heard you I am a Goddess one among the five immortal" El was shocked

"Oh my god you are the banshee? Wow! The Three protectors of earth" Mino was staring at El how she cheers them up. El bowed at them

"What are you doing you should bow?"

"Am sorry what"

"They are the 5 five immortals protectors of earth realm"

"But I only see three here" Jasper walked in front of him.

"You have a problem with that man?"

"You don't scare me, you may have knives but I have my hands" Miller stood in front

"Save it we are here to meet a famous man called himself a shadow hunter you happen to know him?"

"Now we don't"

"Yes I do he saved me two times when I was in danger do you think he is one among the five immortals?"

"We do but first we need to find that man can you take use where he is?"

"He only appears himself when there is danger at the people, monsters or devils who wants to kill people mo one ever saw his real face before he only appears with Fog"

"Then we will wait for him we just need a place to stay Is there a place nearby?"

"No there isn't you have to go"

"Actually there is one place to go to" El was staring at Mino with a smile on her face.