Mighty Heroes

Sometimes later they were in Mino's house. El was the one who welcomed them.

"Feel free to live here untill you finish your business"

"I admit I love the place so far from village we can be able to train and excercise here thank you"

"My name is Eliyah but you can call me El and this is my best friend Kane"

"Nice meeting you Kane and El"

"Escuse us for a minute" Mino took El outside for a talk

"I don't want stangers in my house"

"It's great think about it they can protect you 24 hours a day am so jelouse"

"Well I don't need protection"

"But they came from legends they are basically Gods"

"Trust me I know only One God and Am pretty sure he doesn't dress like that" Mino went back inside the house Miller was staring at him.

"Are you sure we haven't met before?"

"Am sorry dear Gods I already told you I mever met you in my life"

"Well then I hope I will see you tomorrow Kane" Eliyah walked away home. She left Mino with guests.

Tonight that day it was very quiet Mino was inside his room Miller and the others were outside the house practising Mino woke up and went outside.

"Oh Kane you are up"

"No I can't even sleep because of your noise"

"How dare you speak to us that way, do you even know who you are talking to?"

"Listen Clair I decided to stay up here in the mountains because I didn't want to hear any kind of noise okay? So do me a favour and do your things quietly please" Suddenly a storm was passing Mino and the others were shocked.

"It's a storm devil he is here they all saw a devil with wings flew above them.

"Ouh nooo that is where Eliyah is living" Jasper and Clair started running towards it

"Okay Kane go inside and wait for us let us do our work I promise you El will be safe"

"Okay don't mess up" Miller turned into a Manticore and started running towards the others. Mino was shocked.

"So they can turn too?" Mino turned his eyes into red and wore his mask then he started running towards them too. That devil reached El's door when it wanted to open it A Chipacabra showed up and hit it it fell far from the house door. A banshee showed up she wanted to hit it with a turnado but the devil turned into human form and kicks her. Manticore appeard they started fighting Jasper turned into human going at him.

Suddenly Fog appeard out from nowhere they didn't saw anything For two minutes soon after the fog disappears that devil was killed long time ago they saw it's head down. They were shocked. They stared on the roof they saw the shadow hunter looking at them.

"So you are the shadow hunter we heard of?"

"What does that makes you?"

"Mighty Heroes?" Jasper was joking

"What do you wan't in Khuisar?"

"We are here to make sure the gate is sealed and prevent devils and monsters from entering the earth realm and ofcourse we need your help"

"And why would I help you three immortals?"

"Because we need an eye from the sky? In fact we are supposed to be the five immortals"

"What happened to the other two?"

"One was taken when he was young, we don't know if he's still alive or not but we will look for him too, and the other one turned to be a monster himself and he is already her, thats why we need to stop him"

"And what makes you think that I am among those five immortals?"

"Because you have powers you aren't suppose to have" Mino was shocked

"Enlight me Banshee"

"Thos powers was someone else's you just happen to hold them for a while untill we find the true owner you will keep it"

"Okay Iv'e heard enough for today here is what we gonna do, what Khuisar needs is not heroes it needs a protector and I can manage doing that by myself so you have 12 hours to leave this place or I will come for you and kill you by muself" The Fog appeard for a while when it was gone Mino was also gone.

The other day morning Harry was with Rafael in a house near the village. They were talking.

"Am tired I need human blood Harry"

"What kind of monster are you actually? Since we known each other you never showed me your true monstrouse side" Rafael turned into a monster it was an Orge.

"I absorb human soul and drinks human blood fresh from the veins"

"Then how are we gonna find the gates from the other side?"

"Tonight we will open the gates and unleash evil in earth realm you with me or what"

"You know I am but first we need to have you fed come one let's go" The other side Kate was on her way at Mino's house she was walking while shouting

"Kane, Kane come on we have to go" Jasper showed up to her with a smile on his face

"Master Jasper" Eliyah bowed to him

"No need to do that Eliyah"

"Am looking for Kane did you see him?"

"He is inside snoring" Eliyah laughed

"I like to watch him snoring it's entertaining" Eliyah walked inside Jasper was staring at her.

"You seem to enjoying yourself brother"

"Oh Banshee what now?" Clair showed up to him.

"I am abaout walk in the market care to join me?"

"Okay lets go" They started walking away to the market. Eliyah went inside she saw Mino waking up.

"You missed today where is everyone else?"

"Market I suppose they left early"

"How about you how was your night yesterday?"

"Good thanks for asking come on we should get going"

They prepared and went to the marketwhen they reached they saw people gathering as there was something going on. They saw 5 people were killed their necks were bitten down as they were blood fed.

"Oh my God what happened to them" (See their necks monsters are here the shadow hunter didn't saved them) Villagers were talking. Miller Jasper and Clair showed up Mino stared at them