Welcome To The World Of Monsters

Clair and Jasper helped cleaning the mess Miller stood up to give a speech to everyone in the village market.

"Elders brothers and sisters as we can see now Demons have been released to our world, our village and many of them got away and took our loved once, sisters, brothers and children they may be dead by now or they may have fed to them by now all we know is that they are not with us anymore but we can't let those monsters and demons out there to just come into our world and lay hell in it take away everything we work so hard for no, we can't let that happen"

"What do you think we shall do now? Shadow hunter has turned into one of them and flew away"

"Yeah we all saw that" (village shouting in distance noise)

"Yes We all so him turn into a phoenix and flew away but ask yourselves this, "why after he turned he didn't take a human with him to go feed? Thats because he is not a monster nor a demon. He is one among the five immortals who were chosed and gifted by Gods to protect the earth realm"

"That's a made up of words The five immortals never existed after all" (village woman shouting)

"My fellow villagers The Five Immortals are not made up of words they are real and they come from Legends"

"How can we beleieve you? Who are you anyway stranger?" (men shouting)

"I am one among the five immortals"

"Proove it turn into a Banshee or anything" (villagers shouting in distance) Clair took a step in front of Miller and turned into a Banshee every villager saw that they remain quiet and bow their heads to them as they were working on beleiving what they just experience in front of them.

"Rise people of Khuisar this is not a moment to bow your heads to us, remember we all are human beings, we bleed just like you bleed, we eat normal food just like you do, the only different between us is just we are chosen to protect the earth realm, and that doesn't mean that you cannot protect yourselves no, you can do better and even protect us so the time has come grab anything you want because from tomorrow things will change and we all know that, This is a world of monsters now amd we are all in it from tomorrow there might be demon walking with us, eating with us or even sleep with us because these demons can turn into human being and hide their true forms. There are those demons who hunts in daylight and thise in who hunts in dark. Most of these demons absurb souls, feed fresh blood straight from the veins and most of them kill or turn you into one of them so here it's what we gonna do, stay alert make sure the village market is cleared around 6:30pm from tomorrow onwards men will be standing guard tonight in shifts, Let it be known that If anyone found outside their houses from 6:30 we will consider them as suspicious and we will lock them up until further notice, so for the time being make sure you do all your activities in time and we will make sure you will be guarding with one among the five immortals every day night. Lets work together and kill those demons away and get them from where they came from" "YEAH!!!" (Men shouting )

"Those who needs to valountire please step forwad and have your names taken meanwhile let us calm down return home make sure to lock your doors" People were cheering and seems to trust Miller's words

Eliyah was standing beside Jasper.

"He is good, he should write a book" Jasper smiled. Men who wanted to valountire showed up Clair was writing names and get them into shifts. El was looking for Mino.

"What are you looking for?"

"I can't find Kane?" El wanted to walk away Jasper hold her.

"Where are you going?"

"Back at his house to look for him"

"Okay I will come with you, it's too dangerous out there" Jasper and Eliyah walked away. Miller was standing staring at tge well where demon came from. A moment later Clair showed up to him.

"How many men valountireed?"

"We got ourselves 30 for now"

"Thats a great start we must square them into five in six groups each five will be guarding night with us"

"Where do you think we should guard?"

"This centre of Khuisar these men's work will be guarding the well once they find anything suspicious they blew up the horn amongst us will guard by controlong the whole Khuisar am sure Harry and his partner Rafael will be back"

"Okay then First Group of guards are ready"

"Ok thats good I will take thie first shift"

The other side Eliyah and Jasper reached Mino's house it was very quiet and the door was widely open. El wanted to go but Jasper held her.

"No Let me check out first" Jasper walks insde slwoly and left Eliyah outside all by herself. Jasper came out he didn't saw Mino.

"He is not here"

"What do you mean he is not here?" Eliyah walked inside the house she saw Mino's things were torn apart as someone was there and killed him or took him she started shedding tears.

"I am sorry Eliyah it seems like he is gone"

"No no that can't be it can't be"

"Hey hey hey it's okay please talk to me" Jasper hugged her She was crying.

"He was the only one I had, they took him too"

"I know be brave, thats what matters now don't let go of your self I am here and I will always be here for you" Sometimes later Miller and Clair showed up they saw Jasper was standing and Eliyah was kneeleing holding Mino's clothes.

"What happened?"

"The demons I think they got Kane too"

"Okay we have to make sure everyone is okay I will talk to Eliyah i think it's time we move everyone who lives in the mountains near the village" Miller follwed Eliyah.

"Hey El am sorry for what happened to your friend may God guide him wherever he is now, also we have to move people who lives in these mountains closer to the village for protection lets go and get your father too"

"Okay" Miller helped her up. They all went to her house to get her father.

"Dad we have to go now, all people are gathered in the village we have to.....aaahhh!!!" Eliyah saw her father half body the upper body from head to wrist but the lowe body was gone he was torn into half. She was shocked and fell down. Jasper hugged her and moved her head away not to stare Clair took a bes sheet and covera him. Miller was shocked too.

"They are killing everyone" Eliyah ran into a shock and fainted.