To Those We Lost

It was another day morning the villagers were grieving for all those whom they lost Miller Japser and Clair were standing beside watching them. Eliyah was crying for her dad, she doesn't seem to stop crying a young boy showed up and held her hand.

"I lost my family to the demons, my father, mother and my little sister she was just a baby" That boy was shedding tears Eliyah hugged him tight.

"What is your name?"

"My name is Monty"

"It's alright Monty you are a brave kid, you are with me now everything will be okay"..... Later on Jasper was practising all by himself Eliyah showed up to him.

"Hey El didn't see you coming, can I help you with something?"

"How much did it take for you to become this good in fighting?"

"It took me about 15 years"

"Great I wan't you to teach me how to fight and survive" Miller and Clair showed up to the practising area they heard Eliyah.

"Why do you want to learn how to fight?"

"I had one dream to find a good work and to take goid care of my father but now that dream has been persihed away and became a nightmare, Now all I need is to get a hold of myself and protect those in need of help "To those whom we lost"

"Okay then get prepare we will start tonight we will all help in teaching you what you need to know"

"Thank you" Eliyah turned around and walked away.

"What do you think?"

"She is having a hard time but if this will help her moving on then we should take a chance"

"I agree with Clair"

"Okay then Claie will be the first to open her training tonight. Jasper remember you are on watch tonight I will search For Harry and Rafael"


On the otherside in Harry and Rafael's hideout it was very dark. Rafael was sitting on the chair with his eyes closed. There were two demons with them. They were craving for blood.

"You guys are ruthness the village outside is in high alert and my brothers are the ones leading the people to defend themselves it's not easy to go out there"

"We have to feed otherwise we are unable to do a thing" Rafael opened his eyes.

"I think it's time we go to the underwater dimension for help"

"What are you talking about?"

"We have to awake Lucifer but we don't have much power to do that we can only get help from the water dimension of demons"

"And how are you planning on doing that? My brothers are all over the village searching for us"

"You and I can manage to go in daylight meanwhile these two will stay put here and take care things from here untill we get back can you do that?"

"Yes we can master Rafael"

"Okay then lets go to the water dimension" Harry was saying with an evil smile on his face

Tonight that day Eliyah was inside her room somehwere near the village she was staring herself on a mirror with a scissors on her hand.

"It is time we make things right, no more good guys" She cutter half of her hairs and style them really well she took off her clothers and took a hot bath meanwhile she got out of the toilet and prepared herself with a perfect blue clothes with a blue half mask she created it as her fighting armor with two swords attached on her back. She opened the door and walked outside. Miller saw her he disn't say a word rather then staring at her. Clair was in the practising area She saw her coming inside.

"Wow look at you?"

"I am ready to learn I hope you teach me the hardest way so that I can learn quickly"

"Don't worry I got this" El took out her swords and prepared to be taught. Clair was smiling at her.

2years Later..... tonight there was a fight at the centre of the village men were fighting demons. Most of them were burning them with fire Clair was on the mountains together with Jasper and Miller they heard whats has been going on down the village.

"We have to go now Miller the people are out numbered"

"We have to complet the ritual and search for a way to closte that gate"

"If we don't go and stop them now then they will force to open the gates again"

"Don't worry, I won't let that happen. You do what you have to I will stop them" Eliyah showed up she looked perfectly trained and skilled.

"Okay Go Now" El turned around and started running in the woods going to the village she was very fast in running while flying she flew miles away from the mountains and landed down on the roof at the village. The fight was continue She took her swords and started slaying demons to help the villagers. A winged demon was about to fly a man showed up and landed on her back as he took his sharpened swords and cutted off those wings that demon was falling El flew to it and slayed her head off then she landed with it's head on her hand.

"Well done Bellamy"

"Thanks El I gotta go and help the east side"

"Got it I will be here" They managed to kill the demons who wanted to open the gate