Hot Lands

2years Earlier after the Demons showes up in earth realm. Somewhere in the dessert Mino's body was on the ground he opened his eyes he saw a demon staring at him that demon knocked him off and took him away. Few hours later Mino opened his eyes he saw himself in a warehouse he was shocked his head was hurting.

"What happen? Where am I?" He wanted to stand up he was chained.

"Ofcourse I didn't know that" It was dark the only place with light it's where he was placed he was hearing footsteps and sighs around him.

"Show yourself" A woman showed up slwoly in front of him she was very beautiful she had pearly pink eyes with a beautiful lips she was trying to smile but she didn't knew.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to smile, sorry I am new to this whole thing J can't believe my boobs are huge my human butts, these human feets I was working on walking but everything seems new sorry" Mino was staring at her.

"What are you then?"

"I am a demon who saved your life"

"Really and how did you saved me when you were supposed to eat me isn't that right?"

"Who told you that all demons feeds on human blood or meat?"

"Is what you truly are, why didn't you show me your realf form? Why shifting into a human appearance"

"Believe me If I had come with my True form, then you will be shocked and freeze for two months trying to beleive what met your eyes" Mino was laughing

"Why are you laughing?"

"You really don't know who I am do you?"

"Who are you? I mean I was about to ask but you just jumped on asking me first, well lets know you"

"I am a famous shadow hunter in my land the one of five immortals sent by gods to protect the earth realms from demons like you" That woman was smiling on how Mino was talking.

"What? You don't beleive me?"

"If you really are what you say of then why did you end up in the dessert?"

"I turned into a phoenix and fighting demons but I don't remember what happened but I just woke up here chained" That woman was laughing.

"Enough with your metaphors human"

"Yeah If you think am joking why don't you cut off these chains and lets have a round"

"Sure You wanna do this?"

"I am are you?" That woman broke the chains Mino stood up and prepared himself to fight.

"Okay show me what you got human" Mino wanted to turn his eyes into red and summon a Fog but his powers were refusing him.

"What are you doing?"

"Whatever" Mino was going to hit that woman but he received a huge kick on the chest he fell of the walls and hit his back. (Coughs) he saw blood.

"What is this?" He was surprised for the first time he was bleeding.

"Are you done?"

"Something is wrong I have to go back home and find the others"

"Where exactly is your home?"

"Khuisar" That woman started laughing she took a piece of cloth and gave it to Mino to wipe his blood off while sitting next to him.

"You are way too far from home Man this is Hotlands" Mino didn't want to believe he stood up and walked outside he saw a long dessert in front of him he rounded the warehouse he saw a small village sorrounded by mountains it was very hot.

"What am I doing here?"

"I found you on the dessert Fainted I don't what happened to you and I don't know who you are but something tells me I should help you get your memories back"

"My powers back, you really don't beleive me do you?"

"I believe what meets my eyes"

"Then I will tell you everything you need to know, lets go" They went inside the a ware house they sat down on the floor Mino started explaining everything to that woman.

Later on that day Mino finished telling her everything.

"Now I get it so which name should I use Mino or Kane?"

"Mino Kane only if Eliyah is around"

"But she won't be for a very long time because we are stuck in here, your powers are gone there are miles away from Khuisar and I can't fly with you on my back all the way"

"Then help me get my powers back"

"Are you really asking for a demon for help, Mino?"

"You are the one am stuck with so I need to put my faith in you but before I do that I wan't you to ne honest with me and tell me everything about you and why did you came to hotlands" That woman stood up.

"I was created to support and guide Lucifer in hell, Long time ago I used to sit beside Lucifer we did so much worse together other demons were doing exact what we were telling them to do, we managed to lay hell on one of the earth realm a place called Khosa we killed an entire village elders, children, men and women we were unstopable and we plan to lay hell to another village but the more we take lives the more Lucifer was becoming stronger anguish and un stoppable he wanted to have all the powers by himself. Untill one day I was the only who managed to stand where he stood I posioned him with a strongest dose given by the legend of Demon slayer Jakoub. He was a legend Immortal who contained all thise powers phoenix, chinera, banshee, manticore and chipacabra. I managed to help him put down Lucifer into an eternal sleep in exchange he spared my life and told me to do something good, so I ran off but I got caught with other demons and locked away in the darkness we were hungry craving for blood we started feeding in our own until on day a drop of blood dropped from the outer world straight at my shoulder I tested it. It was a fresh hot woman blood the gate was opened and demons started flying to the world When I flew up I saw a beautiful woman was guided I didn't want to take any human instead I flew far from them. i flew and flew untill I lost vision and woke up another day on the dessert, I stood up and started running my wings were torn apart I couldn't heal so I ran looking for shelter and I found you laying on the ground"

"Seems you and I are stuck here for a reason"

"I don't know but Lets do this I help you get your powers back then we are done"

"What do you think The gate from the other side of the world was opened?"

"Whoever opened the gates wanted to persih earth realm and burn it along it's people, and the only devil who has that power enough is Lucifer they want to wake him up from eternal sleep"

"What do you think will happen once Lucifer wakes up?"

"He will be stronger then before, belive me once Lucifer opened his eyes you gonna need more then Immortal humans to help you fight his war. There will ne stronger demons, creatures of many kinds you gonna need every supernatural human being to fight this war "The Last War"

"Is there a way to wale him up?"

"Through the Eternal water that is deeper in the sea realm guarded by Sea demons and monsters"

"Then Five Immortal won't be enough to stop Lucifer?"

"The Five Immortals are beings that brought to protect the earth realm from demons and monsters Lucifer is neither of them, he is a devil you gonna need "Immortality Supernatural Being" to fight Lucifer"

Mino was shocked hearing that.