The Journey Begins

That woman was telling stories about Lucifer Mino was listening.

"So how can we get to those Immortality Supernatual Beings as you said"

"You have to go through "Bulgasal" and "Wolves and Vampires" Mino started laughing

"Those are just stories my father used to tell me about, they are just novels"

"They are real, In Bulgasal and In Wolves and Vampires there are stronger beings who can help you put down Lucifer"

"Okay let put the Lucifer problem behind us for now What I need is to get my powers back would you help me?"

"Yes I will when do we start?"

"Am sorry but I need to know you"

"Oh yeah I didn't tell you my name, I am Madi it's the human name I choose cute right?"

"Okay Madi we have to trust eachother and by doing that you have to show me your true form first"

"Are you sure you will handle this?"

"Yes I am" Madi stood up and stares at Mino's eyes while slowly turning into her true demons form, he eyes started turning dark as her body atarted changing wings showes up and horns on her fore head with a tail on she turned into a complete demon was scary demon Mino wqs shocked.

Sometimes later Mino was sitting eyesfold. Madi drew a circle.

"What do you want me to do next Mino?"

"Stay focused and quiet I have to meet the phoenix within me" Mino said magic words with his eyes closed he showed to the otherside, he was walking in yhe forest all alone it was a dark forest

"Where am I?" He received a huge kick on his back he fell down, he got up and saw his spirit.

"Welcome back Mino?"

"You tell me where are my powers"

"What did you expect to receive? You are the reason why those demons were cast out from the gates"

"What did I do?"

"The five immortala were sent to you to lead them amd work together as a team to protect the earth realm but you chased them away"

"I did that because people were dying because of them"

"No people died because of your arrogance and selfishness now the Gods have taken back their powers you are left all alone with a demon now"

"I never asked for it to happen but why did they brought me in Hotlands"

"Your powers were the only ones that can lead the five immortals but now you got nothing at all thats why the gods have sent you in hotlands a land where people with nothing to lose are living, people with no dreams, no value even if they die this is where you belong now to place where even demons cannot afford to set foot into"

"I need to go back, I need my powers"

"You have proven that you are not worthy of your powers, we will find someone worthy to give him the phoenix power, you have loose Mino" Mino kneeled down.

"Please I need my powers back"

"You want your powers you have to prove you are worthy of being lead and protect the people that is how you gonna get your powers back"

"How can I do that please give me a lead"

"You have a demon beside you, you have few people in a village prove your worth and protect them that's all you have to do now" Mino woke up and opened his eyes. Madi was sitting in front of him.

"How was it? Did you find a way to have your powers back?"

"It's confusing, I don't even know what he ment"

"Well then lets start training, if you won't have your powers back atleast you will be able to deffend people from evil what do you say?"

"When do we start?" Madi smiled.

2years later.... In Hotlands market tonight no one was outside their house it was a quiet night a man showed up he was walking all alone tonight the lights were off he saw A woman standing in front of him, he turns back and saw a man standing in front. That man was a monster he turned into a monster and fly that man had a knife he threw at his wings and managed to cut the left wing that monster fell down. That man was Mino he went to him and fighted him he managed to kill him and removed off his head.

"Congrats Mino you are back"

"This is stupid, we have been doing this for 2 years now and my powers didn't come back am tired of this stupid insane work"

"You have to be patient Mino"

"Am tired of being patiend Madi am tired and If the Gods hear me then fine let them hear me am tired of playing their stupid games Of they desire to give me back my powers they will but I'm done in Hotlands now" Mino started walking away he passed Madi.

"Where are you going now?"

"Back Home where everything began"

"Mino Khuisar is far from here you will have to pass through Outerlands and Kuzatan"

"Then I shall cross them, you coming or what?" They return at the warehouse to pack their things Mino removed his clothes and opened a closet he saw his Shadow hunter clothes with a mask he took it and putted it on along with his mask. He got out and waited for Madi to show up.

"I'm done" Madi showed up he was wearing full black clothes and design her own half mask.

"Wow you have been buzy"

"Well If we are going to slay demons then I need an armor too"

"Come on lets go" Mino and Madi walked away leaving Hotlands going to Khuisar.