
Mino managed to get back all his memories his head was hurting really badly Octavia and Madi went to him.

"O I remember now"

"So what are we going to do now? Do you have your powers back?"

"I don't think so I just remembered everything but I don't have any powers"

"You have to earn it Mino" The sun was rising slowly it was shining Octavia was looking surprise.

"It never shined before"

"What are you talking about O?"

"We didn't felt this shine from the sun since years ago but today it's rising again"

"Do you think the Nagzuls are gone?"

"I believe so but they are so many we just fought I few of them they don't manage to exit in light only in darkness"

"If what your'e saying is right then they must be heading to Kuzatan next that's not far from Khuisar we have to get ready to help the people of Kuzatan" The people finally started coming out of their houses they staring at the sun rises Octavia hugged Mino Madi was shocked.

"Thank you for coming back, you being here has made all this you have restored Outerlands once and for all"

"Well I had a little help, I couldn't have done this without you O thank you very much" Mino hugged her back with a smile on his face. Sometimes later at Khuisar El was at Bellamy's grave praying and saying her goodbyes.

"Rest in peace now Bellamy, I promise you am gonna find the one who did this and kill him myself so that your death won't be in vein" Jasper Clair and Miller were standing behing her. She stood up and walks to them.

"Did you find out anything about him?"

"I never saw his face but his eyes were shining yellow once you look him in the eye he is taking control of you" Miller was saying El wasn't looking at him.

"What's your plan I can go and search for him"

"It will be too hard he has the power of vanishing he will come back again am sure, infact we can't risk people's safety for one person we will continue on our daily activities but we will prepare for his next arrival" They all agreed on that.

The other side Harry and Rafael were outside the sea they seemed tired lying on the sand.

"What now?"

"Now we go back and get ready we will return once everything is better"

"Where will we go now?"

"I haven't been in Hotlands before let's go there"

"Okay" They started walking going far away from Khuisar to get prepared.

Mino was standing looking at his house he was smiling Octavia and Madi showed up to him.

"I miss them very much"

"Don't worry you will be with them soon, we have to go now Kuzatan is in danger" They parked their things and got out of Outerlands for good.

Tonight that day they safely arrived in Kuzatan the village looked okay no sign of nagzuls nor darkness people were doing their usual activities.

"You said the Nagzuls will come here"

"I can't understand If they are not here then where are they?"

"May be it was just your panther vision lied to you"

"Back off demon I don't talk to you"

"Well why don't you try and make me"

"You think I'm scared of you demon?"

"I put that behind me why don't you turn into a panther and lets find out"

"I'm not scared of hitting an old demon bitch"

"Stop it you two, untill when you gonna keep this up, we have deomons out there running free we can't waste our time I need to get back to my village"

"Whatever we do try and keep your demon friend out of my way" Octavia started walking Mino followed by.

"Where are we going now?"


"Great we can't even rest" They started walking away.