
Tonight Mino Octavia and Madi were walking going to Khuisar they were at the edge of Kuzatan ready to enter Khuisar woods Mino stopped.

"Hey what's wrong why are you stopping?"

"I have to tell you guys something, with all that I told you I hope you learn to respect my decision in Khuisar don't call me by my real name remember"

"Yes we got it Kane" Mino smiled at them.

"Thank you ladies welcome to Khuisar" They started entering Khuisar mountains and started walking they walked untill they saw a big tree and three of demons head were hanged above. Octavia was smiling.

"Wow I can't wait to see what happen to the demons beside us" Octavia walks while smiling Madi was staring at her with angry eyes.

"Don't worry I got your back" Mino smiles while walking foward. Madi continued walking. They walked they saw caves near by the night was very cold and heavy they entered in a cave they gathered some woods ready to make fire they were waiting for Mino to make fire. Mino was scratching stones but ut wasn't helping.

"Why don't you just use your phoenix power to make fire, you know may be try to blow from your mouth"

"Are teasing me Madi?"

"Okay fine then who will start a fire?" Octavia took the stone srcatched very hardly she managed to start a fire Madi was staring at her. Mino smiled.

"Great we managed to create fire" Madi turned her way to sleep.

"I didn't know that demons can sleep too" Madi turned to her.

"Why because we posses no soul?"

"If you say so"

"I may be a demon but I also do have a beating heart remember that as song as pure hearts beats then there's good too"

"Wow such a phrase you have there"

"I'm not broken like you" Madi turned her way.

Early in the morning that day in Khuisar market people were doing their activities as usual and guards were making their rounds searching for demons and monsters El was standing on the roof looking around Jasper and Clair were at ground walking looking Miller showed up to Eliyah.

"Hey I know what I have done is wrong but I really am sorry I was possesed by another mortal being stronger than me"

"An immortal is being controlled that's impressed I never thought I would say this one day but truly The shadow hunter was better off he waould have made Fog and kill that man on the spot you have the power of snow what are you doing with your powers anyway what's the use of your powers"

"I know you are angry at me I will leave you now, but I hope one day you will realise what's like to be an immortal there are powers that we can't go beyond" Miller walked away Eliyah's hands were catching cold they were very cold Jasper showed up to her.

"Hey are you okay?"

"Yeah am good whats the situation down there?"

"Nothing new till now"

"Okay keep all the traps ready I'm sure that man will show up today either now or tonight but we have to be ready"

"Okay girl"

"I will take five minutes rest" El jumped down Japser was staring at her she walked away.

"You love her don't you?" Clair showed behind Jasper.

"What are you talking about?"

"I know that look Jasper, you can't lie to me"

"Come one we have some importance things to do" Jasper started walking on the roofs.

"You can take an evening off and take her out" Jasper looked back and smiled.

"What did you just say?"

"You can take her out this evening go somewhere in the mountains prepare something good for just the two of you we have everything here under control"

"Thank you sister I love you so much" Jasper flee away.

"Show off guy" Clair was smiling.