Home Sweet Home

The other day early in the morning Octavia was in the woods practising all byherself Eliyah showed up to her.

"Wow look who's here don't they call you a Skairipa?"

"About what you said last night, what does Kane keeping from us lately?"

"What do you care anyway? It's not like you care about him you have your own life live through it"

"I need to know I am his best friend"

"Was actually not anymore, and he took you as his first love when we were on our way here all he ever did was talking about you but the moment we stepped in here the first deja voo thing we saw was you kissing Jasper"

"Do you have a problem with that Octavia?" Jasper showed up Octavia stopped practising and drop down her swords.

"Great the boyfriend is here, what are you doing here Jasper?"

"Actually I came to tell you that you are on watch tonight" Octavia was drinking water.

"Okay I got it" Jasper walked away Eliyah was staring at him she was sitting on the stone.

"For how long have you known Kane Octavia please tell me the truth, something doesn't add up here" Octavia flew up and avoid a knife coming from nowhere the knife hit a tree and stuck. Eliyah stood up to see who threw it they saw Clair.

"Great it's you"

"Sorry O I was practising my shooting abilities"

"By pointing knives at me"

"Don't be angry I knew you would avoid it"

"You gonna pay for that" Octavia took her things and walks away in the woods. She was heading to the hills.

"There are some lines you won't wanna cross O"

"Am nothing like you" Octavia left she was going to Mino's place.

At the hills outside the house Octavia was walking going to Mino's place it was very quiet no one was around. She was walking wondering why the place was so quiet, suddenly she saw a huge stone on it's way going to hit her she flied up and kicks that stone hardly as it broken into pieces and form an air pollution she lost vision and she received a huge kick on the stomach she fell down. Madi showed up she was the one who did that to Octavia.

"Did you just hit me Madi?"

"Sorry I thought you were someone else, besides what are you doing here anyway didn't you guys made it clear that you don't need us anymore?"

"Am far different from them, where is Mino?"

"He is focusing on his training right now"

"What are you training about?"

"You know just some stuffs, trying to bring back his powers and so on"

"Do you think he will manage to get his powers back?"

"I'm not sure about that either but better to try"

"Where is he now?" Madi walked her where Mino was she saw him standing in the middle of red circle focusing with his eyes closed he wasn't even shaking.

"How long has he been standing like that"

"3 hours now" Mini opened his eyes and saw Octavia.

"I can see the two of you getting along now"

"Huh no way I don't want to be friends with her"

"No neither she is a demon" Mino smiled at them both while he slowly moving out of his circle.

"Yet here you are standing without fighting eachother"

"Speaking of which I wanna have some fight with you Mino what do you say?" Mino started laughing at Octavia.

"What's so funny about that?"

"Really you wan't to fight me Octavia? Are you serious?"

"It's the only way to bring back your powers"

"What are you talking about?" Madi was shocked.

"Oh yes Octavia is right, If your powers are gone, and they haven't returned yet it has been two years already you trained hard enough but maybe the powers need some bumps up, I mean someone who can fight you beat you untill your powers return back"

"Am sorry did I heard you right? I mean since when you started taking on my side?" Octavia was telling Madi.

"Oh hreat Iw ould like to take it back"

"No no it's okay don't worry, so what say you Mino? You in or what?" Mino took his sword out and prepared to fight. Octavia smiled at him while slowly pulling out her swords from her hips.

"This is going to be fun" They prepared to fight and ran towards eachother.