
In the hills there was a fight Mino and Octavia were fighting seems like Octavia was stronger than Mino she was hitting and bashing him very hard. Mino was going to her prepared to throw a sword at her Octavia saw him she used her super strength and hit him very hard on the chest Mino was thrown away he hit a branch of tree and fell down the grass. His nose started bleeding.

"Enough for today, you are bleeding Mino" Mino stood up and went to sit on the stone removing his shirt off. Octavia was going to ait beside him she was staring at Mino's back she saw scratches of nails all over his back she went to sit beside him.

"What happened to you?"

"You mean those scratches? Well what can I say right before Madi before found me she told me she ssaw my body down the dessert my clothes were torn apart she said she found me sorrounded by hawks"

"Am sorry about that"

"It was the day I lost my powers"

"Well We are here for you, we will help you get them back" Mino was smiling at her Madi showed up she was in the middle of doing something. She saw them sitting together on a sam stone.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Getting some fresh air, where are you going?"

"Oh Fresh air with your shirt off, I can see that, well I am heading to the lake to go and swim why don't you join along?"

"I have some things to attend see you later Mino tonight am standing guard"

"Okay then Octavia thank you for your time" Octavia walked away Madi and Mino started their walking heading to the lake.

The other side Jasper was in the woods with Eliyah walking Jasper was taking her somewhere.

"Jasper where are we going exactly?"

"Don't worry Babe we're almost there trust in me"

"What are we even doing here anyway, we are supposed to stay down the market" They walked and walked untill they show up at the lake there was fresh water for swimming and drinking Jasper removed half of his clothes he carried Eliyah up.

"No no what are you doing?"

"We have to jump"

"No I can't I don't know how to swim" Jasper jumped inside the water along with her They showed up top the water floating.

"You are crazy Jasper" Jasper was making fun out of her. Up top the hills Madi and Mini showed up they saw down the water Eliyah was happy swimming with Jasper.

"We can go back If you want to"

"What are tou talking about come on" Mini pushed Madi down the water she was screeming while she was slowly falling down the water Eliyah and Jasper stared on who was screaming they saw Madi going in the water coming from up the hills, as they look who pushed her they saw Mino. He jumped down too and started swimming along with Madi Jasper was very angry he stood up and started walking towards them.

"Hey hey hey what are you doing?"

"They can't keep om doing this can't you see, They are following us"

"No one is following anyone Jasper they just came here for the same reason as you did beside they didn't even know that they would find us here" Jasper was going to Mino Eliyah was strying to stop him Mino and Madi saw that Jasper went to them Mino stood up to face him.

"Are you following us Kane?"

"I'm sorry what?"

"See I have this sense you are trying to follow us just incase you wanted to get back with Eliyah" Mino was staring at Eliyah.

"Seriously I don't know what you're talking about dush ack" Mino turned back he was walking back to Madi.

"Don't turn your back on me bastard" Jasper tried to turn him over forcesly as Mino was turning he prepared a punch and hit him hardly on the face. Jasper fell off the water Eliyah followed him.

"Jasper you okay" Jasper stood up and started staring at him he seems angry as his eyes were slowly turning the clouds changed and started raining slwoly.

"Don't you dare touch me again ,not even a finger"

"You know what the funny thing is? You are just little mountain boy all alone and you will die alone"

"I'm not doing this with you, come on Madi let's go my day is ruined today" Madi and Mino got out of the water they were walking away.

"Kane, why?" Eliyah was shedding tears talking to Mino he stopped and turned back to face her.

"Let's not see each other's faces anymore Skairipa" Mino held Madi's hand for the first time Madi was shocked and they walked away.