10 – Workaholic

Cody quickly tidies up his appearance, making sure that he looks presentable for work. He feels a sense of purpose and determination as he gets dressed, wanting to make the most of his day. Despite feeling a little tired, he knows that the sooner he gets to work, the sooner he will be able to see her.

As he gets ready, Cody can't help but feel a little excited at the prospect of seeing her again. She has been on his mind a lot lately, and he can't wait to be in her presence once more. He knows that she is smart, funny, and beautiful, and he can't wait to talk to her and spend time with her.

Cody checks himself in the mirror one last time before heading out the door. He feels confident and ready to tackle the day ahead. He knows that work will be busy, but he is determined to make it through, all for the chance to see her again.

As the day progresses, I start to feel more awake and focused. I open my laptop and begin to work on a project I've been putting off for a while. I'm a meticulous worker, always double-checking my work and making sure everything is perfect.

As the morning sun streams through the window, I find myself getting lost in the task at hand. I'm completely absorbed in what I'm doing, and I barely notice the time passing. I'm grateful for the quiet and solitude of the early morning hours, and I take advantage of it to get a lot of work done.

Eventually, the rest of the team starts to arrive, and the office begins to bustle with activity. I'm still focused on my project, but I take a moment to greet my colleagues with a smile and a nod. I'm happy to be part of a supportive and dedicated team, and I'm excited to see what the day has in store for us.

Cody begins pacing around the room as soon as the clock strikes eight. His nerves are on edge, anticipation consuming every fiber of his being.

Rosy enters the room, greeting Cody with a cheerful good morning. She goes over the day's schedule, but Cody can't stand the wait any longer. He cuts her off mid-sentence, unable to focus on anything but the impending event.

Cody's anxious energy is palpable, his nervousness palpable. He continues to pace, his mind racing with thoughts and fears. He tries to calm himself, but the anticipation only grows stronger.

The hours tick by, each one feeling like an eternity. Cody can barely contain his excitement and anxiety, his heart pounding in his chest.

Finally, the moment arrives. Cody takes a deep breath and enters the arena, ready to face whatever comes his way.

Cody felt a surge of frustration as he turned to Rosy, Jordon's assistant. "Where is Olivia?" he asked, his voice a little sharper than he intended. "I've been looking for her everywhere and I can't seem to find her. Do you know where she is?"

Rosy looked a little taken aback by Cody's tone, but she quickly regained her composure.

Cody watches as Rosy sets her notes down and looks up at him with an almost imperceptible smile on her lips. Despite the chaos and uncertainty swirling around them, she seems completely unruffled, as if she's completely in control of the situation.

"She'll be here in thirty minutes," Rosy tells him confidently. "I've already told her when to come in, and I'll go over everything with her when she arrives." Cody nods, impressed by her calm and composed demeanor.

He can't help but admire the way Rosy always manages to stay composed and collected, no matter what challenges come her way. She's a true professional, and Cody knows he can always count on her to handle any situation with grace and skill.

Despite the stress and pressure of the moment, Cody can't help but feel a sense of relief and gratitude knowing that Rosy is on the case. He knows she'll take care of everything, and that he can trust her to handle everything with her usual efficiency and competence.

But his composure seems to shatter when it comes to Olivia.

Cody's frustration is palpable as he snaps out a response. His eyes are narrowed, his jaw clenched tight. He's struggling to keep his cool, but it's clear that he's on the brink of losing his temper.

"I'll do it," he repeats, his voice low and tense. He's trying his best to maintain his composure, but it's a losing battle. His emotions are running high, and he can feel himself getting angrier by the second.

Despite his best efforts, Cody can't shake the feeling that something is off. He doesn't know what's causing this sudden surge of anger, but he's determined to push through it. He's not going to let his emotions get the better of him.

With a deep breath, Cody takes a moment to collect himself. He forces himself to relax, to let go of the tension that's been building inside of him. Slowly but surely, he starts to feel a little bit better.

But even as the anger starts to dissipate, Cody can't help but wonder what's wrong with him today. He's never been this irritable before, and he has no idea what's causing it. He just hopes that it passes quickly, so that he can get back to his normal, even-tempered self.

"Yes, Sir!"

Cody nods his head in approval as Rosy responds to his instructions. She quickly turns on her heel and strides confidently out of his office. Cody watches as she makes her way down the hallway, her slender figure moving gracefully as she heads towards Jordan's office.

Cody can't help but admire Rosy's determination and efficiency. She always seems to know exactly what needs to be done and goes about it with a calm, focused demeanor. As she disappears from view, Cody turns back to his desk, feeling reassured that the task is in his capable hands.

He settles back into his chair, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the meeting Olivia once again.