11 – Breakfast

Cody usually starts his day by receiving a rundown from Rosy, Jordon's assistant. She will provide a brief summary of Cody's schedule for the day. After that, Cody is left to manage the rest of his day on his own.

However, today Cody has cleared most of his day by coming in three hours early. This means he will have plenty of time to spend getting to know Olivia, the new hire. Cody is curious about how she came to apply for a job like this one and plans to test out some of her skills that weren't listed on her résumé.

Cody is eager to see what Olivia is capable of and is looking forward to learning more about her. He is determined to make the most of his time with her and is excited to see what she can bring to the team... his team.

Cody looked up from his desk, relieved to finally hear a knock on the door. He had been pacing the room for what felt like hours, counting down the seconds until someone would arrive. As he turned to see Olivia standing in the doorway of his office, he couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over him.

"Good morning, Olivia," Cody said, trying his best to sound calm and collected. He knew that Olivia was HIS in his mind, and he didn't want to give her the impression that he was stressed out or anxious.

Olivia stepped into the office, closing the door behind her. She looked impeccable, as always, with her sleek black suit and perfectly coiffed hair. Cody couldn't help but admire her polished and professional appearance, even in the midst of his own chaotic thoughts.

"Is everything alright, Mr. McCarthy?" Olivia asked, her voice filled with concern. She could tell that Cody was visibly agitated, and she wanted to do whatever she could to help.

Cody couldn't help but stare as she walked into the room. She was wearing the same tight skirt as the day before, paired with a cream-colored top that was clearly a size too small. The way the fabric strained against her curves made it obvious that she had put on some weight since buying the outfit.

Cody felt his throat tighten as he watched her. She moved with a confidence that was both alluring and intimidating. He couldn't help but admire her boldness, even as he felt a twinge of self-consciousness about his own appearance.

Despite her casual outfit, there was something undeniably sophisticated about her. She exuded a sense of power and control that made Cody want to both impress her and flee from her at the same time. He couldn't decide if he was attracted to her or intimidated by her, but either way, he found her impossible to look away from.

Cody's eyes are drawn to her exaggerated curves, accentuated by her tight waist. He can't help but think she would look even better with a little extra weight on her frame. He imagines how she would look in something that hugs her body perfectly, a little fuller than she is now. Despite the fact that her outfit is falling off of her tiny frame, Cody can't help but appreciate her beauty.

Her body, though small, is still incredibly attractive to Cody. He longs to see her in something that flatters her figure, showing off all of her curves. He imagines how she would look with a few extra pounds, filling out her clothes and highlighting her feminine shape.

Cody can't help but admire her beauty, even though she is not the typical size of most models. He finds her petite frame to be incredibly alluring, and he wishes she would embrace her curves and add a little more weight to her slender body. He knows that she would look even more stunning with a few extra pounds, and he can't wait to see her in something that fits her perfectly.

Cody surveyed the woman before him, taking in her slim frame and delicate features. He could tell she would fill out perfectly, with a body made to be taken by a man of his size.

"Have you eaten?" Cody asked her, his voice low and husky. Olivia hesitated before stammering out a response. "No, sir. I'm, um, on a diet." She blushed, and Cody could see a hint of nervousness in her eyes.

Without missing a beat, Cody strode over to his desk and grabbed his phone. He was determined to take care of Olivia and make sure she was properly nourished, even if it meant going against her diet. She was in good hands with Cody, and he would make sure she was taken care of.

I hang up the phone and turn to Olivia. She's standing by the door, her thin frame almost lost in the shadows of the room. I can't help but feel a twinge of concern as I look at her. She seems been on the slender side, but in my eyes, she seems to be losing weight rapidly.

"Olivia, are you okay?" I ask, trying to keep the worry out of my voice. "You look like you're barely eating."

She gives me a weak smile and shrugs. "I'm fine, Cody. Just been busy with work and stuff."

I don't believe her, but I don't want to push the issue. Instead, I walk over to her and put my arm around her shoulders. "Come on, let's go get some breakfast. I ordered everything on the menu, so there's bound to be something you'll like."

"Hey, Olivia, I'm sorry about that," he says, approaching her slowly. "I didn't mean to scare you. It's just that I get really frustrated when I can't get things done quickly."

She nods, her eyes still wide and wary. "It's okay, Mr. McCarthy. I understand. You're a busy person."

Cody smiles, grateful for her understanding. "Yeah, I am. But that's no excuse for snapping at you. Can we start over?"

Olivia hesitates for a moment before nodding. "Sure, Mr. McCarthy. I'd like that."

He takes her hand and lead her over to the couch, pulling her down next to me. "So, tell me more about yourself, Olivia. What do you like to do for fun?"

She laughs, a light, musical sound that makes my heart skip a beat. "Well, I love to read, of course. But I also love going for long walks and spending time outdoors. I think it's important to connect with nature and appreciate the beauty around us."

Cody nods, impressed by her thoughtful answer, and couldn't help but start feeling a spark of attraction for this beautiful, intelligent woman.

He desperately wanted Olivia to like him, to really like him. He didn't want to be just another guy she knew. He wanted to be someone special in her life.