James was reading a book when he heard an argument going outside the door. He looked outside to see Rosy was arguing with the other two knights in his servitude.
Rosy: I am the Left Lieutenant of ser James. I shall be the one to accompany him.
Olivia: You are the Lieutenant through the personal battalion of the family. When he steps inside the castle, he assumes the title of the general which he doesn't have outside the castle. Here we are his attendants.
Rosy: I was personally asked by ser James to attend the party.
Mia: Seems like someone else is interested in the general too.
James did not like where this conversation was going and went further inside to continue with his solemnity. He could still hear the rambling going on and hence decided to intervene with the matters. James went outside the door in a fury. The three knights seeing his sudden arrival stood in attention.
James: All of you. Come inside.
The three of them came inside and James assumed the seat on the other side of the room. The knights moved further towards the general but he indicated by raising his palm that they are to stay there.
James: What is the present matter that requires you fighting?
Olivia: She is of the personal battalion of yours ser. We are the ones supposed to attend to you in the party.
James: Is there any limit to how many people I can have as retainers?
Olivia: Based on your status, one.
James: Rosy, do you know anything about the castle?
Rosy: No ser.
James: Then its settles. Olivia, you shall come along with me. Rosy, you shall remain in this room. You may leave now. Rosy stay.
The other two knights went outside while Rosy stayed within.
James: Rosy, I want you to be ready for battle. I want you to be staying outside the room where the party is supposed to be. When I leave with Selena, I want you to come closer to me. There might be an assassination attempt on me.
Rosy: Yes ser. May I know who might it be from?
James: It could be anyone. You can wait outside.
Rosy saluted Ser James and went outside the door. Some more of the ramblings were hearable but James did not mind it so much. The game was set and it was going to begin. The power could be taken away from him which was going to be given to him. He had to use it to gain more powers that could not be taken away.
James waited for more time until Olivia knocked on the door and came to inform that the time was upon and they had to go to the party. He went outside to see that Mia was also accompanying till the outside of the party hall. He went through different turns of the castle. The castle looked big from the outside and it was complex from the inside. Whoever was it that had built the kingdom and its technologies were really brilliant and understood magic properly.
James arrived at a hall where many were standing outside. Mia caught the hands of Rosy and moved her to the other side of the hall. Eleanor showed James into another room which was big. Mia moved from standing in the front of James to behind James as a respectful servant. James looked around and saw that many of the people where talking to each other. There were many seats laid out too in different areas. The different seats were marked along with the tables which was circular in shape. Sometimes the tables were big and contained many numbers of chairs while other times it contained smaller number of chairs.
Lucy and Everly walked on to James and bowed to him. James bowed back to him and Everly chuckled slightly.
Everly: General James. You are of higher statues than us. You do not need to bow to us, after all the Rookwoods are the prominent family.
James: I was just showing my respects ser.
Lucy: We just came to say that if you are not interested in interacting with anyone you can take the seat over there which are assigned for the generals. Else you can speak to us about other things.
James: Ser Lucy, who are the ones holding the titles of the Royal generals?
Lucy: No one has held that position in a long time. Why? Are you interested?
James: Nothing like that. There seemed to be six seats, including the royal generals too.
Everly: It's just that it is customary to have such a seat.
James: I am going to take my seat. Thank you sers.
James walked away from the knights to the seats. He was able to hear the knights murmuring about him but he did not mind it much. He sat on his seat Olivia stood behind him. He after some time was able to notice that there existed different table with different colours for each family and one for the generals and one for the priestesses. He saw Lady and Heir Rookwood arriving though he did not show any much signs of recognition. After some time, the two knights came and had a seat to his either side. Of course, the Rookwoods was the chief military family.
There was another seat there which he had seen was not occupied by anyone. On the centre was the throne of the Queen and next to it was the throne of the heir. But the empty table was not taken by anyone whereas the heir had already occupied the throne. Selena seemed awfully put out today. Maybe it was because he did not approach them, or maybe it was because they were there.
After some time, a knight in white came.
Knight: All hail Queen Ariadne Senviness, the queen of the state.
All of the bowed as the queen passed by. James also had his back bent, in a bowing manner. The queen assumed the throne while the heiress stood in respect. After the queen was seated, she began speaking.
Ariadne: Greetings everyone. Please rise and be seated.
Everyone assumed their seats and turned their seats towards the queen as in respect. The queen looked really young and was more beautiful than anyone present there. She had silver white hair that stood out n front of everyone. She was nothing but white sandals and white dress. Here face was fair and her eyes had turned silver.
Ariadne: You all know that it is sometimes since my black hair has turned white. My magic has reduced but is still powerful than many. Black hair is the most powerful one. Ah. So how do you do? Let's begin the ceremony.
The queen raised the glass of wine which was placed in a table next to her and so did everyone. Everyone cheered and there was merriness around. A slow music was being played in the next room. It seemed the big room was connected to others many rooms directly, each with its own people doing the required duties.
Ariadne: Here are the announcements, the royal general's duties shall be taken on by me as there is no Royal General. The taxes shall remain the same. There was a good upcoming from the republic of Meridia and the trade shall be opened within two years. Obviously, the magical goods. The merchant city shall be let to be alive for a few more years. They do get us a lot of revenue…
James listened to the few of the things that the queen said. James did not pay much attention to any of it. He knew that after this was going to be the national anthem which only the royal family was allowed to hear. He had never heard it, if he had at some time, he did not remember it and it was not on any book either. The next thing was going to be a dance where those who like to sit aside were aloud and during that time the people were supposed to consume eatables. If you were not the head of the family, it was not at all necessary to introduce yourselves to the queen.
James had decided to lay low when a word caught his ears. 'Ruby'. James suddenly looked to see the Queen standing. He did not see any other member of the royals standing.
Ariadne: …and the fight was still continuing. Due to the brilliance of the command of Ruby, she was able to drive away the serpent once again. With the help of her friends, Stella Arachne and Natalie Michane, on the third attempt they were able to kill the serpent. Let us welcome the heroes of Fenrir. Ruby Senviness, Stella Arachne and Natalie Michane.
From the centre door through which James had not entered came three ladies in matching blue dress. They were beautiful, except for the fact that they did not receive much praise, or praise alone. James looked around slowly to detect Headmistress Yokino, but she was not able to find her. He then remembered that the academy members did not attend the ceremony. James was boiling from within but he was able to sustain his calmness. The three ladies bowed before the queen.
Ariadne: I present the three of you with rings from the time of the great revolution. They shall act with shield magic and shall protect you from many harms. These artefacts will be returned after their death, obviously, but the reproduction of such a wonderful piece is impossible today.
The three rings were graciously accepted by the three of them and they had sat over the untaken table.
The queen was about to speak more when a lady, visible to be the head of the family from her clothes stood up.
Aubrey: Greetings from the family Richane again my queen. I just would like to inform you that there was talk among the captain and the sailors that the serpent was slayed by none other than James Rookwood. I do not see any awards being given to him. It was even informed me that Natalie Michane had even accidently killed a few of our soldiers. Is it how you rule, my queen?
Ariadne: Surely you must be joking Aubrey. How could a mere male be able to achieve such feats?
Aubrey: Not that I support him, but that male is a general and is presently the highest ranking general.
Lady Michane: Greetings from the family Michane, my queen. You do not need to worry; it is but a mere factor of jealousy. The daughter of Lady Richane happens to be in the year of Natalie. Apparently, she is nothing more than dumb when it comes to magic and hence was not sent to the expedition for her own safety.
Ariadne: Well, since that is the case, I declare the matter to be closed.
Aubrey: But my…
Ariadne: Which part of my declaration were you not able to comprehend, Aubrey.
The manner in which the queen spoke was in a slow manner. The weight behind the words, the threat that existed was visible to all present there. Both the ladies took their seat and did not speak further.
Ariadne: Well. The ceremony is concluded. Let's go to the dance room.
Eleanor stood up and looked to the seated. Everyone, including the queen stared at the suddenness of the movement.
Eleanor: I have a declaration of mine own. I have decided to declare my general.
Everyone looked at the princess in awe. It was after all some time since a royal general was declared. The declaration meant an open challenge to the queen for the thone.
Ariadne smiled looking into the eyes of Eleanor.
Ariadne: It seems you were captivated by the heroes who slew the serpent.
Eleanor smiled back, staring with full force.
Eleanor: The Royal General of the order of the Griffin shall be taken by none other than the hero who slew the serpent. He was able to kill a dragon by his own. I call forth James Rookwood to step forward.
James acted as though he was surprised and looked from here to there. The two generals sitting next to him suppressed their own smiles.
Queen: Are you sure you want to do this?
Heiress: Why? Am I not allowed to sister?
Queen: I just wanted to clarify it.
Lady Fenis: Princess heir, are you sure you have considered all the rules.
Eleanor: Why? Do you doubt me Priestess?
None replied to that. Eleanor looked to the direction where James was sitting.
Eleanor: Ser James. Approach me.
James did not move from there but stood there for a second. He looked at the Rookwoods as if to act like he knew nothing. He then said.
James: I might not be suitable for the post, your highness.
Ariadne: Well, that settles it. The male doesn't want it.
Eleanor did not reply to the queen but looked directly into the eyes of the knight.
Eleanor: Are you going to not accept my degree, the princesses' degree.
James: I a m sorry your highness. I shall accept the title and the duties.
Ariadne: Eleanor! You should not be pressuring others.
Eleanor: I will not. Are you going to pressure him into not accept the position?
Ariadne: No.
The simple word uttered from the mouth of the queen was more than enough to make the queen appear like a child. The princesses' aura seemed to be growing stronger, though her white her was still white.
James went forward and bowed before the queen. He then went and bent his knees to the princess. Another knight came and gave the princess a sword. She used the sword and held it in her right hand and kept her hand on the head of James.
Eleanor: I command on the authority given to me by the throne, pray to the Goddess Fryhle, accept this knight as the General Griffin. Let him be alongside the General Dragon and General Lion on battle. Let him keep my name high.
A light began shining on the contact area of the princess and her knight.
Eleanor: Rise and shine Royal General Griffin, The one-star knight of the Queendom.
There was blinding pain on his hands. He looked to see that the twin star crest had disappeared and there appeared a one-star crest, with a griffin on the top. Eleanor handed over the sword to the knight and James took the sword and hanged it on his belt by the waist.
Ariadne: Are you sure you want to give him an artefact of the ancient.
Eleanor: James, stand by my side.
James stood besides the thrones of the princess. The princess and the queen were locked in a staring contest and the queen was the one to break it first.
Eleanor: James shall be considered a graduate from the academy. He shall take residence in the far north and where the fortress of the three generals lie. I shall be staying along with him and teaching him his duties.
James heard what was being said and did nothing to show off his reaction. The new constraint was something they had not discussed. There was no way out now and he did not want to be seen as someone who threw away a position. He wanted to stay in the academy for longer than that but was already considered a graduate. He was really angry now, more than he was at the queen for the discrimination.
The queen stood up and began speaking. Everyone stood along with her.
Ariadne: We shall now sing the anthem.
The slow music began to pick up tempo. Many more instruments were hearable. All of the began singing along with the queen.
: The trials were of the higher stats
The world was on its own.
The Day had risen from the darker night
The Queen of Fenrir came.
She cut the men into two halves
All the sexual infestations removed
The world became a better place
The womenfolk were renewed
The day comes by when men rise
The day shall be when men dies
The further away the darkness goes
The more the women rules
The queendom of Fenrir shall exist
As shall be men beneath women
The natural order re-established
The world is saved again.
The world is saved again.
The queen be hailed.
All hail the queen.
The song had ended. One by one people went to different rooms but James went and sat on his chair. He was asked by the attendant of the Lady Rookwood to meet them at the dance and he went into the room.
Selena was leaning over the wall just close to the door. The moment James walked into the room Selena grabbed him and led him into the dance floor. She began the movement of dance and James having practised dance, danced along with her. James' dance was rather clumsy, but due to the experience of the matron, the dance went well. All around them others were dancing, but most were ladies with other ladies and knights with other knights, there were two or three other men, but they mainly danced along with other men.
Selena: James, did you know that the princess was going to make you a royal general.
James slightly lifted his head to look at the eyes of the matron. He then turned his face to look at the princess but the matron stopped him with his hands.
Selena: It is not right to look away while the dance is going on.
James: I did not know about the appointment.
Selena: Be that may, she might be counting on our family. Did you know that the royal general has many duties and you being the only one is let to keep the castle.
James: The queen might as well as appoint other generals.
Selena: It isn't as easy as it seems. She doesn't want to give away the power of the general to somebody and she wouldn't take a gamble on a male.
James: That is all I am to them, a gamble and a male.
Selena looked into the eyes of James and showed the action of kissing with her lips.
Selena: Not to me or any of the family members. You just remember that there will be lot of pressure to maintain the army. The usual army is in the hands of the royal generals and are commissioned by number to the three generals from the families. Now your power will disrupt that battle. You are allowed to wage war against anyone.
James: I can also be removed at any time as I am a mere male. That is why the priestesses did not care for my appointment much.
Selena: True. Just a piece of advice. You will be commissioned a huge amount of sum to feed the twenty thousand women under your command. You can also command over the navy as there is no general over them. You have to maintain over the weapons and clothing too. You can give contract to anyone and even maintain the profit. You can even dismiss the whole army and keep the money to yourself.
James: I know the powers of the general.
Selena: What would you like to have as a gift?
James: A horse. A proper war horse bred and trained properly with weapons already on them.
Selena: Are you sure of that? You could ask for something more consistent.
James: The weapons on the horse can be transfer to another horse if the need arises. The horse can live up to a longer period of time.
Selena: You sure have grown up. What about your battalion?
James: They shall come with me.
Selena: Are you sure you want to do this. You can reject the post and go back to the academy. You can spend even more time at the academy. You don't have to wage wars.
James: The last war was merely seven years ago and the academy students were asked to participate. I might as well as die if I do not have enough people with me. I need the seal of the general. I am going to the side. I am tired.
Selena: Fine. But remember that there is always a second option.
James bowed to Selena and left the ring. He went over to Olivia who was standing among the servants.
James: I am leaving for my room.
Olivia: Are you sure ser? The party has just begun.
James: Is there any rule against it?
Olivia: None ser.
James: We are leaving.
James walked out of the room with Olivia on his tail. They went out to find Mia and Rosy enjoying their food standing along with a plate. James went over to them.
James: Return back to the room after you have finished all the fun activities. Olivia, you can return after you see me to the room. Rosy, get the battalion and be ready, we are going to the fortress of the general.
Mia: The fortress of the dragon.
James: Pardon.
Mia: Its name is the fortress of the dragon.
James: Yes. They may not allow the battalion to enter the castle grounds, so meet me at the road.
Rosy: After the gates it's full of wasteland. Not a single tree in sight, not a single rock to landmark, the ground is thick but the only way to navigate is a compass. There can be no way we can meet at an intersection.
James: Then let us meet at the fortress. Leave as fast as you can. Olivia. Let's move.
James walked away with Olivia by his tail. After reaching the door, James stopped and Olivia went in front of the lone knight, guiding him to his room. James reached the room and seeing Olivia standing by the door felt sorry for the maid.
James: You can leave for the festival.
Olivia: But ser. I am supposed to be your security.
James: Go to the party and stay with Mia. That is a direct order.
Olivia went over to the stand attention position and saluted by reaching her fist over to her chest. James felt sorry for the knight as he felt sorry for himself.
James: Enjoy yourself.
Olivia waited for the general to go inside but the general waited for the knight to go to the party/festival. Olivia finally budged and left for the party. Seeing her leave James went inside the quarters. He felt slightly vulnerable, now that he was alone and there was a target over his head. James went over to the innate magical abilities he had developed and warded the door and the exits. He was utterly cautious that he even strengthened the walls.
James smiled remembering the time he was not able to do such a thing. Where he was only able to do the spells, he had learned which was mainly battle spells. He had to walk and not carry the tent because he did not even know the basic repair charm. Now that he had learned to do magic from the very thought he was feeling happy.
James knew the clash he had of the plans he had decided. There was no way such a thing was possible. The queen was really powerful compared to him unless all he heard was nothing more than rumours. The word spread to ward off the enemy of the crown. James knew he had to be extra careful now, that the different powers was going to revolve around him. Ever since knowing the existence of different ranks of the elementals, he had decided to summon many ladies of different elements gradually. Water, wind, earth, metal, lightning, the different hybrid elementals of wood, shadow, light and demonic and finally he was going tot summon a primordial of darkness. He was going to go to the abyss to enslave a whole dimension by enslaving its master. Among the countless planes of existences, one was enough to get the power of the dark lord. Then would he have declared himself as the one rivalling the queen, he would have won. He would have been free. He would have been happy.
But now the queen would be paying close attention to him and so will be the others. If he released too much energy, it will be noted. He was already suppressing too much energy and had to keep even his hair in check. If his hair changed the world will know his power. They will openly wage war against him.
James went over and walked from one room to the other. He called the name of Agni through magical release. A small fire burned in front of him and Agni appeared in front of him.
James: There is a slight complication. I have been made a royal general and is offered a fort.
Agni: What is the problem with that. You have more troops to be with you. You can even wage war properly.
James: You don't get it, do you? Up until now I was just a mere twin-star knight in the service of the Rookwood family. I was nothing but a speck in their eyes, an unworthy sight that has to be thrashed and put in its place. But with this I have become a proper player. They will have to show me respect even though they hate me.
Agni: And will keep on trying to remove you from this world. I have learned almost everything about this world. Fire is everywhere and I can eavesdrop on everyone. The things you can learn by just listening. You should keep me alongside you.
James: True. But there is not much time. If the queen asks me to wage war against the new dark lord it would be problematic. Also, there needs to be someone who accepts that they are the new dark lady.
Agni: Fire lady.
James: What?
Agni: Fire lady. I can help you become a fire lord so powerful that you can burn a whole kingdom out of existence.
James: True, but the queendom does have a lot of sea-power. I need something more substantial, like darkness.
Agni: As you say. The castle I have built for you is hidden. It is along the path going to the merchant city, but there need not be any worry. The camouflage is of higher order.
James: I have to ho to west from the north. To the opposite side.
Agni: True. I saw remnants of many ladies' castle but I built the castle with geographical suitability.
There came a knock on the door. The door was banged again.
James: You should leave.
Agni: Hope you can be happy about the position of the castle. I built it in a better position than you imagined.
Agni turned into flame and vanished into thin air. The knocks were still hearable and James went over to the door. He tried to use magical sense and was able to sense nearly eight people outside. James unsheathed his sword and undid the wards of the door. He opened the door to find the three ladies who was praised for having defeated the serpent.