chapter 15

James was surprised to see the three ladies and their knights. James had his sword drawn and pointed it at princess. James had not planned to do so but the hostility in his mind had activated the body's reflexes to do so. The knights had drawn their sword too. James wanted to pull back his sword but was not naïve enough to do so. Ruby raised her hand to her knights and all of them put back their sword.

Ruby: I have come to speak with you, General!

James looked uncertainly at the trio. The war had begun the time his name was put forth by the heiress, but he did not expect such a front on battle.

James: Just you three. Let the knights stay out.

Ruby nodded to the other ladies and walked past James. James did not mind the attitude of Ruby and waited till Stella and Natalie had passed by. The door was closed by James. He turned to see the three ladies had occupied the seats. What really, he hated was that Ruby assumed the seat of the patron of the room where he was supposed to sit. The insult was really high. James knew the first person to be killed if there ever appeared a hit-list with him filling the names according to grudge would be Ruby. He knew that he did not want to kill anyone based on grudge, but the temptation was quite high, especially when he had the power to do so.

Ruby: Heard you were a general, dog.

James decided to play along with the princess. He locked the door with wizardry and changed the spell as such that it wouldn't be openable from the inside as well as the outside.

James: What is it you want, princess?

Ruby: Oh nothing, just came to shove my authority on your face. Just because you have had the title wouldn't mean anything.

James smiled and looked at the other two ladies pleadingly. The expression was rather confusing but was misinterpreted by the two heroes as that the man in front of them had become flustered.

James: I thought you both were supporting me my lady. After all I did help you, had you also included me, maybe I might not have been made the royal general griffin.

Stella: Shut up duh. If we wanted you, we would have got you along with us at the beginning. Just because you are powerful than us doesn't mean anything. If you are even alive after five to six years, I would be more powerful than you.

Natalie: You are nothing but a male. No matter whatever privilege you how in the field of wizardry, you will never be granted one of the wands, amulets or staffs. Only swords or spears. Our families are prominent in wizardry and also is higher than the military bastards.

James: True. Why don't you all leave?

Ruby: Shut up dog.

Ruby stood up from where she was standing and drew a wand. He knew about such objects. Pre-determined and constructed objects possible of doing only one thing upon a command word. It can be used by anyone, even a fool without any adept knowledge of sorcery. But the real wand was hard to find and was even more valuable. It could be used to store mana and was used to concentrate or spread the attack. It will draw up more mana and eventually would make the wizard, even a beginner a black-haired dude.

Ruby: Bow to me and pledge your allegiance. Form a contract with me depicting you as my slave.

James looked at the three cowardly females in front of him. He started laughing out loud sinisterly and then shut up. There was silence in the room. Deadly silence.

Ruby: Arhoto.

The activation command was spoken. Lightning began forming at the tip of the wand and was charged at the knight in front of them. The lighting caused ripples in the air. The barrier put out by Stella and Natalie was broken down, though they were harmed only a little. The energy bounced of James and was absorbed by the walls.

Ruby: How? But how? I-I tr-tried t-to…

James: Shut up for a second darling. Going around to a general's room in his own quarters and attacking him with magic. You people do not even have simple sense. The fact that you are going to become the matrons of the future. Oops. That I if you are alive.

Natalie: Shut up you…

James released the energy he was welling up from being released. The natural pull he had towards the unknown source since his birth magnified. He was able to see the abyss he was supposed to go to. The primordial of darkness stared back at him. Ripples began to go through his spine. Come later when you are ready boy. James pulled away from the scary sight. He was back in his room. He was able to feel the power repulsing through his body and filling the air. His hair began to grow and reached till it reached his waist length. The hair turned black. James was back in control.

James looked at the scary looking girls in front of him.


Ruby stiffened through all this. An unknown conviction came to her eyes. The other two ladies were cowering in fear down the table.

James: Tell me Ruby, why is that you always treat us males so badly?

Ruby: Men are nothing but savage beasts interested in sex. They have to be kept in bay by the women. That is the only way men shall be saved by the goddess.

James: Is there not even a single possibility that there might exist a man who is really good and follows the divine teachings of the goddess.

Ruby: Men can never be trusted with power.

James angrily caught the wrist of the maiden in front of him and pushed her on to the floor. He went and laid on top of her forcefully and made her turn her head towards him.

James: Remember, men are nothing but savage beasts. Do not awaken the illicit best inside me.

James touched her lips with his fingers and then stoop up. He calmed himself and started absorbing the magic back into his core. The magic on his body began decreasing and the hair turned hue again. James adjusted his dress and looked through the room. He adjusted the wall' wards and looked at the three ladies. The other two ladies had regained their self and was now angry at the way their friend had been disrespected.

Natalie: You are not going to get away with this.

James: Leave before I decide to do you further harm. And remember. I am a general now. You need more than just words to prove anything.

Stella began to speak something but Ruby slapped her face.

Ruby: We will be leaving shortly.

James: Adjust yourself to be presentable. Let it not be said that the three heroes were looking abashed when they came out.

Ruby: I am not embarrassed about anything at all.

Ruby stood and went over to the door. She turned back and went to her friends and began helping them up. James went and sat on his chair and undid the lock on the door. After some time, the ladies began to leave. James sat by the chair as the door was opened. Olivia and Mia rushed in with their swords. The knights were already facing each other even before the ladies had left the room. The three ladies went out and their knights followed them. Mia closed the door and went on her knees. Olivia followed her steps.

Olivia: I am sorry ser, I did not know you would need us by your side.

Mia: Yes ser…

James raised his hands. He looked at the two knights, the most respectful women he had ever met in front of him.

James: Rise.

The two knights stood.

James: Where is Rosy?

Olivia: She already left to call all the battalion.

James: Do not tell anyone what had happened here, even when put into questioning.

Mia: Yes ser. How did your hair grow this long?

James: I usually used to hide it.

Mia: It suits you.

James: Thank you for improving the mood. Now. Is there any other soldier with their servitude to me in this castle now?

Olivia: There is usually the commanders from the different armies here. The Griffin commanders will be here too. Do you want to meet them? They usually meet with the princess after the festival, but since you are the general.

James: Call in them who can offer me security. Ask them to stay here and we leave for the fortress tomorrow. I hope they are well trained.

Olivia: With all due respect ser, they are the ones from the family with not too much and not too little food. They had to work to achieve it. And no matter whatever is being said, they did survive the Goblin wars and they sure are intelligent species.

James: Are you commanders too?

Mia: We are personal attendants to the general.

James: Olivia, go and inform them the decision. Ask few to come here and the rest to stay wherever they are and prepare for tomorrow.

Olivia left the room. Mia was alone with the general.

Mia: How can they prepare from being wherever they are?

James: They will understand the just. Do not tell anyone about the aura you see around me.

Mia: Yes ser.

James: You may leave.

The door was locked and sealed again. James sat there happy, looking towards the ceiling. He had come towards what he really wanted. The true affinity he had searched for since the beginning. He was sure lucky. The chess pieces were moving fast and he was not the only player. He was tired of being nice to anyone. The simple decision was able to make him see the truth. Everyone was selfish and cared about themselves. They did not fear hurting others, like he did. And every piece on the chess board was a player and the top person was not him.

The commander had come to him but he had not attended to them at first. He had waited for their arrival. He knew that it was their duty to protect him but whether they will do so or not was completely up to them.

The next day had arrived and he had sent the message through one of the guards to the princess that he was leaving for the fortress. He did not send any message to the Rookwoods as he had stopped playing safe. He had walked to the stables with his security to get on a horse. He did not have his breakfast before he departed for the borders. He had travelled for half a day before he reached the borders. Hearing that he was the general, they were generous enough to offer him and his companions, food. He had accepted the food and had left there without staying for any further time.

After he had left the borders, he knew the meaning of a true wasteland. The land lay from there to extend to the infinity. They moved further for sometime when James began speaking while riding his horse.

James: Listen soldiers. If anyone approaches, let them approach. If any one tries to kill me do not kill them. We have to take them to the fortress and play with them.

They had further ridden for some time when they saw a group of people having stopped. The commanders tensed and arranged their guards in battle formation. James did not care for any of this and rode his horse really fast towards the group. There were two hundred of them. The personal battalion of the Rookwood family.

They had joined forces and had left for the fortress. It was night time before they camped in the open air in tents. The general was provided with a higher-class tent and James was happy with it. The morning had arrived and they had gone towards the fortress. Little before the noon, they reached the magnificent fortress of the two generals. Of the Dragon and the Griffin. The Dragon keeping in check the griffin.

The fortress had a big circular border around it and only had one drawbridge. There were many people placed around it. Many of the soldiers were practising the battle formations needed for the battle. James relieved the commanders of their duty and left for his room. He had asked his Lieutenants to train the troops separately in a free space after rooms had been allocated to them. James went to the room of the General and relaxed a little bit. After he had lunch, he called all the commanders and his lieutenants in.

James: Introduce yourself.

The lined-up commanders started to introduce themselves. There were four under them, code-named rat, eagle, snake and fish.

James: What are your names anyway?

Rat: We prefer our code-names ser. It is easier that way even in the battle.

James: So, if we get friendly are you going to call me griffin.

Rat: Yes, ser griffin.

James: Please be seated.

The four commanders were seated. They were a formidable force in the army.

James: Tell me, what kind of powers do you have rat?

Rat: I know how to use spears. The whole regiment under me is of spear women.

James: What about the others?

Rat: Eagle is the leader of archery regiment, the snake for the shields and bombs, and the fish for the chivalry.

James: Okay. Rat. I want you to explain me the complete system here.

Rat: There will be people coming to make deals with you for the supplements. You just need to sign the note using the pen and ink on your table to sanction the agreement. The weapons, food and clothing are already taken care of by the crown and you need not make any deal if you are not interested in doing any side-business.

James: I am not interested in the profits. Just tell me whether the food is substantial for everyone.

Eagle: The food and the clothing are more than enough for us. The uniforms are good and as for the casual dresses, we buy it for ourselves with the money we are given.

James: What about the weapons?

Eagle: The weapons are provided upon entry. The weapons later are taken care by the blacksmiths in here. As for the codename, it is based on the warfare we practise.

James: Am I allowed to add or remove any new methods of warfare?

Snake: You are allowed to ser.

All the four of them were women. It seemed Erwin was the only man among all his top subordinates.

Rat: The battle formations are pretty simple. We have not been asked to destroy any rogue village or towns since there isn't one to find so. The Eagle regiment knows has four thousand archers under them, all trained to the brink of their calibre. The snake is mainly in blocking a particular pathway. They are mainly shield users and practice different types of the blocks. Th fish regiment is mainly comprising of the knights with though they also carry lances. They are usually asked to attack last. The rat regiment is mainly comprising of the spear-women and they are the ones who clean up the survivors after the initial waves.

James: So, what kind of magical abilities do the spearmen employ?

Rat: We are not wizards. We do not enjoy any magical abilities.

James: What about the others?

Eagle: We are soldiers ser. We have weapons such that magic cannot be used against us. But mainly we fight using formations and mere strength.

James: Did you fight in the last goblin war?

Eagle: Yes.

James: So, you are telling me that the goblins did not have one speck of magic.

Eagle: Basically no. The only thing the Goblin Shamans are able to do are to increase the power of their main commander. That is why we have won over and over again. There appears a commander and nearly fifty thousand forces and they are left loose like some hounds. They are not of any threat to the queendom.

James: If you did fight in the Goblin wars, why is your name not mentioned?

The four commanders looked at each other in fear. One was waiting for the other to speak instead of them.

James: You can speak openly. After all we are supposed to be future comrades. We are going to fight side by side.

Rat: Last time like usual there was no general to the army. Mainly general is someone strong no one can kill and can enforce the rule of the princess. Last time the generals of the three military families were sitting by their tent while the commanders did the warfare. It was nothing more than a picnic to them.

James: So, you are saying is that the generals do not have any interaction with the army.

Eagle: The general is the king and the army is the subjects. We do all the work. That is, it.

James: If there appears a war I will be fighting in the front lines. I will also be present in the strategic meetings. Is there anything else you like to say?

Fish: Do you wish to change the system?

James: I am sorry?

Fish: The other army, the dragon army live in the other quarters. Since we have a general, we will be fighting more often. But since you are here another general might be appointed.

James: So?

Fish: You can increase the number of the griffin army up to thirty thousand. Now there are twenty thousand women, four thousand knights specially for you to lead in the battle. If you want you can also add another ten thousand to the number.

James: True. But they will need to be trained. I get it. Commission for another ten thousand members. How much time will it take?

Eagle: If we start now, we can finish recruiting within one year.

James went over to the tables and started looking through the forms. Olivia helped him find the form her needed. He wrote the number ten thousand where it was required and signed it. The ink sparkled and the sheet vanished.

James: I want one thousand each to be divided into each of the commanders. You will be in charge of them. Two thousand each shall be given to each of my personal Lieutenants and they shall train them with the fire practise we have been doing. The two thousand shall be pure knights and I want them selected such that they can ride to a battle anytime.

Fish: What fire practise are you talking about?

James: I have been teaching my commanders elemental magic. I know it is not common for a man to have taken wizardry, but I did learn it. They have been practising it and I am pretty sure they will be able to rain fire by the time everyone is trained.

Fish: True. But when it comes to begins like goblins, they are of sheer strength. A little fire is not going to blow them away.

James: Fire is for close ranged combat. They are well trained in the art of warfare. They are chosen of the Rookwood family.

Snake: The Rookwood family does have their name in choosing the best underlings. I am sure the two hundred men you have brought will be proper captains for their squadron.

James: True. Is there anything else to discuss?

Eagle: The fire art they have learned. Why did they do so?

James: The Rookwood personal five thousand army works thusly. All the strategies are known to all the soldiers. All are veteran fighters and in the centre is the general or in the queendom known as the anointed blade. The soldiers use whatever method necessary. All carry all the weapons, that is a bow, sword and a spear. The knives are included too. In such a manner there is not even a death of a single person.

Eagle: I have heard of this technique, but when it comes to bigger armies such a thing wouldn't be possible.

James: True. But this is my strategy. The dragon army will not be interfering; hence they will have to protect the fortress. The archers in the second line killing the oncoming goblins. The sides blocked by the shields and the front lines by the spears. The general and the commander fish shall stay together. After the concentration on the front line increases the fish shall be released. After the fish regiment drives the goblins away the archers shall be asked to stop. The spears and archers shall advance slowly step by step along with the shield. Two thousand of my personal knights shall move stay behind while I and the other four thousand knights shall join commander fish. After joining with the commander fish, we shall regroup and charge the goblins again. We shall retreat and advance as necessary. We shall keep on communicating with each other. I have the crest of the general, I will be able to communicate with you all. The problematic factor is if one of my soldiers is lost among the enemies. Fire magic will surely help them. It is the most offensive magic.

Fish: True. But there is no need to teach the military commander magic.

James: Fish. If it is that you are afraid the military standard will change into magical one you need not worry. Such a higher order training would be impossible. The only thing I taught my commanders is one spell, a powerful one of release a fire beam where the palm is pointing. Two or more people can combine to increase the effect of the fire.

Fish: Sorry ser for being rude.

James: Nothing like that. I am training them for the other kind of enemies. The enemies from the inside. You may leave.

The six of them had left the general alone in his office. James was sitting alone being happy. The magic of the crest was what was being removable by the princess. She could be replaced or even temporarily moved into a prison while he claims to be the general. He will be able to do such a rebellion and win the battle easily if he wanted to. He knew he needed more mana before he conducted the summoning and binding. This time it was not necessary that the elemental would be bound to him through a contract so wilfully. The abyss was a dark place after all.