
Secrets Revealed

Blakes heart was beating so hard till the point of someone else hearing it, "dude slow down," shouted Blake, clutching the seat belt so hard like his life depended on it.

"No can't do it, it's a life and death situation right now," Josh replied, hitting the brakes, then stepping on the accelerator again, taking a sharp bend at the u-turn.

Blinding lights came out from nowhere…. Tires screeching on the concrete, the sound of metal bashing against metal, and one car somersaulting into the air, luckily for the occupants, the car landed back on it's tires, but they were badly injured, Blake was lucky to have worn his seat belt, he sustained minor injuries with a broken ankle…

"Hey, Josh wakeup,Josh" Blake said panicky, shaking Josh to wake up…. Josh moved his hands a little, groaning from the impact, at least Alan was okay he came out with just cuts and scratches surprisingly.

"Where's your phone," Josh hoarsely asked, Blake didn't ask what he wanted to use it for, he quickly gave it to Josh since Josh's own got destroyed…

"Hello, is this 911, there's been an, ughh.. Accident at the u-turn connecting to the old school building," Josh painfully explained, clutching onto his ribs, the connection was breaking out and he couldn't hear what was being said…..

The sound of metal scraping onto concrete could be heard, Blair standing between the crossroads of the car crash and her own car smiling madly, bleeding from her nose due to the impact she caused.

"You're a strong one ain't ya, so sad your poor girlfriend died in an instant," laughed Blair, walking towards the car.

Josh knew he had to do something fast to get Blake out of danger, he'll blame himself if anything happened to him. Pushing the door of the car with a grunt, he fell on to the cold hard rough concrete, he scratched his palms lightly because of the force he landed with on the ground…

Managing to sit up right, he rested his back against the car tire….

"What did Jazz ever do to you?" Josh asked, trying to stall time to regain his strength and also look for a good weapon.

"Let's just say she was in my way," Blair stopped walking, the pain she felt was bad, she hit her head on the dashboard of her car…

She hadn't worn a seat belt when she crashed into Alan's car...

"And how was she in your way?" Alan shouted back from his own corner, finally getting up and checking through the back seat for anything metal he could get his hands on…

"By being your girlfriend. I don't still understand what got you attracted to her, when I'm way prettier than her, you should've seen the way she wept and cried before I hung her, it was lovely," Blair laughed, her lips twisting into a very horrible smile, with blood dripping down from the corner of her mouth.

Josh finally appeared before her, "there you are Jay boo boo bear, you know she never deserved you, I did!" shouted Blair, anger laced in her voice, her amber looking eyes had gone a colour darker, she looked like a maniac, she was totally lost, she couldn't be saved anymore, Josh had to save himself from this torment…

"But then you were blinded by her spell. I had no other choice than to steal Ashley's spell book to get my way."

"And what was the way?" Josh asked.

"To make sure you relieved your day over again and for that I needed the blood of an innocent as one of my ingredients for this day," came Blairs maniac voice.

"Why are you so obsessed with me?" Josh asked again, moving slowly to get her to walk in circles with him, still distracting her for Blake to get good cell service.

"I love you Josh, can't you see that, I did this all for you, so that you'll finally notice me and then we'll date and we'll be happy together and have little eyed babies that look like you," Blair said, demonstrating with her hands.

Josh was shocked about this, he didn't know what to say, "well smarty pants you didn't think about the fact that you made my day to loop constantly and I'll forget you all over again," He said, lying about the memory loss part.