Chapter 7: Scared And Naked

Seth and Gibraltr

Miami - 1:15 AM

“I’m not going to hurt you,” Gibraltr said softly to the cowering wolf. Amazing purple eyes looked back at him from the dark depths underneath the unit.

The small wolf shivered in the corner, scared for her life. Gibraltr turned his eyes away. Taking a deep breath, he tried to calm himself. The thrill of the chase still filled him. But that was over now.

He looked back in at the wolf thinking about how he might coax her out. He took a chance. “I’m like you,” he said softly. “I’m a wolf too.”

Those eyes continued to look back at him. She seemed to be thinking about it. His guess may have been right.

“Here, let me show you,” he said. With an effort, Gibraltr released control back to Seth. He released control entirely so that he could move independent of Seth.