Chapter 9: The Admission

Seth and Gibraltar

Coconut Grove - 2:45 AM

Showered and ready to get some sleep, Seth stepped out of the small hotel room’s bathroom to find Sophie still awake. Ilaria laid coiled up next to her on the bed with her eyes closed.

More importantly, she hadn’t run away the first chance she got.

Seth lay down on the floor beside Sophie and joined her in staring up at the ceiling. He tried to think of something to say, but didn’t want to keep her awake. He wasn’t sure where to start anyways.

“What was that thing at the club? Do you know?” Sophie asked, breaking the silence. “It changed right in my hand. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

She rolled to her side and peered down over the edge at Seth. He watched her face. Her eyes scanned the length of his body. He only wore a towel around his waist. Her unabashed stare made him a little self-conscious.