Seth and Gibraltr
The Nation - 3 PM
They were making bad time. But Seth was fine with that. He knew when they reached the Palace, everything would change.
He kept feeling like he should tell Sophie about what was likely to happen to him when they arrived, but he worried it would ruin this blissful time they were enjoying. He hadn’t felt this happy and content in a very long time. Truthfully, he had never felt this way before.
Sophie was the most wonderful thing he had ever known.
Even though they hadn’t truly mated the night before, it was still the most fulfilling moment of his life.
Amazingly, the previous night couldn’t even compare to what they had done that morning. His mind drifted back to that moment, a moment he would never forget.
In the small stone shelter with the waves crashing in the background, Ilaria had truly embodied the form of a Goddess in the morning light. Every movement she made was delicate, deliberate, sensuous. Everything she did, perfect.