Sophie and Ilaria
At the Edge of Ruin’s Sea (The Nation) - 8 AM
Sophie felt something soft tickling her face. Still deep asleep, she didn’t want to emerge yet. It was just too cozy.
But the tickling just wouldn’t stop. She tried to brush it away with her hand, but it came right back.
Left with no choice, her eyes fluttered open. Where was she? All she could see around her was fur. Looking around, it was as if she was enveloped in a giant amber coat.
Except this fur coat was alive. It breathed all around her.
As she moved to sit up, the fur coat retreated a little to give her room. When her head emerged from the fur, she found that she was wrapped up in the massive body of Gibraltr in beast form.
It took her a second to find the wolf’s head, but when she did, big amber eyes met hers. And then Gibraltr shifted into the smaller form of Seth, the brightness of his amber eyes fading.