Chapter 22: The Palace Tower

Sophie and Ilaria

The Palace - 9:15 AM

Sophie stared up at the enormous ivory walls before her. The palace reminded her of something from the medieval period, or something out of a fantasy story.

But was that a drone she saw flying high above her?

As far as she could tell, the palace stood solitarily within the ancient forest. She couldn’t see any other structures anywhere.

She had always wondered if there were others like her. But right now the only thing on her mind was how she was going to get away from them.

The beautiful female wolf with bright brown eyes had been speaking, but Sophie hadn’t listened to what she said.

The next thing Sophie knew, Urquosay and the rest of the wardens were gone and Gibraltr was being pulled away aggressively by a group of armored wolves in beast form.

Not knowing what to do, Sophie just stood there with her arms crossed under her breasts. She held the leaf wrapped dagger in her right hand under her left arm.