Chapter 23: The Council


The Palace - 1 PM

“I’m telling you, she’s a wolf,” Chase said in his gravelly voice. He sat back on his haunches addressing the council in the sunken semicircle of the assembly room.

Gabriella sat back looking down at the palace guard skeptically. Chase was a dutiful and loyal member of the Nation, but he was also ambitious and ruthless.

“But you’re saying her eyes were purple. What wolves' eyes are purple?” Gabriella asked. “And how do we not know about her?”

She asked the last question while looking around at the other council members seated around her on the raised dais. She was met with a lot of head shaking and blank looks.

“The wolf in the videos has purple eyes as well,” Laucktel said.

Gabriella nodded. “But we don’t even know for sure that the creature in the videos is a wolf. Otherwise, wouldn’t we know about her?” she asked.

Chase shrugged. “I saw what I saw,” he replied. “She’s a wolf.”