Sophie and Ilaria
The Fae
Mccullough seemed to be waiting for Ilaria to laugh, but she didn’t see anything funny about it.
With no reaction from Ilaria, Mcculough rocked back, resting her arms on her tummy again. “You are Sicola’s daughter.” Mcculough said suddenly, gesturing to the seated lavender figure once again.
Ilaria turned to the lavender figure, more interested in it than ever. She got closer. Those were eyes. Yes, and a nose, Ilaria thought.
She got closer until she was right next to the lavender figure. It stared back at Ilaria.
Ilaria put her hands on the seat to either side of the creature, and put her face so she was nose to nose with the creature. Yes, she was definitely a woman. Large breasts were hugged by some sort of tight fitting covering from the midpoint of her breasts down to her thigh.