Chapter 50: Two Of Three

Sophie and Ilaria

The Fae

“Good, we’re negotiating!” Mcculough said, “We need you to go and retrieve Simolequa from the humans. It’s no good for them to have an imp.”

“You mean the imp from the club?” Ilaria asked.

“Yep, that one.”

“A small army of wardens couldn’t get it out? What makes you think that I can?” Ilaria asked.

Mcculough started to chuckle. The chuckling built up until the colorful creatures all around her were laughing with her. Mcculough rocked back and forth laughing, holding the glowing puppy.

Ilaria didn’t laugh. But she waited patiently for the hysteria to die down. Eventually Mcculough calmed down enough to speak again.

“Honey, there are few forces in existence that can contend with you. Maybe some of your siblings, but even they needed you more than you ever needed them.” Mcculough went back to scratching the puppy’s head. “What you need is your armor.”

“My armor?” Ilaria asked.

“Yes, and if you agree to our terms, we’ll give it to you,” Mcculough said.