5.14 This messenger's lost memories

Atlas looked at Xianyue, his eyes flashing with worry.

"What's wrong?"

He can feel his heart beating fast, like he is unsettled. He knows his husband. Atlas knows that if he were to threaten to leave, he would say something like I'll never leave you, or I'll lock you somewhere. But it would only be to hide his fear.

But Xianyue's fear is deeper, and Atlas is sure that it's from the consciousness of the gatekeeper.

He must've known him before, or at least seen him. Gege shouldn't be that frightened, unless he had feelings for him before.

Obviously, if he had known he wouldn't have pushed it that far. He knows that Xianyue has always struggled, with the idea of no one loving or caring for him.

He thinks that he is unlovable when he is the most lovable person in the worlds. That's also one of the reasons he never got close to Dayou, because he was sure he didn't love him.