5.15 This messenger is a good teacher

Atlas entered the dining hall and took a seat.


He only said hello for the sake of saying it. Atlas can't wait until breakfast will only be with Xianyue and Dayou, or not, depending.

Atlas didn't look at any of them, only the food. He didn't seem uncomfortable with what happened yesterday, and his appetite was still as big as always.

Renjun looked at Dayou, he had his head down, focusing on his food. He saw everything he reposted yesterday and was shocked that he did it after he was humiliated live, on the internet.

But then this morning, Renjun saw that he had taken everything down, like he had given up.

What happened yesterday is everywhere in the press. The palace is swarming with journalists and paparazzi.

Renjun doesn't understand why Dayou loves Atlas so much. What does he have that I don't?

He looked at Atlas, his eyes flashing with hatred. You'll die this afternoon anyway.