Jack's Plan

"Fox has betrayed the Brotherhood of Assassins."

Sloan's announcement reverberated through the ancient halls of the Assassin's Brotherhood, causing an eruption of shocked murmurs and whispers among the assembled assassins. Never before had the sacred bond of trust been broken, but this time, it was Fox, the esteemed Master Assassin, who had committed the unthinkable betrayal. Fox, the one who stood just a notch below the indomitable Cross, the mightiest of all the Master Assassins in the Brotherhood.

The weight of the betrayal hung heavily in the air, threatening to crush the very essence of their unwavering faith. For every Master Assassin, their skills were matched only by their unyielding devotion to the cause. A betrayal at this level had never been witnessed before, and it sent shockwaves of uncertainty and doubt through the hearts of the Brotherhood.

Sloan, stepped forward with a solemn expression, determined to address the turmoil that had engulfed them all.

"Though it pains me to utter these words, her name has appeared upon the loom," Sloan's voice resonated with an air of sadness and determination.

"We have always believed in the guidance of fate, in the creed that states 'one must kill one to save a thousand'."

The room fell into an expectant silence as Sloan's gaze swept across the gathered Assassins, their eyes filled with a mix of anger, sorrow, and a burning desire for justice.

"Let us set aside our current tasks and focus our efforts on tracking down Fox, for she must face the consequences of her treachery. Let fate be our guide, brothers and sisters."

Sloan's impassioned speech continued, his voice gaining strength and conviction with each passing word.

"We must not underestimate the danger that lies before us. Fox, the one who was once one of our strongest, must be apprehended before she inflicts further harm upon our cause!"

His gaze turned towards a group of powerful Assassins who had been deliberately left behind, their abilities capable of instigating rebellion.

Sloan understood all too well that it was only the Master Assassins who posed a true threat to him. The others, mere pawns in this great game.

Furthermore, if Fox were allowed to spread her version of events, it could lead to internal strife and even his own demise as a traitor. Sloan's actions, as calculated as they were, stemmed from a deep self-awareness of the potential consequences.

"I have kept you here not solely to safeguard our Brotherhood's stronghold," Sloan declared, his eyes meeting the wary gazes of the chosen few Master Assassins who still stood at his side.

Inhaling deeply, he turned on his heel, a flicker of determination igniting within his eyes. "Follow me."

The remaining Master Assassins followed Sloan, their steps infused with a mix of curiosity and caution. They were about to bear witness to the undeniable truth, and Sloan intended to employ every tool at his disposal to sway them to his side. He would reveal the facts, using a combination of intimidation and temptation, all in the name of preserving their strength and ensuring their survival.

Failure was not an option. If persuasion fell on deaf ears, he would have no qualms about eliminating these potential threats, ridding himself of trouble before it had the chance to grow.


"Something is definitely not right," Fox exclaimed, a hint of concern evident in his voice. The team was gathered at their training base, and he wasted no time sharing his unsettling discovery.

"When I went to buy food, I noticed some suspicious traces that hinted at assassin activities."

The gravity of the situation sunk in, and the weight of the pursuit became palpable.

"They're after us, or rather, they're after you, Carlos," Fox continued, his eyes locked with Carlos's.

"I still haven't revealed my betrayal to them, but we can't let our guard down." Foc clarified.

"I've been receiving calls and text messages from Sloan. Should I confront him face to face?" he inquired, his eyes fixed on Wesley's intense training routine.

A flicker of anger passed through Carlos' gaze as he contemplated his next move. "Only in person will he truly feel the weight of my disappointment," he nodded firmly.

"Since that's the case, it seems our operation is about to commence," remarked Jack, breaking the silence with a sense of urgency. "We've trained extensively, and now it's time to put Wesley's skills to the test in real combat situations."

Wick, slipping into his shirt after applying a few drops of cell repair liquid, chimed in with a touch of humor.

"Well, considering his current predicament... it might be a bit challenging," he said, a smirk playing on his lips. "He hasn't even mastered arc shooting yet, and you're suggesting actual combat?"

Jack grinned, his eyes sparkling mischievously.

"You see, Wick, sometimes all you need is to tap into your intuition. But poor Wesley seems to have lost that connection," he mused, shaking his head.

"He's still figuring out what he truly desires. We yanked him out of his world and dumped him here, after all. It's not easy for him to find his purpose."

Carlos let out a sigh, his gaze fixed on Wesley. "He's lost, unsure of what he truly wants," he lamented. "We need to help him find his way."

Jack raised an eyebrow, a mysterious smile spreading across his face.

"Well, if we really want him to excel, I have an idea," he announced, capturing everyone's attention.

Carlos looked at him inquisitively, eager to learn more. "You have a solution?" he asked.

"Of course," Jack replied confidently, nodding.

"Since he's struggling to find a personal goal to fight for, let's give him something he wants to protect." He turned to Carlos, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Carlos, how about you replace that dead pig?"

Carlos blinked, completely caught off guard. "What? Me?" he exclaimed, perplexed.

"Don't worry, I've got your back!" Jack exclaimed, giving Carlos a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "If he aims at you, I'll jump in and redirect the bullet with my powers!"

Carlos couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, skeptical of Jack's flamboyant claims. He thought to himself, "I'm not questioning the safety of this plan, but I can't help but feel like your words are a tad bit exaggerated, you cheeky bastard!"

Carlos pondered the proposition for a moment before finally giving in to Jack 's charismatic persuasion. After all, the suggestion stemmed from Wesley's exceptional skills in the original book, and if anyone could make arc shooting practice work, it was Jack .

Jack beamed with confidence as he explained his ingenious plan. "You see, Wesley's talent is unmatched, and if we want him to hone his arc shooting skills, he doesn't necessarily need Fox to stand in front of the gun. We just need someone equally important, like yourself!"

Carlos scratched his head, contemplating the unconventional training method. He couldn't deny that Wesley's progress was crucial for the entire team's success. Despite his reservations, Carlos mustered up the courage to give it a shot.

However, Wesley's anxiety became evident when he heard Jack and Carlos discussing the plan. He muttered under his breath, "I... I can't..."

Jack , determined to boost Wesley's confidence, reassured him with a gentle smile. "Come on, Wesley! You have the potential to be incredible, and we're all here to support you. We can't afford to let you hold back the entire team!"

Wesley understood the weight of his contribution, realizing that his performance was hindering their progress. He yearned for change, yet the urgency of the situation made it even more challenging to accomplish. Nonetheless, he summoned his courage and decided to give it another try.

As Carlos took his place in front of the target, replacing the hapless pig, Wesley closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves. He focused on relaxing his body, searching deep within himself for that elusive "intuition" everyone had been talking about.

After a few moments, Wesley's eyes snapped open, brimming with determination. He steadied his aim and squeezed the trigger.

The sound of the gunshot echoed through the air, but it wasn't Jack who fired. Instead, he watched in awe as the bullet gracefully spun through the atmosphere, tracing a mesmerizing arc that would make any physicist shed tears of excitement. Astonishingly, it bypassed Carlos, narrowly missing him, and struck the target behind him dead center.

Wick, unable to contain his admiration, exclaimed, "Bullseye!"

The team erupted into cheers, celebrating Wesley's remarkable progress.

"Not bad," Carlos exclaimed, his chest heaving with relief. He strolled up to Wesley, giving him an approving pat on the shoulder.

"You held your ground there, son. Although it took longer than expected, it's all relative when you compare it to that monster." Carlos said while glancing at Jack.

Fox nodded in agreement, a rare glimmer of praise sparkling in his eyes.

"Absolutely! Considering the kind of upbringing he had, Wesley's talent is truly remarkable. He's transformed from that challenging environment into a force to be reckoned with."

Jack, while nodding in acknowledgment, couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment. "Indeed, it's not bad," he conceded, his voice carrying a hint of longing for something more.

But if success wasn't achieved this time, then it was time to sit back and enjoy the show! If Wesley failed while Carlos was acting as the obstacle, Jack had already planned to enlist Fox's help. According to the events in the original book, Wesley would succeed when Fox stood in his way.

That's where the problem would have arosed.

"The father didn't succeed to awaken Wesleys talent, but a hot woman like fox, did?"

If such a thing were to happen, Carlos would undoubtedly stage an epic drama, complete with a furious father who finally undesrtood his sons true nature along with a dead beat son who finally awakened his talents but is a simp.

"After all," Jack muttered to himself, a tinge of frustration lacing his words, "why should a mere woman be more important than ones own father? Surely, a good beating would have been in order."

The scene that Jack had eagerly anticipated failed to materialize. Otherwise, Wesley would have found himself marinating in the cell repair solution for at least ten days, if not more.

"Now that the training here is almost over," Jack announced, a mischievous glint in his eye, "let the real fun begin!"

With those words hanging in the air, the group braced themselves for the next challenge, ready to embark on a thrilling adventure filled with twists, turns, and unexpected outcomes. The stage was set, and the excitement was palpable.