Fox's Resolve

"Carlos?" a bearded assassin inquired, his surprise evident. "What brings you here? Have you betrayed the Brotherhood?"

Maintaining his composure, Carlos avoided a direct answer and skillfully replied, "Sloan is the one who betrayed the Brotherhood. He forged the assassination list!"

The bearded man protested vehemently, "That's impossible! Sloan is guided by fate. He would never..."

Carlos interjected, exposing Sloan's deceitful tactics. "He deciphered the code, seized control of the loom, and manipulated it to create assassination contracts as he pleased. He profited greatly from this treachery. He's been using us, turning the assassins of the Brotherhood into mere tools for his gain!"

The bearded man hesitated momentarily before questioning, "Do you have any evidence?"

Carlos responded with conviction, "After discovering Sloan's true nature, I infiltrated the secret room where the loom was kept. It revealed the answer to me—the loom itself implicated Sloan!"

The bearded man remained skeptical. "I need more evidence."

Most assassins witnessing this conversation were caught in a whirlwind of doubt. Their certainties shattered when they saw the code deciphered from the piece of cloth Carlos had obtained earlier. It was a revelation that shook their very foundations.

Moreover, Jack, utilizing his skills of persuasion and justice, employed an array of tactics to sway these assassins toward the Templars' cause. Offering incentives such as bonuses, commissions, and the promise of a life free from hiding, he convinced them that they should immediately join the Templars' ranks if Sloan had truly betrayed the Brotherhood.

Sloan's foresight in dispatching most of the assassins on a mission to disrupt Fox's plans proved a cunning move. However, this was no mere training game—a battle to the death. Some assassins would rather face demise than submit. Consequently, many of them fell at the hands of Jack and his allies.

Finally, Wesley, once untouched by bloodshed, found his hands stained with the crimson evidence of his actions. It was a transformative moment, forever altering his perception of combat and leaving an indelible mark on his conscience.


"What are you thinking?" whispered Fox as he joined Wesley on the hotel rooftop where Jack and their group had taken refuge for the night.

The moon cast a soft glow, highlighting Fox's graceful figure that always captivated Wesley's attention. But tonight, something weighed heavily on Wesley's mind, making it difficult for him to divert his gaze.

"They shouldn't have met such a fate," Wesley murmured, his gaze fixed on the distant city lights. A tinge of melancholy colored his voice, "They were just victims of deception, weren't they?"

Fox gracefully sat beside Wesley, crossing her legs as she settled in.

"Yes, they were devoted followers of fate," she replied, her voice calm yet tinged with a hint of regret. "But they chose the wrong path."

Wesley peered down at his hands; even though they appeared clean, he knew they were stained with the blood of several lives just a few hours earlier. The weight of his actions bore down on him.

"Faith is a weighty matter," Wesley pondered aloud, "and betrayal is never tolerated."

Fox nodded in agreement, her eyes focused on the city skyline.

"Indeed, faith demands unwavering loyalty," she affirmed. "But sometimes, one must question the path they have chosen."

Wesley looked up, his eyes filled with curiosity. "And what about you, Fox?" he inquired, his voice tinged with concern. "Once this ordeal is over, what will you do?"

Fox paused for a moment, her thoughts drifting into contemplation.

"If I have indeed betrayed fate," she mused, "then I will do what is necessary to rectify it."

"Suicide?" Wesley's voice quivered slightly, his worry evident.

A faint smile graced Fox's lips as she rose to her feet. "Perhaps," she replied enigmatically. "Perhaps not."

"Rest early," Fox gently advised, waving her hand dismissively.

"Tomorrow, I will go to Sloan and confront him face-to-face."

She paused, her voice turning mischievous, "Who knows, it might be quite an entertaining showdown!"

Wesley's silence lingered, his mind filled with uncertainty. As Fox prepared to depart, Wesley watched her intently, a mix of admiration and concern etched on his face. The rooftop grew quiet once again, leaving Wesley alone with his thoughts.

Wesley had initially been captivated by Fox's striking appearance, and over time, he had grown to love Fox for her incredible personality.

However, now Wesley found himself caught in a dilemma. He didn't know how to let go of his unwavering belief in Fox, and he feared what might happen shortly.

Wesley found himself lost in what seemed like a chaotic whirlwind of emotions. Little did he know that someone was observing his predicament with amusement.

"Well, well, look at this—a young man entangled in love," a mischievous voice chimed in from behind Wesley.

Startled, Wesley turned around to find Jack standing there. "Mr. Jack ?" he exclaimed, surprised. "When did you arrive?"

"Probably when Miss Fox ascended the stairs," Jack replied with a sly grin. "I have impeccable hearing, and I do enjoy witnessing captivating performances. So..."

Before finishing his sentence, he shook the camera to emphasize his point.

Wesley was left speechless. Did Jack really have to be so direct? And why on earth was he brandishing a camera?

"Never mind, even if I didn't capture anything, it's not a big deal," Jack continued, waving his hand and making the camera vanish into thin air.

"So, are you feeling confused right now? Do you need someone to talk to? I can offer guidance while I'm in a good mood."

Wesley was well-acquainted with Jack's penchant for making objects disappear. Jack often performed such tricks in front of their group, almost like magic.

However, whenever Wesley inquired about the secret behind his tricks, Jack would simply dodge the question, leaving Wesley to believe it was magic.

Could it actually be magic? Wesley pondered silently, skepticism flickering in his mind.

But before he could voice his thoughts, Jack's mischievous smile widened as if he could read Wesley's mind. "Ah, the wonders of magic, my friend," he said theatrically. "Now, let's not dwell on the secrets. Instead, let's focus on your predicament. Shall we?"

"The more you see it, the more you will get used to it," Jack mused.

"That's it," Wesley said after hesitating for a while. "What about Fox..."

Jack, perched on the roof's edge, turned his attention away from the bustling traffic below and focused on Wesley.

With a smirk playing on his lips, he responded, "Ah, Miss Fox. I must admit, one thing she said holds true—faith is a very serious matter."

Wesley furrowed his brow, perplexed by Jack's agreement. "But, Jack, isn't faith something unchangeable? Something rigid?"

Jack chuckled a playful twinkle in his eyes.


He gestured with a sweeping motion towards the vast expanse of possibilities.

"You see, your father is a prime example. He used to be a staunch believer in fate, a master assassin dedicated to the cause. But thanks to your influence, he gave up his old beliefs."

Wesley's eyes widened, realization dawning upon him.

"You mean, my father joined the Templars because of me? He no longer believes in fate but guards order?"

Jack nodded, a knowing smile gracing his lips.

"Precisely, my friend. While other factors may have been at play, I assure you that without your intervention, your father would never have abandoned the Assassin Brotherhood. It was your impact that changed his faith."

Inspired by Jack's words, Wesley's mind began to race with possibilities.

"So, to change Miss Fox's mind, I need to find someone or something of great importance to her who can influence her beliefs."

Jack patted Wesley on the back, his voice filled with encouragement.

"Exactly! You're catching on, my young friend. The rest, my dear Wesley, is for you to ponder and discover. Goodbye for now, and remember, there will be a grand battle tomorrow!"

Jack's jovial mood was contagious as he watched Wesley depart, humming a lively tune to himself.

The past month had been an exhilarating journey for Jack. It was a maze of thrilling adventures and unexpected encounters, leaving a lingering sense of comfort and excitement.


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