The Battle

"Hello, how can I be of assistance to you today?" the calm voice of the operator greeted the caller.

"Something terrible happened! There was a massive gunfight! Gunfire echoing through the air!" The caller's voice trembled with fear and urgency.

"Oh my, that sounds really serious! Could you please provide me with the exact address?" The operator's tone conveyed a sense of concern.

"Brooklyn— Williamsburg—Urban Railway Viaduct Line 30-31, near station 278, close to the majestic East River, right across from the Brooklyn Navy Yard!" The caller's words spilled out in a rush.

"Alright, sir, I understand. Your safety is paramount. Please find a safe place to take refuge. Just give me a moment..." The operator swiftly recorded the information, following the standard procedure, before handing it over to the police officer.

The police officer glanced at the address and raised an eyebrow. "This place..." They muttered under their breath, seemingly surprised.

Confused, the operator couldn't help but inquire, "Why? What's wrong?"

In a hushed voice, the police officer responded, "SomeoneSomeone mentioned something about it earlier. If there was a gun battle in that area during this time, we were advised to ignore it and not worry about it."

The operator was taken aback. "But how can we ignore such a serious situation?"

The police officer leaned in closer as if sharing a secret. "It's a bit peculiar, I agree. But higher authorities have their reasons. We should just trust their judgment." With that, they dismissed the note as if it held no significance.

Perplexed, the operator reluctantly responded, "Understood, sir. I suppose it's just another false alarm, then. As part of my duty, I'll inform you that we won't be pursuing this matter, given that it's your first offense. This call is now concluded. Wishing you a delightful day ahead."

The caller's voice pleaded desperately, "Wait, wait! What I told you is true! Please listen!"

The line went silent as the call was abruptly disconnected, leaving the caller unheard and bewildered.


The air was tense as gunshots echoed outside the ancient building, the headquarters of the renowned Brotherhood of Assassins. Now engulfed in a fierce shootout, the location seemed eerily fitting for such a clash of deadly adversaries.

Sloan observed the sudden shift in the intensity of gunfire, noting how it transitioned from a continuous barrage to sporadic bursts. However, he was not fooled by the deceptive lull. He knew all too well that this silence signaled a different outcome - an impending massacre of his comrades.

Through the surveillance feeds Sloan's eyes widened with disbelief as he witnessed the unthinkable. It wasn't just Fox, codenamed "Firefox," who had turned against their sacred order, but even Carlos, known as "Cross," had also betrayed the Brotherhood. The two traitors had cunningly infiltrated their ranks, accompanied by a group of once-loyal Assassins who had been coerced or manipulated into switching sides.

"Fuck!" Sloan muttered under his breath, frustration and anger coursing through his veins. The weight of the imminent danger pressed heavily upon him.

Before the chaos erupted, Sloan tried to reach out for help, making desperate calls to the officials he once trusted. However, his former allies, who had once shown him respect and camaraderie, now left his pleas unanswered. The realization dawned on him that his contacts had been compromised, likely by those conniving politicians in league with his enemies.

A glimmer of determination flickered in Sloan's eyes, defying the gloom surrounding him. Without hesitation, he retrieved his mobile phone and turned to a number he hadn't dialed in decades, his fingers trembling slightly as he punched in the digits.

As the phone rang, Sloan swiftly moved through the dimly lit corridors, descending into the hidden depths of the basement. The long-forgotten but meticulously maintained secret passage provided him with a means of escape.

With each step, Sloan's mind raced, contemplating the possible outcomes of his call. The weight of the past decades seemed to bear down on him, reminding him of the consequences of what he was about to do. It was a gamble, but he had no other choice at this critical moment.


In the heart of the vast Sahara Desert, a makeshift camp stood amidst the barren landscape. A solitary figure dressed in traditional desert robes sat cross-legged in deep meditation at the main seat. The rhythmic chanting of his breath echoed softly in the desert air.

Suddenly, a servant approached, bearing a modern mobile phone. With a respectful bow, he presented the device to the man, who slowly opened his eyes, revealing piercing blue orbs that sparkled with a hint of mischief. His lips curled into a scornful smile as he glanced at the name on the screen. Undeterred by the caller's identity, he pressed the answer button, ready for whatever news awaited him.

"Greetings, dear Master Assassin, esteemed leader of the Brotherhood. How delightful to receive a call from you," he spoke, his voice rich with amusement. "Ah, the Templars, they've returned, you say?"

Despite the taunting tone from the elder on the other end, Sloan wasted no time cutting to the chase.

In the past, Sloan had relied on the stroke of luck, unaware of the true strength and numbers of the Templars. He had carefully handpicked his subordinates to mitigate the risk, ensuring their unwavering loyalty. Additionally, he had dispatched a few skilled assassins, known to be unyielding, to confront Fox and gauge the enemy's might.

However, the information brought back was sparse, revealing only fragments of the Templars' power and leaving Sloan grappling with uncertainty. Yet now, his doubts dissipated as he realized that not only Fox but even Carlos, along with other master assassins, had joined the Templars. They are now a lethal combination capable of decimating the foundation of the Brotherhood itself.

Sloan understood that the power levels between assassins varied greatly, making victory a fool's dream for him. And in this battle for survival, Sloan knew he had to act swiftly, for if he lingered, today's refuge would undoubtedly transform into his own tomb within the Brotherhood's headquarters.

Determined to abandon all pretenses, Sloan disregarded his lofty status and reached out directly to the elder of the High Table. With a flicker of urgency in his eyes, he dialed the number, awaiting a response that carried the weight of their future.

"What in the world is this madness?" The elder's voice crackled through the line, his tone revealing his awareness of the Templars' infamous reputation. "Are you absolutely certain? You mean that Templar?"

"Their assault has caught us off guard, and we've suffered significant losses!" Sloan's voice rang with a mixture of frustration and concern, his words emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

The elder's mind raced, processing the dire circumstances. The Assassin Brotherhood might be small in numbers, but each member was a force to be reckoned with. The severity of the losses hinted at the overwhelming strength of the Templars, a fact that couldn't be ignored.

Yet, unbeknownst to the elder, Sloan deliberately withheld certain crucial details, causing a blind spot in the elder's assessment of the situation. This deliberate obfuscation played perfectly into Sloan's hands as he sought to magnify the threat posed by the Templars and raise his own value in the eyes of the elder.

This twisted web of deception and intrigue brought a mischievous glint to Sloan's eyes as he continued, "I'm preparing to depart through the secret passage. The enemy's numbers remain uncertain."

"Make your way to the New York Continental Hotel as your first point of refuge. I shall dispatch someone to get you," the elder commanded, his voice laced with authority.

As the call ended, the elder peered out into the distance, his gaze fixed on the horizon where a thin line of yellow sand danced with the wind. The setting sun cast a warm glow on the elder's weathered face, accentuating the deep lines etched by years of wisdom and experience. A sense of urgency hung in the air, mingling with the desert breeze.


Amid the chaotic air, two bullets collided, their metal surfaces warping and distorting before plummeting to the ground. The improbable event seemed to occur every few fleeting moments during the intense battles around the Brotherhood of Assassins.

Jack and his comrades were undeniably superior, their skills and power surpassing their opponents by more than a few notches. Gradually, the sounds of gunfire transitioned from a sporadic symphony to an eerie silence, signaling the successful elimination of all the assassins outside. Now, only the remaining foes within the confines of the Brotherhood building posed a threat.

Gathered together, the five comrades, Jack, stood in front of the imposing door, their strides synchronized with a hint of determination. Suddenly, Jack halted, causing everyone to stop in their tracks, their gazes fixated on him, curious about the interruption.

"What's wrong?" Wick inquired, a touch of concern in his voice.

Jack's expression turned serious, conveying the gravity of the situation. "I just remembered something important," he replied, his tone carrying a weight of responsibility.

His comrades mirrored his seriousness, realizing that it must truly be important if Jack had effortlessly handled today's operation with ease and nonchalance and deemed it significant.

"Yes, this matter is of utmost importance. No wonder I felt something was amiss from the very beginning today. However, it's not too late to rectify it," Jack declared with conviction, reinforcing the significance of his revelation.

Intrigued and eager to understand, his comrades awaited his explanation. Their eyes widened as Jack reached into his clothing and retrieved an MP3 player.

Confused, they all shared a perplexed look, wondering what purpose the MP3 player served. Their confusion quickly transformed into surprise when Jack activated the song "Back in Black" and cranked up the volume to its maximum, filling the air with the iconic rock anthem.

Everyone's bewildered expressions shifted to amusement, realizing that Jack intended to create a superhero-like atmosphere for them.

With a satisfied nod, Jack turned to his comrades. "Superhero accompaniment, even without slow-motion shots, we can still channel our inner heroes. It's a small adjustment, no big deal. Let's go!"

Energized by the unconventional motivation, the group set off, and their footsteps synchronized with the pulsating rhythm of the song. The juxtaposition of their serious demeanor and the lively tune created a comical yet exhilarating atmosphere as they proceeded deeper into the Brotherhood building.

Wick couldn't help but interject with a playful tone as they ventured forward. "Hey, where did we find ourselves? Are we in an action movie or a superhero blockbuster? Because it sure feels like it!"

Jack chuckled, his voice filled with mischief. "Who knows? Maybe our lives are just one big blockbuster production! And guess what? We're the stars!"

Laughter echoed through the corridor, blending with the electrifying guitar riffs of the song.


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