The City Of Sin

A heartfelt shoutout to some of my most cherished fans!

Firstly, a special mention to Yui_Sealfat, who holds the impressive record of leaving consecutive "thank you" comments for over 30 chapters straight! Your dedication is truly remarkable.

Next, I want to extend my gratitude to my dear friend WarMachine78, whose captivating and insightful chapter summaries never fail to impress me. Your summaries truly enhance the reading experience for everyone.

To my friend from Brazil, Estelem_Shelym, despite relying on Google Lens and its translation feature to understand your comments, they never fail to bring a smile to my face. Your support means the world to me.

And of course, a huge thank you to all my supporters who have stood by my book. Your encouragement drives me forward and inspires me to keep writing.

As a token of my appreciation, I'll be releasing bonus chapters this Saturday and Sunday just for you all.

Now, let's dive into the chapter and enjoy the journey together!


In the dimly lit bar, the thumping drumbeats and pulsating music filled the air, accompanied by vibrant lights, hazy atmosphere, enthusiastic crowds, and scantily clad or barely clad girls—a snapshot of Gotham City, the city of sin.

Amidst the revelry, the abrupt noise of smashing and banging startled everyone present. Who dared to stir trouble in this place?

Despite the initial surprise, the patrons dismissed the commotion, assuming that the troublemaker would likely be ejected soon, possibly leaving in a less-than-intact state.

Little did they anticipate the unfolding chaos—a full-blown massacre. Jack, now donned in a suit, masqueraded as a thug, swiftly carving a path through the opposition. Anyone attempting to impede him received a series of precise blows, rendering them incapacitated but not dead.

Jack had no intention of taking lives just yet. This being his first foray into this environment, unleashing lethal force seemed unwise. Moreover, his future plans required cooperation from Bruce and Gordon, and earning the title of a murderer would hinder that.

However, even without fatalities, Jack's actions reverberated with a resounding deterrence. As he tossed an unconscious thug aside, someone finally decided to open fire.

In a flash, Jack maneuvered gracefully, evading the bullets unscathed. Whether he dodged, caught them without harm, or simply eluded them entirely remained a mystery.

Undeterred, the gunman aimed for another shot, only to be thwarted by Jack grabbing a wine bottle and hurling it with uncanny accuracy—a headshot.

The impact left the assailant unconscious on the ground. Surveying the scattered wine bottles, Jack grinned, opting for a non-lethal approach. The Holy Sword of Eden seemed a bit too much for the occasion, and he even hesitated to soil his wrench.

Thus, the abundance of wine bottles became Jack's improvised weapons of choice.

After a brief but intense altercation, the bar fell silent. The once rowdy electronic beats had given way to an eerie quiet, broken only by the occasional groans of the incapacitated thugs. The restless energy was replaced by a rare tranquility, so profound that one could hear a pin drop. The patrons, now trembling, were left to absorb the aftermath of the unexpected chaos.

Originally, some folks had the grand idea of escaping. However, Jack swiftly put a stop to that notion by casually flinging a few cups, leaving people sprawled on the ground with bloody heads and dazed expressions. Escape was no longer on their minds.

"Anyone left?" Jack scanned the surroundings, and everyone caught in his gaze shivered. His eyes held an otherworldly power; beneath their scrutiny, sins were laid bare and invisible no more.

Jack observed this phenomenon, confirming his suspicion. The [Eye of Justice] was at play, filling everything within sight with smoky darkness. The source? The patrons and staff of the bar, each emitting varying concentrations of the ominous black smoke.

The smoke hovered and spread, seemingly impervious to space or objects. Yet, whenever it neared Jack, it recoiled, as if encountering a formidable natural adversary.

"I'm currently using [Eye of Justice] and [Halo of Justice]. The ability allowing me to see this sin smoke should be the [Eye of Justice], and what makes it actively retreat should be the [Aura of Justice]..." Jack contemplated.

"But what about [Heart of Justice]? Does it make them afraid?" Jack admitted his uncertainty about the role of [Heart of Justice].

"Who's in charge here?" Jack inquired, his thoughts racing.

Silence blanketed the scene. No one dared to speak up. Jack, raising an eyebrow, opted to skip the chatter. He strolled directly in front of the person emitting the strongest black aura, snapped his fingers, and cast [Hypnosis] : "You, spill it."

For those with weaker wills, this type of spiritual magic was more effective, especially with Jack leveraging [Justice Halo] and [Eye of Justice]. In gaming terms, it was like doubling the deterrent effect, making it easier for the opponent to succumb to hypnotism.

True to form, the man fell under the spell before he could even catch a breath.

"He's the one." The man pointed in a direction without hesitation.

Jack glanced over, and the crowd dispersed, revealing a startled man in their midst.

"How dare you betray me!" the man roared in disbelief.

It was none other than Hamant Haldar, the bar's gangster owner. Discovering the chaos upon rushing down, he was ready to scold his men but found them all incapacitated.

Just when he contemplated fleeing, Jack halted his escape plans. Haldar had already texted his boss, confident that as long as nothing happened to him, he was in the clear.

When Jack asked about the bar's leader, Haldar was initially shocked but soon found relief. In his mind, anyone with a modicum of sense wouldn't confess, knowing the gangsters upstairs would undoubtedly seek revenge.


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