The Devil

Jack approached the bewildered individual and inquired.

"Are you the person in charge of this bar?" Jack queried as he approached.

"...Yes," Haldar responded, but his eyes widened with horror. Despite intending to deny responsibility, under Jack's intense gaze, he felt as if a colossal mountain loomed over him. The compulsion to tell the truth overwhelmed him, as if his life depended on it.

"Very good," Jack acknowledged, adjusting his suit with a flair only a thug in a suit could manage.

Pulling out a pristine notebook from his pocket, Jack displayed it before Haldar. "I am with the GCPD. I've uncovered drug activities here, so I'm shutting down this place. Any questions?"

"Police..." Haldar's eyes twitched, sensing trouble. When had this cop arrived, seemingly oblivious to the established norms? Didn't he know that even the police chief turned a blind eye to their dealings?

In his frustration, Haldar glanced at Jack's ID, ready to curse, but memories of Jack's recent display restrained him. Checking the date on the ID, he wondered if this new recruit had taken down an entire bar on his first day.

"Do you know who my boss is?" Haldar snarled.

"I don't know," Jack replied calmly, "But I'm eager to find out."

"This is not the place for a cop to stir trouble. Even your chief wouldn't dare to cause problems here. This is Carmine Falcone's territory!" Haldar warned, threatening consequences.

"Don't be so certain," Jack dismissed Haldar's bravado, lifting his collar, and said, "Let's have a chat."

"What...what are we talking about?" Haldar nervously asked.

"I'm a rookie cop. My ID was approved today," Jack admitted, his voice carrying in the eerily quiet bar. "I've heard rumors about dealings between the police and your gangsters. I want details—names and the gangs involved."

Haldar, realizing the gravity of Jack's words, warned, "You're digging your own grave! Leave us alone; even your fellow officers won't let you off!"

Jack shifted his approach, opting for a more direct strategy. While it seemed straightforward, he'd planted a metaphorical nuclear bomb and awaited Haldar to unwittingly activate it with his response.

In the crowded bar, mostly filled with social customers, Jack's question hung in the air—an inquiry that hinted at a larger, hidden truth known by all, yet held secret details that remained shrouded in mystery.

What unfolds when something concealed in the shadows is exposed to the light? The same principle applies to the clandestine dealings between the police in the station and various gangs, big and small, in Gotham. They received bribes from these gangs, a well-known fact among Gotham citizens. However, the identities of these corrupt figures remained a mystery to the public.

If Haldar spills the beans, unless everyone present remains confined, it won't take long for the news to spread throughout Gotham. Eventually, it will extend its reach beyond, causing external repercussions. Even in a crime-ridden city like Gotham, there are limits to lawlessness. If gangs could rule without restraint, there would be no need to bribe the police, judges, or mayors.

Gotham is part of the United States, and if it descended into complete anarchy, the U.S. government would undoubtedly intervene. The delicate balance in Gotham is an abnormal equilibrium reached over time. Gangs rely on police corruption to operate and generate profits, while numerous officers line their pockets with a share of the spoils.

Though there have been internet rumors, no concrete evidence has surfaced. Even organizations like the FBI have investigated, but Gotham has sunken into such a distorted "balance" that the whole city seems beyond redemption.

As Gordon mentioned in the original movie, "The whole city is corrupt, and there's no way to stay a good person." Thus, any investigation would likely be futile, as any damning evidence would swiftly be erased.

Over time, Gotham has transformed into a lawless zone, almost devoid of consequences. However, if Haldar spills detailed names under Jack's threat, once it hits the internet, things will spiral out of control. The government cannot afford to lose face, even if Gotham itself lacks credibility.

"Them, my own people?" Jack sneered.

In Jack's eyes, the only person in the police station worthy of trust was Gordon.

"They won't let me go. Perfect. From the start, I didn't plan to let them off the hook. And neither did you." Jack lifted Haldar's collar, suspending him in the air. "If you don't spill, you'll meet your end right now."

Haldar struggled but remained tight-lipped. He understood that even if Jack spared him now, a worse fate awaited him later – a fate worse than death.

"Alright," Jack released Shewhas and didn't rush to take any action. He turned his attention to the side, where a commotion hinted at an approaching multitude.

"Tonight, let's enjoy ourselves..." Jack mused.


"Are you serious?" Falconi questioned his men.

"Yes... yes." A trembling subordinate with facial injuries stammered before Falconi, "All our people were taken down by him! But he spared their lives, demanding you go over. If you don't, he said... he will..."

"A lone person?"

"A cop."

"Where are your guns?"

"We used them, but... but... he was like a devil! Our guns were almost useless. Utterly useless!"

"You're kidding me?" Falconi grabbed a nearby gun, aiming it at the guys head.

"Show me, how did he vanish?"

"I...I..." His hands trembled, and then a wave of heat surged from his crotch.

"Fuck!" Falconi roared angrily and fired. He signaled his men to handle the body and erase any traces. Then, after a moment's thought, he made a phone call.

"Beep beep..."

After a while, the call connected.

"What time is it now? What's the matter?" A voice came from the other end.

"You planning to break the agreement?" Falconi cut to the chase.


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