
"What do you mean?" Gotham City Police Chief Rob was taken aback on the phone, processing Falcone's revelation.

"Your guys stirred up trouble at my place!" Falconi asserted.

"Gordon?" Rob instinctively mentioned the name.

"No, Gordon doesn't have that kind of skill," Falconi replied, sensing Rob's cluelessness. He softened his tone, "This guy took down all my men."

Rob, grappling with the concept of a lone assailant toppling dozens, couldn't help but find it a bit absurd. "Did he not use a gun?"

Rob's mind raced.

Ignoring the tangent, Falconi interjected, "Forget about the policeman. Why not just send one of your desperadoes to take him out? Blame the whole thing on them. Have Klein from Arkham vouch for your insanity, and you'll be off the hook."

Rob, well-versed in criminal tactics, sighed. "As a police chief, I'm well-acquainted with the criminal process. Sadly, it's not to apprehend criminals but to collaborate with them."

Falconi, the city's most significant gang boss, controlled extensive drug trafficking routes. To maintain appearances, police would occasionally nab a few of Falconi's henchmen, bringing them to court after negotiations. Falconi's crew would then approach Jonathan Crane, Arkham Asylum's director, seeking a mental illness certificate to divert them from prison to a mental hospital.

In fact, this Klein is no ordinary troublemaker; he's a menacing villain known as the Scarecrow, operating under the command of Henry Duca in the Shadow Warriors Alliance.

Duka, was once Batman Bruce's mentor during his martial arts training. Little did Bruce know, Duka was the true mastermind behind the Shadow Warriors Alliance, and he had deceived Bruce all along.


"My men tried it," Falconi admitted, his expression darkening. "But it didn't seem to work. Plus, it's my turf; I can't afford too many losses. You owe me an explanation!"

Confused, Rob inquired, "Who is this guy? Didn't he kill anyone? What does he want?"

Falconi, deep in thought, questioned himself, "When did I get such a fierce guy on my team? How do I not know about him? One man taking down dozens, most of them armed with guns? This is shocking."

Silence hung in the air as Falconi contemplated. Then, he admitted, "I don't have a name yet, but he flashed a police officer's ID. He wants to talk to me."

Rob pondered the situation. "So, what's the plan?"

"He's your problem now. What do you suggest?" Falconi retorted, a hint of frustration in his laughter.

"It's on you, just keep it low-key," Rob instructed. "I told you to reach out to Frank. Call him and keep me in the loop. If there's evidence, both of us are in trouble."

"Fine," Falconi grumbled, ending the call. He contacted Frank, explained the situation.

Frank, once Gordon's partner turned corrupt, was Rob's intermediary with the underworld. This time, Falconi reached out directly due to the urgency.

Back in the bar, dozens of unconscious gangsters littered the floor, leaving little room to navigate. Jack had cleared out the bystanders, using them as messengers to convey information. As for the remaining individuals...


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