Wayne Manor

In no time, Flas handcuffed Huas and efficiently documented the scene, capturing images and securing the confiscated drugs. In a moment of camaraderie, he turned to Jack, "Jack, we're going to be colleagues. Let me share something. Mr. Falconi is a legitimate businessman, but sometimes, his subordinates stray into illegal activities. Forget about this incident. If you face such situations in the future, come directly to me. I'll handle it. By the way, did you complete the entry procedures today? You don't have a partner yet, right?"

"Yes," Jack responded, "Jim Gordon."

"Gordon..." Flas began, intending to say more, but the words halted, and he blushed. Even Flas couldn't bear the awkwardness of the situation. Does Flas not know who Gordon is? A short while ago, Gordon was his partner, the only person in the police station not involved in their illicit activities. Now, Jack, just starting the job, had become partners with Gordon. Did that mean Jack had prior information and understood the situation well?

Flas, connecting the dots, became more convinced of Jack's identity. If not for that status, how could he possess such in-depth information? Flas's suspicions grew, becoming increasingly wary of Jack's ominous aura.

"That's fine," Flas said with a smile, "Leave this matter to me. You can go."

"Interesting," Jack remarked, glancing at Falconi. Falconi remained silent. "Do you think so too?"

"Of course," Falconi forced a smile, "It's all just a misunderstanding, isn't it?"

"Then I hope..." Jack downed the wine in one gulp, slamming the bottle onto the bar with such force that it shattered. The entire stone bar collapsed.

"Misunderstandings might occur more often. After all, the year-end is approaching, and it's time to meet performance targets."

Without looking back, Jack walked out, leaving a parting remark, "Whoever you choose as the scapegoat, by tomorrow, I want to see them at the police station. Within a week, I want to see them in court."

The mobsters were stunned by the aftermath of Jack's recent blow. Terrified, they dared not open fire and promptly surrendered.

Falconi, with a dark expression, watched Jack walk away. He didn't dare to order his men to shoot or detain Jack.

"Thanks for your efforts. I'll have Klein diagnose you as a psychopath and send you to Arkham for recovery," Falconi said, patting Albert on the shoulder after regaining his composure. "Don't worry; they must follow the law."

"Thank you, boss," Albert bowed his head in gratitude.

"I'll take him back now," Fras interjected. "By the way, do you want to report this to Director Rob?"

"Tell him. Just make sure he finds out this person's origin!" Falconi, not interested in talking to Rob, snorted coldly, turned around, walked out, got into the car, and left.

Fras cursed inwardly, "You only know how to flaunt your power with me. Have the guts to confront Jack or Chief Rob!" But he kept his thoughts to himself, mindful of Albert beside him.

Afterward, Fras called and informed Director Rob of the situation, emphasizing his suspicions about Jack's skills. The details surprised Rob, and after hanging up, he spent a sleepless night.

Worried about the repercussions, Rob, influenced by Fras's description, concluded that Jack's origin might involve a high-level organization, perhaps from the FBI, investigating the situation. He felt the urgency to investigate Jack's background, fearing legal consequences if his own actions were exposed.

"I must check Jack's origin tomorrow," Rob resolved.


The next day At Wayne Manor.

"Master," Alfred, approached with a newspaper, interrupting Bruce, who was working on his armor. "I think you need to take a look at this."

"What is it, Alfred? I'm busy; can't you just tell me?" Bruce sprayed the last part of his armor, stepped back, and admired his work without turning around.

"I have eyes, young master," Alfred said with a hint of sarcasm, still delivering the news. "It appears someone took action ahead of you."


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