The Chief

"What do you mean?" Bruce inquired, dismissing the freshly painted armor to inspect the newspaper in Alfred's hand.

Bruce took the newspaper and immediately spotted the headline - "New cop Creates Havoc at Soros Bar, Injures Dozens and Leaves!"

"Soros Bar?" Bruce questioned, looking at Alfred.

"That's Falcone's territory, the biggest gangster in Gotham City," Alfred explained.

"And, as per rumors, the new cop, just starting the job, subdued thugs in the bar, then publicly demanded the Falcone to reveal the list of policemen involved with gangsters."

"In public?" Bruce asked in suprise.

"In public." Alfred confirmed.

"He's being reckless," Bruce frowned.

"Yes, but his skills are undeniably impressive," Alfred pointed to a photo capturing the lone figure amidst a circle of fallen adversaries.

"One man against dozens, armed with guns and other weapons, and the cop is just in a suit."

"Sounds like a joke," Bruce shook his head, "Doesn't seem human, at least not me."

"What's your plan?" Alfred inquired.

"He went too far, too conspicuous. He'll attract attention easily. But if his abilities match what the newspapers claim, even half as much, he's a person worth considering. A potential ally."

Bruce declared, "Alfred, I need you to check his information. Provide it to me promptly. I'll find an opportunity to talk to him."

"I've already gathered it," Alfred handed over a stack of information, adding an odd detail, "Master, strangely, all the documents are true, confirmed by now-deceased individuals who vouched for their authenticity."

"Sounds like someone from a covert organization," Bruce observed, finding the information to align with Alfred's description.

"That's the dilemma," Alfred said. "Master, if he's from such organizations, your actions..."

"I'll find him tonight and inquire about the situation," Bruce interjected.

"If he's indeed from those organizations, I can offer intelligence and cooperate. If he's just an ordinary person, with his skills, I might try to recruit him as a partner."


In the cop car, Gordon observed Jack in silence.

"What?" Jack quipped knowingly, "Although I'm handsome, my orientation is normal. No need for delusions."

"You know what I want to say," Gordon retorted, ignoring Jack's jest and displaying a newspaper, "What's going on?"

"What's going on?" Jack took the newspaper and scanned it twice. "Ah, well-written. It's accurate."

"I know it's accurate!" Gordon was on the brink of collapse. "But... how could you do something like this?"

"Why not?" Jack shrugged. "I just wanted to find a bar to relax. You see someone openly dealing and using drugs, and as a police officer, I intended to make an arrest. They resisted openly, and with a sizable group on their side, I had to strike harder. Any issues with that?"

"Not only is there an issue, but it's a significant one," Gordon took a deep breath and said, "That's Falcone's turf! He is the head of the largest gang in Gotham City, and he has dealings with the mayor, the judge, and the chief! Though I'm not sure how he's kept his position, if he reports this to Chief Rob, you'll be in serious trouble!"

"Are you suggesting Chief Rob would protect a gang leader and punish me?" Jack teased Gordon deliberately.

"They've all taken bribes from the gang! They'll undoubtedly assist him! Ever wonder why everyone knows Falcone's gang is involved in smuggling and drug dealing, yet no one has managed to apprehend him? It's because he wields so much power that he can easily shift blame onto someone else, and the authorities turn a blind eye!"

Gordon covered his head, feeling frustrated. "I should have briefed you on all this earlier."

"Don't worry," Jack, realizing he had almost pushed Gordon's buttons enough, shifted to a more serious tone. "Last night, I started playing around with the identity I gave myself. You might have thought I'm an ignorant young man, but I understand plenty. I've known about Falcone's place and the situation in Gotham City for a while."

"Then why..." Gordon was perplexed.

"That's what I wanted to do," Jack explained. "My identity must remain confidential. You just need to know I'm an agent from a national-level force, specifically investigating the situation in Gotham City."

"What?" Gordon was taken aback, recalling Jack's skills in the alley last night and the newspaper reports. He immediately believed most of it.

Only someone of his caliber could pull off such a stunt!

"Gordon, I know you're an honorable cop, unwilling to join the ranks of the corrupt. One of the few good ones," Jack said. "You can join me in my endeavors. In return, I'll support you to become the chief, and together, we can change the situation in Gotham!"

Gordon was left speechless, the flood of information overwhelming his mind, needing time to process it all.

"What kind of force are you from?" Gordon finally regained his composure and asked.

"Didn't I say? It's confidential. Just know I have strong backing," Jack grinned, patting Gordon on the shoulder. "How about joining... I mean, joining my group and working together?"

Gordon's confusion lingered. "You just mentioned joining a gang. Is that what you meant?"

"How skilled do you have to be to say this kind of word so naturally?" Gordon pondered silently.

"How many people are there in your group now?" Gordon decided to focus on the situation.

"Two," Jack raised his index and middle fingers.

"Then three if you include me?" Gordon looked perplexed.

"No, just the two of us," Jack reassured, "The team needs to be nimble. For my operations, more people aren't necessarily better. Five people are enough!"

Jack considered the essential individuals—himself, Bruce, Gordon, Fox working in Wayne Enterprises' weapons department, and Bruce's butler, Alfred. As for Rachel, Jack dismissed her significance in the unfolding plot, deeming her righteous but ineffective.

"Things got messed up, and Bruce had to bear the consequences for her in the end," Jack contemplated. "Of course, Bruce is also a bit silly... but all of this has not happened yet, and it will never happen again."

Jack was determined to shape events differently in this new world.

Gordon, unsure how to respond to Jack's audacious plan, forced a smile. "Five people changing Gotham? How can this be?" He doubted the feasibility but refrained from expressing disbelief.

"Okay, this invitation stands for a long time. I believe it won't be long before you decide to join us voluntarily," Jack remarked. "Let's head to the police station. I think Chief Rob is planning to meet us there."


In the police station, Rob arrived early, heading straight to his office to access the dedicated internal network and start querying Jack's information.

Soon, Jack's details appeared on his computer desktop.

Jack's information mirrored that of previous worlds—no anomalies, everything valid. The only difference was that all individuals who could confirm Jack's existence were now deceased. The evidence they left behind remained valid, but they were no longer part of this world.

After reviewing the information, Rob broke out in a cold sweat.

As the police chief, Rob was privy to certain classified matters. Combined with Fras earlier speculations, it made logical sense for Rob to guess Jack's so called hidden identity.

"Could it really be a coincidence that someone had such detailed and flawless background?"

Rob didn't believe in coincidences.

He was convinced that Jack must be a member of a secretive organization. Jack joined the Gotham Police Department to investigate the city's internal affairs! Both Jack's information and skills pointed in that direction.

"If that's the case, what should I do..." Rob pondered.

He didn't want to become the target of such a formidable force! While lost in thought, a knock on the door interrupted Rob.

"Come in," Rob said.

Fras entered the room.

"I've locked Halder in the interrogation room. Here's the indictment. Once you sign, we'll proceed with the prosecution and take him to court for trial," Fras explained.

"Jack... Director, do you know his origin?" Fras inquired.

"There's no issue with his information, but that's also the biggest problem," Rob shook his head, serious. "I checked the backgrounds of the people who assessed him or issued certificates, as well as all his interpersonal and family relationships. The troubling discovery is that everyone related to him is dead."

"MY GOD!" Fras exclaimed in shock.

"It's nearly certain now that he must be affiliated with a powerful organization. Otherwise, he wouldn't have such a airtight background, and... it's also eerily real," Rob said, shaking his head. "What worries me now is how to handle him."


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