Buying Arkham

Buying Arkham doesn't have to be complicated.

Theoretically, Arkham is considered a public facility and does not allow buying and selling, but there are very few problems in this world that cannot be solved with money, and this matter is not an exception.

With Bruce's money flashing skills, it was straightforward to solve this matter.

After making a phone call, Bruce expressed his intention to buy Arkham. And it got done just like that.

As for Gordon, Jack asked him to go back early. His role was to come here to confirm that what Jack said is true, then wait to get the credit, and finally, show off his face.

Gordon really wanted to say that he was not that kind of person, but in the end, he couldn't decide to let fate play out.

"These are samples of fear gas," Jack put the liquid into a small bottle and handed it to Bruce. "You go find someone to make the antidote, and you can't make a big deal about it... You know who to find, right?"

"I can think of someone," Bruce replied, taking the small bottle. "Fox?"

"He should have the skills," Jack nodded. "Hurry up, even if he can make the antidote, increasing the quantity will take some time.

Still doesn't't know when The League of Shadows will take action. When Klein loses contact, they will either give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, or they will take action in advance... I think they will choose the second option."

"Why?" Bruce asked.

"Because one of them has a deep relationship with you," Jack said with a smile.

Just when Bruce was about to ask who that person was, his cell phone rang.

"I'm leaving first. As for who that person is, let me keep it a secret, and you will see him soon." Jack waved his hand and left Arkham.

Bruce had no choice but to answer the phone.

He doesn't have the capital to keep Jack... It seems that he must remember to buy Jack's rental apartment and become his landlord!

"I'm Bruce Wayne." Bruce found it was an unknown number but still answered the call.

This number is his private number. If it can be known, only people related to him can know it.

"Master Wayne, I'm Earl," announced Earl, the current chairman of Wayne Group.

"Oh, it's you. What's the matter?" Bruce narrowed his eyes inquiringly.

"It's like this. I think it's time to put the listing of Wayne Group on the agenda..." Earl expounded on the phone, suggesting that Wayne Group, having reached its current stage of development, should go public to further expand and wield its influence.

"What's more, I heard that Master Wayne, you just spent a huge sum of money to buy Arkham Asylum?" Earl added with a chuckle. "Look, if Wayne Group does not go public, judging from the speed at which you spend money, you may not be able to balance it!"

Bruce's frowned upon hearing this.

"Dare you say I have no money? Doubting my ability to make money? Threatening that I will lose my money flaunting skill," Bruce's mind raced with thoughts and he suddenly realized something.

Earl is looking down on him, assuming that he is merely a simple playboy. So Earl is attempting to threaten him with money? Ridiculous!

After listing, shares are sold, funds are raised, and equity is diluted. For Bruce, this doesn't matter because his plan is to buy a large number of shares after the listing, utilizing charitable and trust funds. He has the means.

Now, Bruce not only received an evaluation of Earl from Alfred, his most trusted butler, but also devised a plan from Jack to get the best of both worlds. Governance over Gotham and the development of Wayne Group would be splendid.

Therefore, listing became a necessity. If the plan unfolds as intended, Wayne Group will experience greater development opportunities. Bruce even considers going public earlier and subsequently holding absolute equity through various channels, as originally planned.

The only alteration to the original plan is Bruce's decision to replace Earl first and then let Fox, who is more capable and less rebellious, take over before going public.

"I see. I know what to do!" Bruce affirmed.

"That would be great," replied Earl, bidding farewell with satisfaction before hanging up the phone.

He believed that Bruce's acknowledgment of knowing what to do was an endorsement for the listing of Wayne Group. Little did he know that Bruce had made this decision to bring him down mercilessly and subsequently install Fox as the successor.

"Fox?" Bruce called Fox, "You are promoted?"


Wayne Group, Applied Science Department.

"This is a nerve poison and a protein. When drunk, it will be digested by gastric acid. It is completely harmless and is equivalent to supplementing nutrition. However, when inhaled, it will react with lung cells and then affect the nervous system, causing effects such as the fear you mentioned, Master Wayne..."

Fox examined the analyzed data and turned to Bruce, saying, "If you need me to create an antidote, I'll have to isolate the patient, extract body compounds, and employ protein-based catalysts..."

Bruce, feeling overwhelmed by technical jargon, interrupted, "Uh... sorry. Can you put it in simpler terms?"

Fox simplified, "The process is challenging, and I need experimental subjects."

"Why didn't you say that from the start?"

"Because it would make me appear unprofessional, and you wouldn't believe me, Master Wayne. It's an art of speaking."

Bruce clarified the origin of the experimental subjects, explaining Dr. Klein's chemical experiments on mental patients at Arkham Asylum. Fox's eyes softened, but then he remembered Klein's assistance to gangsters.

"He deserves it," Bruce shrugged, emphasizing the imminent threat to Gotham City. "I need you to develop the antidote quickly and put it into mass production. The more, the better!"

"To threaten the entire Gotham City?" Fox questioned.

"Yes," Bruce replied solemnly, revealing Klein's role in pouring fear gas into the city's water supply under someone else's orders. He explained that a terrorist organization might evaporate the city's water in the near future, causing widespread inhalation of fear gas and subsequent mental illness.

Fox, recognizing the severity, quickly abandoned the fear gas he held, rushing to the nearby computer to query relevant information. Bruce asked, "What do you know?"

"If I recall correctly, Wayne Group has a weapon capable of achieving this effect," Fox entered the information system, searching for a microwave launcher known as 48-B 1-ME.

"It was developed to evaporate the enemy's water supply. Rumors suggest The League of Shadows plans to use it for spreading water-based chemicals, which fit perfectly."

Fox checked recent news of this weapon, his hands moving at a pace defying his age.


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