
Fox opened the database, not intending to confirm his guess. The information about these weapons was engraved in his mind, and it only took a moment to recall it. He just wanted to find out about the recent movements of this weapon.

"Sure enough," Fox showed the information in front of Bruce. "According to the transfer trajectory, this weapon will be transported to Gotham for storage... The arrival date is today!"

"We cannot expose it," Bruce pondered for a while, looking at Fox. "Just pretend you don't know and quickly develop an antidote."

"Why? That is likely to cause casualties!" Fox was stunned.

"The current situation is that we know the organization's plan and can counterattack. But if we are exposed in advance, it will become a situation where we are in the dark, and they are in the light, making it impossible to prevent. Striking once and for all is the most effective," Bruce said seriously. "If they adopt another method that we don't know at all, it will only cause greater casualties!"

"You are right," Fox thought for a while and had to nod in agreement.

He is not a saint. Although he has principles, he is not yet high enough to be able to distinguish the pros and cons.

"Besides, I'm also very curious about how Earl would react if such an important weapon was lost..." Bruce narrowed his eyes slightly.

"You seem to have changed," Fox was a little confused.

"I'm trying my best to learn the way of thinking of a certain guy," Bruce pointed to his head. "As long as it doesn't violate my own principles, his perspective is indeed better than mine."

"I'm getting more and more curious to meet hi..."

"You will see him soon."


"What did you say?"

In the office of the president of Wayne Group, Earl stood up with a look of shock on his face. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," an assistant reported to Earl. "The Coast Guard discovered one of our ships, badly damaged, with the entire crew missing or possibly dead. It was carrying a prototype of a weapon designed to vaporize enemy water supplies during desert operations, but it..."



"Damn it!" Earl yelled angrily. "Find it! No matter what method you use, you must find it!"

"Yes!" The assistant nodded and was about to leave.

"Wait!" Earl stopped the assistant again. "Don't search in a big way, understand? This weapon has never been missing before it was recovered!"


Jack was not idle either.

He didn't forget to educate Bruce about this. After all, it was ten million dollars. After receiving it, along with a small salary bonus, etc., he would likely be able to upgrade the cop profession to a high level.

Teaching this kind of thing couldn't be done just by talking on paper, and Jack didn't intend to do that.

Students still had to practice when studying! Especially with combat skills and the like, how could you do it without practice?

As for practical goals, they were really easy to find.

Today's Gotham was still "unsophisticated," and finding a goal for Bruce to achieve was not difficult.

For example, the biggest gang leader in Gotham City, Falcone.

Falcone had been a little panicked recently.

For some reason, Klein suddenly disappeared, and Arkham became the property of Bruce Wayne, so even if he wanted to go in and look for someone, he couldn't find him.

Naturally, the business on Narrows Island stopped immediately.

Fortunately, Falcone did not rely solely on the business on Narrows Island. Most of his business was in drugs in various venues in Gotham City.

Unfortunately, he was targeted by Bruce and Jack.


In the past few days, all Falcone's venues had suffered an almost devastating blow.

On the first day, what Jack taught Bruce was stealth!

The next day, what Jack taught Bruce was backstabbing!

Day three is magic!

"Wait," Bruce wondered if there was something wrong with his ears, "Magic?"

"Yes, magic." A ball of light appeared in Jack's hand, and Bruce deliberately checked if there were any mechanisms in his hand.

"I have already taught you all that can be taught. Now the only thing remaining magic."

It had to be said that Bruce's ability to control his body was truly outstanding, and the skills he learned in League of Shadows provided a solid foundation.

The reason why it was said to be relatively solid was because it was compared to the stealth skill and backstab skill provided by Jack's system.

The system insisted on delivering high-quality products, and before upgrading to a skill, it offered expertise in stealth and backstabbing—skills that represented the pinnacle in that field. For now, Jack hadn't encountered anyone surpassing him in these areas.

Teaching magic was a spontaneous idea that originated from Jack's studies and deductions in the previous world. He even managed to formulate a new spell, though progress hit a roadblock. Recognizing the limitations in his understanding, Jack decided to teach Bruce magic, hoping to gain insights from the protagonist's halo. The prospect of Batman wielding magic added an intriguing layer to the plan.

Jack's mental abacus swiftly calculated the potential outcomes, finding the idea amusing.

(End of chapter)


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