New World: Pacific Rim

To say that Jack lacks feelings entirely would be untrue, yet to claim he's overflowing with them would be equally misguided.

Hence, Jack found himself navigating the situation the best he could, trusting in the passage of time to ultimately render its verdict.

"Let's not dwell on it for now. We'll address it when the time is right," he assured himself, casting aside the jumble of thoughts cluttering his mind and refocusing on the task at hand.

His attention shifted to his personal panel, where the rewards of his first master-level profession awaited. Alongside three master-level skills, Jack was granted a new chance to travel to a new world.

With a deliberate decision, Jack seized one of those opportunities, immersing himself once more in the familiar yet awe-inspiring spectacle.

The celestial canopy above seemed to ripple like silk disturbed by an unseen hand, and amidst the cosmic dance, a solitary star descended towards Jack.

Enveloped in its radiant glow, Jack found himself transported to a new world: the world of "Pacific Rim."

Presented with the choice of a new career path, Jack pondered his options. 

1.Jaeger maintainer

2.Jaeger designer

3.Jaeger pilot

His gaze lingered on the second option, fueled by the memory of colossal monsters from the Pacific Rim universe.

Jaeger designer it was, Jack decided, embracing the thrilling prospects that lay ahead.


In the movie Pacific Rim, Earth faces an existential threat as an alien race rips open a wormhole, unleashing colossal monsters hell-bent on laying waste to everything in their path. Humanity's only hope? Giant Jaegers, piloted by brave souls who stand united against the monstrous onslaught.

Now, let's delve into why Jack opted to become a Jaeger designer rather than a mere maintainer or driver.

First off, it's all about skills.

Jack, after countless encounters with different occupations and their corresponding skill sets, discerned a pattern in the system. Maintenance technicians, for instance, are expected to possess a wealth of knowledge about Jaegers, from their inner workings to their driving Jaegernisms. But hey, that's just scratching the surface. They might even boast some basic driving skills akin to your neighborhood auto Jaegernic.

Now, let's talk pilots!

Pilots? Sure, they're essential, but it's pretty straightforward—driving skills are a given. Maybe there are some perks, like the ability to pilot solo, but nothing too flashy.

Now, onto the second point: value.

Jack meticulously weighed his options and concluded that designing Jaegers was the way to go. Why? Because designing means putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, sketching out blueprints, and delving into the nitty-gritty of technology. Imagine creating a colossal Jaeger from scratch on alien soil... now that's some next-level problem-solving!

As for driving, Jack's not sweating it. While most folks would need a team to handle the mental strain, Jack's got over 3,000 points of Intelligence. That's right, facing down that mental pressure is child's play for him!

"Set the coordinates for a time when they are summoning Jaeger designers," Jack declared, his voice resolute. "Let's dial it back... say, a year before the main event kicks off!"

Jack wasn't certain how long it would take to craft a Jaeger, but with the entire world pooling their resources, the possibilities were limitless. Surely, a year would suffice!

As Jack's words echoed into the cosmos, the stars shimmered with newfound brilliance, enveloping him in their celestial glow.

And just like that, when Jack regained his senses, he found himself standing on a bustling street.

"First things first... gotta snag myself a cell phone!"


Jack glanced around, feeling invisible amidst the bustling crowd. With a subtle gesture, he halted a passerby and inquired about the nearest mall. Armed with directions, he set off, all the while discreetly examining the newly acquired [Jaeger Designer] panel.

[Jaeger Designer·Entry-Level (0/10)

Title Bonus:


(You need sufficient brainpower to develop and use Jaeger knowledge!)

[Entry-level Jaeger Maintenance Technology] 

(Ever wondered if software engineering students could repair computers? While that's up for debate, one thing's certain: Jaeger designers can handle Jaegers!)

[Entry-level knowledge of Jaeger principles] (Dreaming of crafting your own Jaeger? You'll need more than just resources – dive into physics, mathematics, chemistry, programming, and more! This condensed package is your ticket to experimentation!)

[Entry-level Jaeger blueprint extraction] (Derived from a mysterious Antarctic creature, this function offers Jaeger blueprints for the right price.)]


Navigating the intricacies of Jaeger maintenance and principles didn't faze Jack. While the knowledge seemed as vast as the ocean, his formidable intellect made it a manageable feat.

What truly caught Jack off guard was the last item – [Extraction of entry-level Jaeger drawings]! It seemed like a clandestine offer, akin to black market dealings. 

With a sigh of relief, Jack decided to test his luck and clicked on the Jaeger blueprint to extract.

[Warning: Jaeger designer professional experience is not enough to complete the draw, please earn experience points and try again]

His heart sank as a warning flashed in his mind.

Jack: "..."

"Can't I use experience points from other professions?" Jack silently pondered, hoping for a loophole in the system.

But the ganster system remained unyielding, ignoring his plea.

Jack shrugged, accustomed to the system's indifference.

Entering the bustling mall, Jack moved with purpose, his eyes fixed on the sleek, gleaming display of the latest Apple iPhone. With the finesse of a seasoned pro, he swiftly acquired the coveted device, smoothly activating it with a secondary ID card stashed in the system space, ensuring a secure SIM card connection. With a few taps, he was online, ready to dive back into the fray.


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