New Job

Entering the bustling mall, Jack moved with purpose, his eyes fixed on the sleek, gleaming display of the latest Apple iPhone. With the finesse of a seasoned pro, he swiftly acquired the coveted device, smoothly activating it with a secondary ID card stashed in the system space, ensuring a secure SIM card connection. With a few taps, he was online, ready to dive back into the fray.

And just as he pondered his next move, a pleasant surprise awaited him. The system had generously deposited $100,000 in cold, hard cash into his hands, a welcome boost for his journey ahead.

But Jack had bigger fish to fry. With the determination of a man on a mission, he turned his attention to his true calling – Jaeger design. Yet, a cursory glance at his system space revealed a glaring void – the absence of a Jaeger designer certificate.

The bracketed explanation accompanying his existing Jaeger knowledge served as a stark wake-up call. It wasn't just a skill.

Fully aware of the uphill battle that lay ahead, Jack couldn't ignore the rarity of individuals capable of mastering this art form.

As the looming dawn of the main plot cast its shadow, Jack knew the era of Jaegers was already in full swing. The scarcity of Jaeger designer certificates only underscored their significance – a badge of honor reserved for the elite few who held the fate of nations in their hands.

Even if the system could conjure up an additional document with its flawless forgery skills, who would buy it? It was as improbable as a broke student magically stumbling upon a fortune. That's why the system's plan was crystal clear: arm Jack with knowledge and let him forge his own path, flying under the radar.

Jack had scrutinized his own credentials meticulously. Living off the grid in the remote mountains had its perks – his documents were squeaky clean. And as for his encyclopedic knowledge? Well, in a world where self-made prodigies were born, mastering every field by your twenties wasn't exactly unheard of.

With a somewhat reassuring nod to himself, Jack glanced up at the sign marking the entrance to the "Pacific Rim Joint Defense Forces (PPDC)" and strode in with purpose. The journey was just beginning.

As Jack patiently waited in line at the bustling branch, he couldn't help but absorb the energy pulsating through the air. The buzz of conversation, a mixture of excitement and anticipation, filled his ears as he inched closer to the front desk. It was evident that everyone here shared one common dream: to become a Jaeger pilot.

Finally, it was his turn. The front desk attendant greeted him with a professional smile, ready to assist. 

"Hello, what can we assist you with today?" She asked, her voice a practiced melody of helpfulness.

"I want to enlist in the PPDC," Jack declared with determination, his eyes reflecting his unwavering resolve.

The attendant's eyebrows raised in curiosity. "Are you interested in becoming a Jaeger pilot, or perhaps another role?" She inquired, her fingers poised over the keyboard, ready to input his request. "If it's piloting you're after, we offer comprehensive physical examinations. Once you pass, you'll head to our training base for rigorous instruction, and after completion..."

In a world where Jaegers loomed large as symbols of power and protection, the allure of being a pilot was undeniable. They were more than just machines; they were modern-day titans, revered and idolized by millions across the globe.

And the perks? Oh, they were legendary. From the adoration of fans to the thrill of global fame, being a Jaeger pilot was like living in a constant whirlwind of excitement and adventure.

But it wasn't just about the glamour. Deep down, every aspirant knew that becoming a Jaeger pilot meant shouldering immense responsibility. It meant standing on the front lines, facing down monsters and protecting humanity from the brink of destruction.

Jack had already anticipated potential scrutiny regarding his physiology.

"No, I don't aim to be a Jaeger pilot," Jack declared, shaking his head. "I aspire to be a Jaeger designer."

The receptionist's initial response was reflexive, but as the realization dawned, her demeanor shifted. "What did you just say?" she queried, her tone tinged with disbelief.

"I said, I want to enroll as a Jaeger designer," Jack reiterated, each word deliberate and resolute.

A palpable hush descended upon the room, devoid of laughter or mockery. Such audacity was typically confined to idle speculation or clandestine discussions. Yet, Jack's declaration commanded attention.

The title of Jaeger designer, seldom pondered by the public, held profound significance. It denoted a rarity even more esteemed than that of a Jaeger pilot. A Jaeger designer was tasked with the autonomous development and design of a Jaeger's core systems—a feat far beyond the capabilities of one who merely looked the part of a youth.

Eyes, filled with curiosity and perhaps a hint of admiration, fixated on Jack. Though silence pervaded the room, the unspoken awe resonated loudly within each observer.

Unfazed by the attention, Jack maintained his gaze on the front desk, awaiting her response with unwavering determination.


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