Another Rickon is dead

After they approached the cliff, a rustle among the trees revealed a few men slowly emerging, perched on the thick branches of the leafy trees. Kakashi and the others, already on high alert, cautiously positioned themselves back to back with Aoto in the middle. As they did so, the children quietly crept away, much to the disappointment of Kakashi and his companions. They had intended to help the children, and their response was disheartening.

"We brought them. Now please let our friend go. We beg you."

"Yes. Please. We have everything possible. Please let Kirin go, please." Takeshi and the other children begged as their eyes became wet. One of the man was held a young girl in his hand while pointing the kunai at her neck.

"Takeshi.. everyone.. You came back.. You shouldn't have.. Leave. This is dangerous." The young girl named Kirin said while having tears in her eyes. Even at her age she was being sensible and knew what was right and wrong.

Everyone, including Aoto, assumed that these children had been bribed into their actions, but the truth was different. These men had coerced the children into participating. Aoto's fury surged, and he was prepared to fight these people to the end.

Aoto didn't possess an overly strong sense of justice, as the world was often filled with shades of gray rather than clear-cut right and wrong. However, the exploitation of children as mere tools was something he detested. They were innocent youngsters, not expendable pawns.

The young girl held captive was nearly the same age as Takeshi and the others, with fair skin and greenish-black hair. The shinobi wore headbands that belonged to the Land of Waterfalls and hailed from the village of Takigakure.

Takigakure, the same village Kakuzu had once belonged to. The village that had once assigned him the impossible mission of assassinating Hashirama. Killing Hashirama might not have been impossible, but it certainly was beyond Kakuzu's capabilities.

"Takigakure. You're quite a distance from your village. Why are you here?" Kakashi inquired solemnly.

The man holding the young child spoke dismissively, paying no attention to Takeshi.

"Hatake Kakashi, the renowned copy ninja. I couldn't believe it when I heard the news that you're so close to the borders of the Land of Iron. It must be raining money today," the man remarked.

This remark only heightened the seriousness of the situation. It was evident that these people were aware of Kakashi and his group and had come here purposefully.

"What do you want?" Guy grew irritated and ready to take action.

"You have quite the bounty on your head, Kakashi, after what you did to Kumogakure (Village hidden in the clouds) and what your father did to Sunagakure (Village hidden in the sand). I won't let such a high bounty slip away, especially when you're so far from home and on neutral ground. I don't understand why you're here, but that's none of my concern. Now, it's time to pay visit to hell and let us take your head." The man said and raised his kunai to throw at Kakashi , along with others.

But before he and others could do so, Takeshi and others came running and shouted.

"Please spare Kirin from this. Our only desire is to have our friend returned. Once you release him, we'll part ways peacefully. Please," pleaded Takeshi and the others.

The man grew even more agitated by their pleas, and without any warning, he stabbed the kunai right into Kirin's neck, then flung her forcefully towards Takeshi. The horrifying scene left everyone, including Itachi and the others, wide-eyed and in shock. Kirin landed beside Takeshi, who was paralyzed with disbelief.

The reality of what had just transpired was unimaginable.

Kirin's body lay on the ground, her bones likely broken from the impact, and before anyone could react, she passed away. Takeshi rushed to her side and cradled her in his arms.

"Kirin... No... You're alright, Kirin... No," Takeshi pleaded, unable to accept the truth. Kirin's clothes were now soaked in blood, and her once vibrant eyes were now lifeless. With no response from her, Takeshi let out a heart-wrenching scream.

Meanwhile, John's anger had been simmering beneath the surface, but witnessing yet another child's death right before his eyes triggered memories of his own brother, Rickon, whom he had been unable to save. The flood of emotions intensified the rage in his eyes as he glared at the man responsible for this heinous act. Until now, John had kept his emotions in check, hoping to secure Aoto's and the children's safety, but now all bets were off.

John swiftly moved his wrist, and radiant, small, bright hues manifested above his head, captivating everyone's attention amidst the cloud-filled sky. In an instant, the brilliant colors transformed into ethereal blades, each bearing a unique and mesmerizing design.

The unexpected sight left everyone astonished, witnessing blades hanging in the air as if defying gravity. But John had no interest in the gasps of those around him. With determined precision, he sent a trio of blades hurtling towards the man responsible for the girl's death.

The man sensed the blades homing in on him and swiftly wielded his kunai in an attempt to deflect the fast-flying swords. Though he managed to parry three of the blades, it was no easy task. The sheer momentum of those large and heavy swords required all his strength to contend with. However, as he focused on countering those three, two more swords materialized near him, catching him off guard. Before he could react, one of the blades pierced straight through the man's neck.

The initial impact of the stab was agonizing, but the broad breadth of the blades ensured that his head was severed in a swift, brutal motion. Forget about the Waterfall shinobis, Kakashi, Guy and Itachi looked at John with wide eyes.

They never expected an man who was known for selling some chicken in KFC had that kind of ability.

"Everyone, we need to take care of them." Corazon was also angry and in the next moment, as his hands shone and Tao Mandalas appeared. 


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