Where is he from?

Guy and others looked at the shining shields at the hands of both Corazon and Aoto. They didn't expect this but now they were more sure of being able to take these scums down.

"Alright, everyone! Let's show them the power of our teamwork!" Guy shouted.

As the battle commenced, Guy charged forward with his "Leaf Gale" technique, creating powerful whirlwinds that swept away the Shinobis.

"Feel the might of my Leaf Gale!"

Seizing the opportunity, John conjured more blades using chaos magic.

With a flick of his wrist, John launched the conjured blades like projectiles, striking the Shinobis with incredible accuracy and force. The surrounding shinobis came back to realization that one of them was killed but it didn't make them handicapped. He wasn't the leader to begin with.

Corazon and Kakashi sprang into action, leaping onto the trees to confront the approaching shinobi, while Itachi stood protectively beside Aoto.

"Soru," Corazon called out, executing his swift movement technique. He deftly evaded the incoming kunai and delivered a powerful punch to the shinobi's back using his Tao Mandalas and immense strength. The Tao Mandalas, known for their unbreakable nature, amplified the force of his punch, shattering the enemy's spine.

Kakashi, on the other hand, showed no mercy. He skillfully parried an oncoming shinobi's attack with his kunai and then swiftly struck him from behind with a shuriken. Though the man didn't perish immediately, he cried out in pain as the shuriken pierced his leg. Being a below-average chunin, he lacked the need for chakra-consuming attacks.

Meanwhile, John, Aoto, and Itachi remained on the ground near the children, shielding them from harm. John utilized his chaos magic to conjure an array of swords, which he hurled towards the shinobi like giant shurikens and kunai.

This was something that Aoto gave him the idea about when John had started learning chaos magic. Unlike Wanda, for whom, chaos magic came natural to her, he didn't have that much high control.

John's proficiency with chaos magic was still a work in progress, unlike Wanda, but he had made great strides in the past few months, culminating in this moment of deadly and mesmerizing swordplay.

Aoto placed massive Tao Mandalas in front of the children, creating a barrier to safeguard them from kunai attacks. The attackers had their sights set on Kakashi and Guy, making Aoto and the children a lesser concern. However, with John relentlessly launching projectiles, the pressure on Kakashi, Guy, and Corazon eased, granting them some respite to focus on the adversaries.

But it wasn't all flowers and roses for Aoto and his team. Out of nowhere, a man with a bandana on his head and spiky green hair appeared out of nowhere and attacked Aoto from behind.

He had a sword in hand. Well, sword wouldn't be the correct word here. He held a long jagged blade made entirely out of solid ice. This blade looked like Samehada of Kisame, only in this case it was lifeless and was just a ninjutsu technique.

(Yes, it's in anime and novel. And no, its not Ice release. It is an exclusive technique of Land of Waterfalls)

The man had an evil smile on his lips as he attacked Aoto only to be stopped by the sword of Itachi.

"Kid, you look like someone who has seen some heavy shit in the world. I like it." The man said.

Itachi didn't reply and attacked the man in response after parrying him. Itachi was great in kenjutsu and thus was able to keep up with the man. John beside wanted to help Itachi but he wasn't sure as his projectile might prove deadly to Itachi himself.

Before they had started their journey, Kakashi had already spoken about what they would need to do once there was an attack. Guy and Kakashi was responsible for the frontal attack and Itachi as defense. It was happening the same here but only in this case they had more help in the form of Corazon and John which was an welcoming one.

"Kuchiyose : Mizu no Yōkai no Gisei" ( Summoning : Sacrifice of Water Spirits)

The man shouted as he bit his finger and hit it on the ground. A shimmering circle of symbols formed beneath his feet, and a solemn aura enveloped him. With a heavy heart, he offered a small vial of pure water to the spirits of the river, seeking the aid of his summoning beasts.

And from nowhere emerged giant, luminous koi fish. Their scales glinted with hues of sapphire and gold, and they floated gracefully in the air, defying the laws of nature. The koi fish were no ordinary beings; they were water spirits, bound by their pact with the man.

The man's name was Suien, a renowned jonin from the Land of Waterfalls. He had taken charge of the mission after receiving information that Kakashi had arrived with a talented chunin, believed to be a great genius.

Suien dispatched his subordinates to distract Guy and Kakashi, intending to launch a proper attack. However, he hadn't anticipated the unexpected assault from John and Corazon, resulting in the loss of his shinobi even before they could strike.

With no other option, Suien set his sights on Itachi, who was in a defensive stance. Aoto wanted to intervene, but John insisted on holding him back, realizing that Aoto wouldn't be fast enough and might be killed in the process.

Meanwhile, the koi fishes encircled Suien like a radiant halo, and he opened his eyes, ready to face the formidable opponent that had emerged out of nowhere. Itachi braced himself for the impending battle against this skilled adversary.


A loud shout echoed as wide crescent blades charged towards Suien. The koi fishes swiftly moved to defend him, creating multiple water walls to halt the attack. They managed to stop the first flying blade, but the second one struck one of the koi fishes. The wounded fish cried out in pain as blood trickled from its white scales, staining them with a crimson hue.


Read 37 more chapters on my p@treon.com/thelightedghost